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Venus and Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn

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(@Anonymous 21669)
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Hi All,

I'm a bit intrigued on the retrograde actions/results of both VeR and MeR in Capricorn at the same time, though only briefly, and curious if others have thought about it.  Laura Barat recently posted a YT video on the VE retrograde beginning in a few days, 19 December. ME will be going retrograde, 14 January @ 10 degrees of Aquarius and re-enters Capricorn on 25 January. VE and ME will both be retrograde 3 days before VE goes direct again. They make contact 3 times, while at least one is retrograde.

Other factors to note; VE goes retrograde at 26 Cap on PL. Mars will be in Cap (EX) starting one day before ME, and starved when ME re-enters Cap.

How this affects one person or another is a curiosity to me, if either ME or VE are identity factors such as AK or Lagna Lord and the bhava that the confident and more powerful planets pass through.  For instance someone I am close to has a Gemini Lagna, ME is the AK and this will all be happening in the 8th house.  If this is happening in a difficult house, would one anticipate a difficulty, even though brought about by way of a benefic?  When talking VE, in a friends sign, supported by a friend I am hoping this means a desirable outcome for most. I am reminded of Ernst example of VE sometimes bringing misfortune, such as a sexual encounter that results in an STD.  Possible example: that one might have a car accident, but get a new/better car from an unfortunate circumstance? 

Just thought I'd put this out there and see if anyone has considered how this might affect them.  As for me this is all happening in my 7th, house and transiting over my natal Moon.  



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Is Ve/Me imp planets for you ?

I'l let you know impact in 3 months ? :). I am Cap lagna; Ve AK; Me DK. 

Ya, with these transitions I have already seen a lot of activities. By no means they are done yet. I'll probably have an even more tranformed life by the time they are done. It's been a good experience though. I haven't felt any pain tbh. (Some things have given way) to give way for better experiences.

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(@Anonymous 21669)
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@scoobydoo Perhaps, the YT series on Love Ernst has been posting is good timing for you! I would say anytime AK goes retrograde in angles is likely to turn some things in new direction, ESPECIALLY the 1st house and your AK and DK.  If you are not already in a committed relationship/ashram you will have to let us know if that has changed in a few months time. Good that shift is bringing better experiences your way. 

My interpretation of Laura Barat's video was that she thought mostly positive effects of this retrograde transit. Specific houses "reward" transits, Venus retrograde through the first, second, fourth, seventh, ninth and twelfth houses are of particular influence.

RE my chart: Capricorn is 7th, Me is my AK, Ve is my PiK (so I hope this bodes well for my father) and Saturn is my DK.  Last week, I had some car issues and my loved one, did a lot of work on my vehicle and it seems to be running great right now. He threatened to buy me another car - LOL! Honestly don't anticipate that happening, just happy to have a smooth running vehicle. P.S. I have a good D16 🙂



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Haha, yes ma'am. will let you know. 

Thanks for pointing out youtube series on love. I haven't seen much of it yet. I was busy with work and study until Fri. I think it's actually good timing by Ernst also because ppl can start to make decisions out of astrology instead of their heart when there's such imp transitions. 

A good D-16 helps 🙂 - emotionally too! .. hmm interesting; I have a good D-16 too ; and I always strongly prefer smooth running vehicles to raw power. You could may be consider an electric car ; I see traditional cars losing value in the future. Once chip shortage is resolved; price of internal combustion engine cars might fall. That definitely one sign that we are in Dwapar yuga (electric age)

Regarding your question on difficult house - i think the magnitude of experience will also depend on where Me/Ve is in birth chart. Yeah; I wouldn't predict an easy Ve experience but it could be an auspicious one because Ve is delighted both by Sa and Me; . The STD example was an inauspicious one. 

I have Ve in 6th, so had AK retrograde return in the 6th last year. It was when I started to really understand myself and triggered a transformation. Next six months experience-wise were shitty, but after that it was really rebuilding and has been great progress I'd say. It was an initially difficult but overall auspicious experience.

Your AK; Me touching Ve is going to be soothing at some level to both you and father I'm thinking :). 

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so yeah, i definitely felt the first hit lol, did not get into a relationship but i had an experience that was fulfilling. I think it was also an example of the lajjitadi avasthas course. 

Unplanned, I spoke to my school crush, she has two kids now but it didn't matter, there was still a very healthy vibe and love in the conversation. I'd spoken to her last almost 10 years back and seen her 17 years ago.

It turned out at the time we both were crushing on each other, but we did not have the right circumstances or training to move it further. 

I've added more details here because I thought it fitted the Lajjitadi avasthas as well.

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@scoobydoo Super interesting, also cool that you got the validation that who you liked also liked you back. Maybe you will meet another like her who is available for you now. 

Interesting for me stuff was also in the love sector. I was at my Mom's and she told me my ex had reached out to her so many times to apologize to me (she started seeing another guy when we were together about 7 years ago). I held on to the resentment for years, but on the 25th decided to unblock her, to forgive and release, kind of like healthy closure, to help free me up for someone new.   

Then on the 26th I asked out a girl I had been crushing on, and I haven't asked someone out in a long ass time. 

Pluto/Venus squaring my moon/nodes brought up some major romance shift type shit. The difficult stuff to face. This isn't over yet though, it just began, I've been avoiding it for such a long time. 

(@Anonymous 21669)
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@codydeboer @scoobydoo Very interesting! Love the stories ????

I will add mine... No new car (yet -LOL), just running better until a better time to buy.  However, I also had an old "crush" contact me this week... VERY random and also, VERY unexpected!!!  Someone that I met in 7th grade over 40 years ago! Strange thing is it was very briefly, we moved into a new neighborhood where I met this cute boy and we were crazy for each other. His family was moving out of state SOON, so we only knew each other for about 7 or 8 weeks. But we were obnoxiously inseparable for that short time. This was my first real "boyfriend", and we promised to stay in contact... of course that didn't happen, in the days before cell phones, emails and long distance calls were extra money. We were kids so the handwritten letters eventually stopped, and we lost contact.  

I guess you can imagine my surprise, when my daughter sends me a text asking if I know who this guy is... Apparently, he found her through FB I am rarely on social media but I have an old account that I never deactivated so he reached out to her and then me.  Both of us are in committed relationships and thousands of miles away, so simply a reconnect.  Strange Ve things afoot for sure.

BTW Aditya, my daughter that was the messenger has DB Mars also - and she is a delight! (usually). Right now, she's in Rahu/Sa and also having her Saturn return so a little on edge.

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@ltmoon Wow! that's so cool, fascinating how all of our experiences were similar in way. I feel with that pluto conjuction it was really clearing some old attachments, I can feel a great deal of room for new chapters coming, in whatever way that may be.

(@Anonymous 21669)
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@codydeboer I totally agree, pluto is working on some deeper levels and something different ahead.

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@ltmoon @codydeboer

yeah this is very interesting. its definitely doing something deep in different ways. it kind of gave me the confidence to trust my inner voice again in matters of love; for whatever is ahead. 

even though it was just a crush in school; my inner voice was all for her. Then as i grew older, from environmental influences; i started listening to everyone else (peers/parents) about the "ideal ways of doing things". i think pluto broke those beliefs for me... 

in my case, we are also miles apart haha, when we spoke; we decided to meet for sure next time I visit my home country. 

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@ltmoon , @codydeboer

hi, i came back to update here after Ve transit completed. It was eventful but very nice.

Ve transits correlated well. Gave me confidence in Ernst's calculations. 

Ve is my AK, also 7th lord in D-7. Also, my lg ld Sa is in Cap in lagna. So I had Ve hitting my lagna thrice and my lagna lord Saturn thrice. And I do have a pretty good D-7, D-16.

I had started very slowly to find a woman during second part of last year. I must thank you and @codydeboer for your thoughts. Because that was when I started confidently making up in my mind about the kind of woman I wanted to be with. Also, to really listen to my inner voice.

I was seeing someone. Ve hit my lagna, within a day or so, I had to say No because I thought it was not the right person.

Ve went retrograde, it hit my lagna ld, Sa. I got in touch with another woman. Then it went stationary in Cap. She told me no. It was little strange but I guess my good Sa in D-7 helped me. This one was something I wanted to investigate because my inner voice was not fully sure.

Ve moved forward motion, and literally the next day Ve hit my lagna ld,Sa again. another potential opportunity came. My inner voice said yes. So, I did put some effort from my side and there was some positive movement. 

After a few days transit Ve hit my lg, and on the same day transit Sa (lg ld) hit my natal Mo (7th ld). That day I started to connect with this girl, she is sweet!. If things continue to go well (they are now), she will potentially be my wife. 

What was super interesting to me was, every time a firm decision was made, either by my side or the other side, Ve was in Purva Ashada. And another astrologer had told me that Purva Asada is the nakshatra where we make a commitment and stick to it. 

Of course, I was not looking at transits while all this was happening, but noticed them later on.; which was very interesting.

Me is 4th ld in D-16. and Ve is good in the varga too. While all this was happening I got my new car which I had ordered in Nov. 

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@scoobydoo Excellent, the transits brought a lot of progress for you. That sounds great! you were also committed to your path, even though the first things did not work out. Sometimes, that is the only way. Very cool! 

Also had some major shifts, probably too because neptune+sun transit conjunct my 4th lord and lagna lord (jupiter in pisces) in the 4th. Yes, I moved to Thailand. 

None of the romantic stuff was working for me during the transits in my home town. All it was telling me and showing was I was not supposed to find anything where I was living. Well, literally I was born and still living right on my Chiron DC (7th) line. 

Well, one way ticket to Thailand, and I have been dating like crazy. even the first day I got here. I wasn't with anyone for 4 years, and within the first week of being here Ive seen 6 different women. Its awesome, totally feel no need to settle down or find someone special, I am having way too much fun with dating, meeting new people, and making connections. This is helping rewire my brain in a much needed way. It actually broke the spell over one of my previous evil ex's.

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@codydeboer thanks bro! 

haha one way ticket to thailand ..... from your description seems like your life wants to take you to funland for a while 😀 

nice that you healed from your previous ex experience

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I just checked out the video, I am Sag lagna, so Venus is transiting my 2nd, so a reward of the 4th! lol woohoo, lets see what happens. What I am most interested in though is the conjunction of Pluto and Venus (GK). The conjunction of Pluto and Venus on Dec 11th at 25 degrees is exactly square my AK Mo/Ketu both @ 25 degrees Libra. And the Retro conjunction will happen again on Dec 25th, 25 degrees again, exact square. Internally lots of stress and confusion around relationships for me right now, and emotional unease. Hopefully I will gain some ease and clarity after the 25th Dec. 

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I'm a Virgo Lagna, so Venus is retrograde while transiting my 5th house. I'm hoping this means a reward from the 7th? We'll see. Interestingly enough, it's squaring my natal Venus @ 26 degrees Libra in my 2nd house (Sun and Ketu are in Libra too). Venus is my Amatyakaraka. I think Ernst' new course on YT fits pretty well with this Venus in 5th motif in my case. I've had a lot of epiphanies and shifts about past relationships and patterns so far. But I'm trying to take notes like a good student (Venus) Ha! still lots of videos to go. Mercury will go retrograde while transiting in my 6th house of Aquarius and then will go direct in my 5th. I'm hoping that has to do with getting some new clients.  
