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Sensitive topics in Varshaphala

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Hi All (Ernst), 

I'm currently integrating Varshaphala into my studies. As I'm learning this technique, I'm looking at a friends chart and I'm seeing that in her next Solar year she has her Munthaha lord Mercury in the 8th with the year lord and 8th house ruler Venus with Jupiter (and Uranus) in combustion (the Taurus Stellium this year). I'm starting to panic a bit because she has spoken about her desire to commit suicide if things keep getting worse for her. I've known her for many years now and I've seen how she struggles with this. She is turning 51 on May 21. I have no idea how to approach this. As I'm going back through the Varshaphala course, I'm seeing the line up for death here. Any advice on how I might proceed with such a sensitive topic? She's not great at handling hard news. She has a low Chesta Bala and Dig Bala Saturn, on the ascendent. How do I comfort her when I'm seeing such harsh realities for her? 

Any help would be great.


Miranda Johnson 

Asheville, NC

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hi Miranda,

It's a delicate situation you're facing with your friend. I believe astrology helped you see the red flags, but more importantly, serve as a supportive friend. However, there may be a need for professional intervention, prioritizing her mental and emotional well-being.

Your primary role here, as I humbly assume, is, as I said, to be a supportive friend. Express your care for her by emphasizing that it's not a shame to seek professional help in hard times.

Instead of focusing on the potential for negative outcomes, try to highlight the opportunities for growth and the possibility of navigating those challenges she faces with the help and support of a professional. Encourage her by showing her she is not alone and that her state of mind can change by choosing a healing modality that she is willing to try. Offer to help her find a therapist specializing in trauma, somatic work, or any type of mental health practitioner.

If she is reluctant to go to a therapist, try to encourage holistic practices. Suggest holistic practices that can support her well-being, such as meditation. I have come across Sam Harris's meditation app and found it tremendously helpful for people going through tough times. It's an easy introduction for non-meditators, called "Waking Up." There is an introductory course that guides you through the understanding of the meditation concept through scientific explanation as well as the esoteric ancient wisdom intertwined. I recommend it to whoever I know, and the response is quite amazing, especially for people who haven’t meditated before and didn't see themselves meditating ever. I will attach the link for a free trial. If you are in close distance from her, offer to go together and spend some time together walking in nature. It can help improve her mental state and provide a sense of peace, grounding, and better receptivity to your support and suggestions.

When it comes to astrology, be sensitive and mindful, focusing on the good avashtas and the good qualities you recognize in her chart, and instill hope and a positive outlook. Mental health is a delicate matter that requires some training; however, the need for close support of others is nonetheless important. So, if you have mutual friends or family that can join in supporting her, be the one to collaborate on that. I hope it helps a little.

much love


this is the app link:

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Thank you very much, Sharon. 

My plan is to encourage her to take care of her mental, emotional and physical health starting as soon as possible, and really focus on getting as well as possible now. No half assing it. 

She has Moon with Rahu in her 8th in Cap with Saturn on the ascendant, Ketu ruler Moon with Rahu. She is a very spiritually tuned in person who does everything from meditation to rituals to anything to help her clear her monkey mind. She’s told me that she has ended her life in many lifetimes and that she knows she’s going to have to do this all over if she resorts to suicide again. 

She’s just moved into Jupiter dasa and it’s DB in Navamsa, I’m wondering if she’s feeling like she’s losing her sense purpose now. 

We don’t talk a whole lot, but I’ve known her a very long time and we’re close, despite long periods of not talking. Her Gemini Stellium is on my Ketu, so I’m sure we go way back. 

we’re supposed to talk tomorrow. She has two Venus year lord Varshaphala in a row, but next year’s Venus is sandwiched in a Stellium with Sun, Mercury and Jupiter in Taurus in the 8th, ASC ruler Venus with  Munthaha ruler Mercury. Her Munthaha (Virgo) falls in her 4th house natally. 

she’s had hard luck with relationships, was adopted as a child from the Philippines and has found many relatives in the Philippines over the last few years. Her American white mother has dementia and is having a hard time. I won’t go on, but she’s going through a lot. 

she is at a distance from me, unfortunately. 

As mentioned above, I’m going to encourage her to do even more mental and emotional health practices, including therapy if she can afford it. 

thanks again for listening. I love astrology and what it shows. I just stumbled upon this today and it startled me. 

I hope I can at least nudge it to turn it around. She does have one friend in the Varshsphsla chart, but it’s Saturn from the 6th house. (Which may end up being her savior). I’m going to figure that’s the work she’s going to have to do to pull through, but it may be just the right antidote. 

thanks again, 


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@l-miranda would you mind to share how her Sun is doing and in which sign/ house it is placed in Rasi? from what both of you write I have the sensation that there is a topic like mastery of emotion/feeling, through disciplined, saturnian action and the willpower to change the karmic pattern in this incarnation. Could be wrong…

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She was born in the Philippines and was adopted in 1973. For a while she didn't know anything about her birth parents, but has recently (in the last few years) gotten lots of information regarding her birth parents. She said she got her birth time, so let's hope that it's correct. 

She is a 29 Taurus sun (Atmakaraka) in the 12th house, Rasi aspecting Moon and Rahu from Cap in the 8th and Ketu in Cancer in the 2nd. These are the only aspects to her Sun. Geminin rising with Saturn, Venus and Mercury together on the ASC. She's got a great dig bala Mercury in OH on the ASC (Venus on the ASC helps too), so she is able to direct her life very well. With Saturn, ruler of the Moon and Rahu on the ASC starving 1st, 4th, 5th and 12th house rulers, I imagine that she feels overwhelmed by a feeing of dread and lack in many ways. This is all rasi aspected by Mars in Pisces, which is also her Pada. Eleventh from the Pada is Taurus where her Sun is, aspected again by the Moon, Rahu and Ketu only. One benefic and not much support from anything else to the pada. 

Jupiter in Aquarius has no rasi aspects at all, except from Ketu in Cancer, but a nice trine from her Gemini stellium, so she has friends that help her out a lot. She does literally have many friends. 

She struggles with her body and wanting to move. Discipline with her mind doesn't seem to be difficult, but moving her body for her better health seems to be difficult. She struggles with weight issues. Sometimes I wonder if Neptune opposing her ASC causes many of her issues when it comes to utter disappointment and dissatisfaction with her life path, physical body and many failed relationship attempts. 

Virgo swamsa and the strong Rasi chart Gemini bent keeps her stuck in her mind, but I know she makes many moves towards meditation, yoga and dietary "restrictions". She has a hard time sticking with things, or I see her saying one thing and doing another? But, I'm not around her very much because she lives 3 states away. 

I haven't delved too much into her dasas, but she has recently moved into her Jupiter Dasa, (it's hard to know exact timing on that, since I haven't been able to really nail down the perfect ayanamsa for charts.) She does have a DB Jupiter in the Navamsa chart, so there's that piece of things. 

Anyway, my head is swimming and it's hard to see it all sometimes. I'm just concerned about this in her Varshaphala for next year because she told me 2 years ago that if things don't start to get better, she will take her own life within 3 years. It's coming up on that time. One person here mentioned to look into the next few years and see what comes up. Maybe there are brighter days coming? I'll see what I see. 

Thanks for your insight. 

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Hi Miranda, I hear you. We are in a time where mental health issues are rising exponentially, and it's the sensitive individuals who are greatly affected. These are often the people who are activated to help others with their struggles. Without the personal experience of knowing what it feels like to be on the edge, it's really hard to truly understand what others might be going through. Overcoming this by finding modalities that focus on calming the mind, which in turn affects our entire physiology, is crucial. It's almost impossible to shift from hopelessness without this.

Working with others to help them can be a profound purpose that you might want to encourage in her. This could give her more reason and motivation to find ways to uplift herself, which she can then teach to others. Look for healing combinations in her chart that indicate her healing potential and communicate this to her. Instill a hope of purpose in her that reveals it's not just for her own benefit, but it's her life's destiny to help others. Please share her chart and D-9 if you can.


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@l-miranda 12th Lord in 8th is supporting for death along with a 12th house Muntha, but there is a lot more going on in that sign, it's Lord + Jupiter are not death factors.  Saturn will be in the 6th, yeah?  That's good for perseverance.  In suicide cases I have seen the Kali (strife) saham being activated along with planets on enemy relationship, is Moon in Virgo?  Also the panchavargiya and dwadasavargiya numbers should be sufficiently low and negative.

In addition the Vimshottari dasa of the natal chart should indicate as well.  Does she have any planets at 11 degrees in her natal chart?

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She has year Lord Venus with Muntha ruler Mercury with Jupiter and Sun in Taurus in the 8th. Year lord Venus rules the 8th and the 1st. Ernst specifically says that when this occurs in the 8th, this could signal death for a person. Sun combusting both Mutha and Year lord in the 8th is kind of the set up. Saturn sextile is the only friend to this stellium from the 6th, so it may pull her up out of the dark, sure. 

Mercury and Jupiter in Pancha and Dwadasha are both low (7 and 9 in Pancha) and are inauspicious in Dwadasha. Thankfully, Mercury isn't within orb of the Sun, Jupiter or Venus, but the the Venus and Jupiter are combust by aspect. 

Venus is doing well at 15 Pancha, and is in auspicious Dwadasha. Saturn is also high at 12 Pancha and is greatly auspicious in Dwadasha at +10. Moon on the ASC isn't great and has low Pancha and Dwadasha. 

Venus ruler in the Navamasa is Sun. Sun here is in an enemy sign Taurus in the 8th again. 

She's just moved into Jupiter dasa in the last year or two. Jupiter is in DB in the Navamsa. Saturn is also in DB sign in Navamsa in natal. She has Moon at 10 Cap, Venus at 10 Gemini and Jupiter at 11 Aquarius. Yes, she has planets close or at the 11th degree natally. I'm not sure what that indicates?

Strife Saham is not activated by sign from anything and is in the 3rd house. But ruler is Jupiter, which is in the 8th. Not sure if that means anything. I probably wouldn't go that far, but maybe that's something. I don't know. 

It looks like Saturn could really be the best friend to her this coming year. I'll encourage that. 

Thanks for your input!


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@l-miranda There was an odd association with planets at 11 degrees and suicide, there is also an association with Aquarius being connected to suicide as well.  I looked at a few charts and the 11th did come up in suicide charts and I was doing a reading once and the person asked me if there was anything about suicide in their chart and their Mars was at 11 degrees in Aquarius and they had numerous friends contemplate suicide and one that did go through with it.  On its own it will not make someone commit suicide but it is a contributing factor.

I've related to people personally who were contemplating suicide.  I have found that telling them that death is not the end of the story and that phenomena keeps going and they will have to deal with what occurs afterlife, consequences of suicide and then they will have to be reborn again to learn what they refused to learn in this life gives them a bit of pause.  Also, as the body is a product of creation and suicide is cutting the connection to the body short, the next life will have the additional challenge of not being as creative and able to participate as fully with the process of creation, either in creative arts, inspiration, projects or procreation of children. 

I have found that most people will find the resources to carry on if they believe that death is not an ultimate end and that karma will follow them through lifetimes and states of existence.  Respecting someone's right to choose is helpful in that you're acknowledging that persons power to choose and they are probably feeling quite powerless.  Believing in them is also helpful as they probably are not believing in themselves either.

Since she's in Jupiter dasa and Jupiter is at 11 degrees in Aquarius and DB in Navamsa, that would be cause for concern on it's own for me, also as Jupiter is a Karaka for creativity and she has said she has committed suicide in the past, in this life her Jupiter is close to debilitation in rasi and in debilitation in navamsa I think is proof and this trend will not get better with another suicide. I haven't seen a suicide in a chart with someone running Jupiter dasa so hopefully she finds something to live for or at least realizing that death is not an answer. 

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thank you for your thoughtful reply. 

She is actually completely aware that she has ended her own life in many incarnations and has explicitly said to me that she knows she’ll have to go through this again if she follows that same fate towards herself in this life. 

So, you’re sort of confirming my concerns based on what I’ve shared, and since she also has Saturn in DB in Navamsa with her Moon, things may just continue to spiral down since Saturn dasa is after Jupiter dasa. 

all I can do is encourage her to find a reason to stay alive. It’s also possible that something will take her that has nothing to do with suicide. That’s also a consideration. 

I'm going to do my best to encourage good things as best I can. Ultimately everyone is on their own path and journey, even if it seems hard to observers and friends. 

I can only do my best. 

Thanks for your insight. 😊

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You’ve mentioned that your friend is turning 51 in May. She has been going through Rahu and Ketu maturation for the past number of years. Have you spoken to her about her Rahu-Moon and what to expect and why she has been experiencing what she has been experiencing?

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I have not spoken in depth about Rahu with the Moon or the nodal maturation periods, but I will do that! Thanks for bringing that in! 🙂

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Hello Miranda,

First of all, how are you doing with seeing this in your friends chart?  Have you looked at her future solar returns or did you become overwhelmed with her turning 51 and got stuck there?

A couple of months ago, I started having suicidal thoughts myself, which is not uncommon for me when I go through lengthy periods of time feeling stuck in life.  

I had an astrology session with the person I most admire in this field and they were able to explain why I was feeling this way and then they talked to me about my life after this period of time.  My future is bright and I am gracefully letting go of ancestral programming and to live my full potential.

Would you be willing to offer your friend a reading with you?

If so, I would look at her future solar returns for the next few years before offering this to her.

If she wants one, I would then approach this way.

I would open it like, I see that you are going through some deep emotional shifts right now.  Do you have the support you need on this internal journey?  

Ask her what she is feeling and then allow her to let it out.  

Talk about the time cycles of going through Rahu & Ketu maturation, talk about her future solar returns and find something there that she will be excited to look forward to.  

When people tend to have suicidal thoughts, they are asking for help with some deep emotional wounding.  I sense that this lifetime of hers is going to change the pattern of all the past lives where she committed suicide and that is why you found it.  

Find the spark of light in her future so she can anchor onto that.

There is a frequency healing tool that I started using that has really supported my emotional health.  If you want, I would be glad to have a conversation to talk more about this and to see if there are any referrals or services I have that can support either of you.  

I live in Wilmington, NC and will be coming up to Asheville in June to hike in the mountains if you want to connect in person.

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