In the Varshapala classes I do not see a focus on bhava house cusps - just a rasi based system. In the manual the wording used is bhava but is that just returning to places from the lagna as opposed to cusps where there could be 1 or 2 cusps in one rasi? The print-outs sample charts do not have bhava cusp listed but this is visible for example in the version of Kala I am using. Thank you to anyone who has experience with this.
I use bhava cusps (primarily) for bhavas. But for the muntha I use whole sign houses.
Thank you! So you are using the whole sign houses for both the muntha and the Varsha Pati year lord assessments then, if I understand correctly.
Ernst has already answered this question in a previous post. He basically said he uses house cusps. Personally I also find they work better for making predictions.
"For Muntha the position based on the rasi shows the ease or stress of the muntha, the cusps its with show what is being focused on. "
this is what Ernst said previously about this question