Last seen: Mar 7, 2025
"For Muntha the position based on the rasi shows the ease or stress of the muntha, the cusps its with show what is being focused on. " this is what ...
hi @silvia I think Ernst meant anything... because when the moon is looking to planets that dont like his aspect or whatever, Mercury, Venus or Saturn...
@ernst that was it. Thanks a lot thanks @ZumrutD
hi Zumrut, maybe is in that course but I havent taken it hehe I must have heard it in another one. I thought it was a sutra but I can't find it @ern...
thank you @ernst
@staffan oooh sorry I miss that differentiation as a moksha house you meant, yes, comtemplation to liberation
Hi Staffan,this is the extract from Vaults of the Heavens "Though the 2nd house represents speech, speech alone is not communication therefore...
thanks so much for this new course!
@quasar259 very nice, thanks very muchI will check on that and I think this can apply to many things