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144 Bhava Yogas - Lagna Lord in 7th

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Hi Ernst and everyone,

When i first read this Yoga;

"Lagna lord in Seventh in a Papa – the spouse will not live; in Subha – one will roam about or be poor or
indifferent or even a king."

I tought we were considering the nature of the sign when they said Papa/Subha, and in my case i've got Virgo in 7th which is a female sign so a gentle sign. But later watching your 144 Bhava Yogas Video you were considering the gentle or cruel nature of the lord of the 7th sign, which in my case is Mercury placed in the 6th joined with the cruel graha Sun.

So i would like to be "sure" about which of those two wondeful results (Jupiter has 0.0 auspicious points) should consider in my case? Also if you could help me to clarify why you are considering that X option and not the Y option? "Paapa" it's a new concept for me (i'm new yesss)

Thank you so!

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May i should also add i've got Venus conjunct the Lagna Lord Jupiter in Virgo. know the yoga doesn't say anything about it, but just in case.

Ernst Wilhelm
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In a papa means in the sign of a malefic, so signs of aries, scorpio, leo, cap and aquarius. I always read gemini and virgo as in a Subha, in an auspicious sign. so you have the roam about or be poor or indifferent or even a king. that's a lot of choices. Roam about is because the 7th is foreign places, a king because the king needs the public which is also the 7th, poor because its possible to become dependent on others and not make ones career, indifferent because the person has none of their own opinions and follows the opinions of others. These yogas will give some element of results but they can be greatly modified by other things in the chart. 

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Are these yogas meant to be read from the D1 only?

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Ernst Wilhelm
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Posts: 3502

@kam yes.

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That helps a lot! Thanks a lot, concretely for expanding the minds :))

Hey Kam, not sure but i've understood that Yogas in general unless they mention; "look at that X varga position, dignity, etc" are talking about the Rasi. 
