7th bhava yogas
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7th bhava yogas

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(@Anonymous 24687)
Joined: 3 years ago

Loss/Death of Spouse Yoga: 

If the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the 8th lord is Mercury widowhood is certain.

What happens if 8th lord in Rashi chart is exalted in D9? 

Yoga that denies marriage 

7th lord in 5th or 5th lord in 7th the native may not marry and if he does he will be childless. Another source: 7th lord in
5th destroys the wife and causes loss of children.

What happens when 7th lord is exalted in 5th and one has not taken to monastic life? 




6 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3387
Joined: 12 years ago

in respect to the 8th lord yoga, it does not give an exception for exaltation so the author wold consider it to happen even if exalted. I have not come across it when exalted. But lets think about this yoga. The 8th lord will be mercury in the navamsa in 2 out of 12 charts. Are 2 out of 12 people widowed? NO. so the  yoga is not functioning as stated. But it may actually just give divorce or separation and not actual widowhood. Once that is determined then the yoga can be used correctly, or not at all in case it does not test out well. Then the yoga can be searched with the 8th lord being exalted in navamsa to see if it holds true. In my personal database those that have this yoga with mercury as 8th lord in gemini or virgo navamsa do nto have a high divorce rate and none have suffered widowhood. One has hte high possibility of that as her husband has had heart problems since young, however, she finished mercury dasa and he made it through that dasa. The majority of the 7th house yogas need extensive testing as do the majority of the non named yogas and once tested, many will need to be thrown out. I have not had time to test all of them. 

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3387
Joined: 12 years ago

and about the 7th lord in 5th exalted and not having renounced love and sex, probably somethign else is keeping them involved in relationships so I would look for that as the chart has to be looked at as in entirety. 

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@ernst Hi Ernst, what is it about 7th lord in the 5th that makes it denying for marriage? I know it's mentioned in some old texts as you discuss it in the video but curious from a dharma/kama meaning point of view as in if it gets in the way of person's swadharma or something. I came across a chart of a Cancer ascendant with 7th lord moon in 5th Taurus(at 5 degrees) and he is happily married and expecting delivery a child in about a month or two.

Also, it seems the case of 7th lord exaltation in 5th is possible in two cases - Cancer and Scorpio ascendants. How could it differ for the two?

Ernst Wilhelm
Joined: 12 years ago

Posts: 3387

@qwertym2 I talk about that in the 7th house yogas videos, i suggest learning it completely there.

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Posts: 83

Thanks @ernst . I rewatched the video and it got more clearer to me than the last time I had watched.

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(@Anonymous 24687)
Joined: 3 years ago

I see. Thanks Ernst.
