Yoga Karakas (Pisci...
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Yoga Karakas (Piscis Lagna) and Quantifying Yogas

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Hi! pisces lagna here ????, have some questions about Yoga Karakas and Quantifying Yogas; 

Jupiter ruling the 10th and the 1st and being in angle (7th) is not consider a Yoga Karaka, isn't it? Not sure if i haven't understood it clarly, but i am asking why Parashara didn't consider in this situation Jupiter as a Yoga Karaka, as we are trying to see if a person is inspired and how much the person is acting towards its Dharma, why the 1st being a Trine and also an Angle is it only considered as an Angle? Later but, in Pisces Lagna it says that Jupiter is a Yoga producers, does this means the same? Or are different "types/powerful"  Yoga producers?

Don't know if i've attached my chart file well; 
Not sure about what aspects we are really considering (Rasi or Planetary aspects?) but Mars and Moon with Ketu in the 4th i think are boosting Jupiter in the 7th. This Jupiter but, is also with Venus, and the auspicious yoga value of Jupiter is 00.00, the inauspicious value of Venus is so much stronger so i guess it destroys it (even adding the possibles positive points of the boosting of Mars & Moon).  

So in one hand i would like to ask you what about Jupiter as a Yoga Karaka, because i'm in Jupiter Dasa, and i'm feeling better than ever and much leaning towards what i feel are my inspirations, but this do not go accord with my Jupiter Yoga auspicious value as i've understood... (i know i don't know enough to judge this so quicklily as Jupiter is transiting the Lagna and so on) But i'm really curious about something said in one of the first videos of the Yoga Judgment Course, where it was said that even a Graha has really little auspicious value, if that Graha forms lots of good Yogas this still could brings Yoga results/"be quivalent to having auspicious values". In that video it was said as example; lots good yogas = 10 good yogas. I've checked in the Core Yogas of Kala Software and i've got 6 auspicious Yogas related to Jupiter, could we consider this "lots of yogas"?
So to qualify this other way to see the results of Graha's Yoga (having 0 or really little Yoga's auspicious value/points) how many good yogas related to this planet we need to find to "activate" it? could other factors as dignity (so rookie jiji) or other thingies influence this activaction too?

To finish if it's not abusing; is correct in this chart;
- Mars is a Yoga producer
- Ketu is a Yoga producer 
- Moon is boosting those both Yoga producers (as an auspicious for Lagna Pisces)
- Jupiter ¿?

 Thank you so muuch for your time ???? 


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Here's the Chart to make it easier

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Ju is with evil lord Ve. Ve will stain it even if Ju had strong yoga points. But Ju has zero so nothing really there. 

Mo, Ma, Ke form yoga and I believe rahu as well. 

Ernst uses planetary aspects for this technique. 


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Thank you @scott-m-19!

Ernst Wilhelm
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Jupiter can cause yoga as asc lord in an angle or as 4th lord in a trine. So it does cause a yoga in the 7th. However, its with venus who is the weakest evil lord on account of ruling the 3rd. Jupiter is the weakest trine lord on account of ruling the first. Its 10th lord rulership does not matter here, but it would if JUpiter was in a trine and forming yoga as 10th lord in a trine. So Venus will reduce the yoga effects to some degree but not stall them entirely. 

For these yogas we use planetary aspects. 

Mars and moon are forming a yoga as trine lords in an angle, and so Ketu is as well as in an angle with a trine lord. 

Jupiter and venus in angle are also producing chamara Yoga which is two benefics joined in an angle whihc is one of the named yogas that can give success, wealth and good qualities to the person. 

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Posted by: @ernst

Jupiter and venus in angle are also producing chamara Yoga which is two benefics joined in an angle whihc is one of the named yogas that can give success, wealth and good qualities to the person. 

Thank you @ernst,  but how can we know if a planet is still able to "give/produce" its yogas if it doesn't have auspicious value; Ishta and Subha points? 
Should i be patient and finish the Yoga Judgment Course? ???? 

Ernst Wilhelm
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There will always be some yoga effect, it may just be slight, so just success on a community level. 

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@ernst Thank you Ernst
