Hello Ernst and all,
I am looking at a chart with the 4th lord Venus is with Saturn in Acquarius. This is a version of Kapata. Saturn is actually more auspicious than inauspicious per Ishta Kashta Table. Would you say that this is a very mild Kapata because Saturn is more auspicious?
I have looked at a dozen charts so far and i find this Yoga quite common in different versions....
Yes, that will make it less severe. THe most severe ones are those with Rahu in the 4th folloed by ketu in the 4th.
I find this yoga to be super common too. But seems to have a wide range of effects and hard to tell what it could actually entail. I think in part because the 4th is a concealed house.
Not at all.
By its nature, the Kapata yoga, the deceit yoga, often goes unnoticed as its all about hiding things, its about deceit. In most cases its minor, in troubled charts its major.