Moon in the 1st yog...
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Moon in the 1st yoga? often bad?

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I have been reading Jataka-Tatva and I often see the Moon in the lagna in bad yoga. I don't understand why this is the case. The moon in the lagna is supposed to give strength. Usually great actors or very famous person have that position. I have a hard time understanding that, the only thing I can think of is an excess of feminine energy would make the person too soft. In the yoga I often see loneliness as a results of yoga involved with the moon in the first. How can that be? I would have thought the opposite, the moon on the first would be someone with a great mom and a lot of comfort.


Here is an example of yoga I'm talking about:

-Moon in 1st aspected by a malefic, Mars in the 7th, the child perishes being abandonned by the mother

- Moon in 1st aspected by a malefic, Saturn and Mars in the 11th, the child perishes being abandonned by the mother

- Moon in 1s, Saturn in 12th aspected by malefic, the birth will take place in jail.

- Moon in 1st, not aspected, the delivery will happen in a lonely spot.

Does the moon in the first means something like a single mother or something? so that when other things hinder the social environment the mom can't take it or it force her to behave in some specific way?

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hi there, i can offer a view about it as i understand it.

the moon in the first represent an emotional center nativity, strongly receptive to the environment around it as part of the individual identity.

if not afflicted in any way it can be quite a powerful position and for certain lagnas ,even have the expression of fame and success as you have stated you have noticed. for libra lagna for example, moon rules the 10-th house and when positioned in the first house(lagna), even when its all by itself, can create a greatness yoga  or if moon conjunct mercury (the 9th lord) in the lagna ( in libra) even better . it has a potential to creates a raj yoga for success and wealth, if no other evil influences disrupt it .(angel lord in trine; look at yoga judgment course for more understanding)

so it is really important to evaluate those yogas to its specific case, and understand that there is a lot of factors that can be involved and need to be taken into consideration, as well as to translate those yogas in  the right context of it .

my suggestion from my own experience and journey of depending my understandings of certain sutras and yogas and how to work with them, is , and when ever you are ready, to  take the "yoga judgment" course. it allowed me to fill all those gaps i had in my general understanding and go back to what i had already studied and look at it again ,with much more depth (kind of like rahu ketu type energy to the process). i must say though it is, a process and each has, his or her journey towards discovering  and deepening the understanding of something in the right and appropriate time for us to do so.....

SO, to get back to your question, the moon, getting aspected by malefic indicate environmental stresses, affecting our mind. most yogas related to malefic influences to the moon hold some expression of the mother involvement, since as infants all the elementary, foundational and fundamental needs fulfillment, security and care ,is given by the mother.

 malefic represents a stress related experiences which disturb the care and security an individual experiences from childhood and most probably by the mother , and since the first house is a focal house which is what "you" and your body focus on, throughout your life , the expression of this energy is very prominent. and probably explains why  the moon in the first house, is mentioned in so many  bad yogas when influenced by malefic, more so then if it was in other houses.

that is however ,not to say that it is not going to bring positive and auspicious results in the first house , when other factors support it to express its luminary powerful qualities, but rather the opposite, it may be very well an extremely auspicious position!!!!!!!!! 


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Yeah I was actually watching that course again as the first time I didn't understand it enough. After thinking more and more about it, the main reason I see is that the moon need attention, the moon in the first house would be someone very sensitive and would need social attention, in the above yoga the social attention is blocked, the 7th or 11th harmed by malefic.

I actually have a friend with moon in the 1st in Pisces, Jupiter exalted in the 5th. I always thought his chart didn't make sense as he is now diagnosed with severe mental disorder. He wasn't outright abandoned by his mother but almost. And the main reason he got a mental disorder was his mother getting annoyed by him. He was living with his mother since about 10, the father divorced. He was born at 6 month. He has Saturn in the 11th. I'm not sure his birth time is the correct one though as he was a bit crazy already when I asked him for his birth time and he wasn't sure.

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@lorris well, if you are not sure about the time and want to make more sense of his psyche check his tara table, and evaluate things by the nakshatras relationships between each other.  you would easily find if there is any personality ill elements if the janma nakshatra, the lagna or the janma nakshatra lords are influenced by bad tara lords or in a bad tara.

there is a direct relationship between "emotional sensitivity" of an individual to his/her early childhood. a person need to go through much more than just his/her mother being annoyed with him/her at later stage in life, to have severe mental disorder, it starts in early age, and carry a trauma related events.  

if the time is right,  there is an exchange between 5th and 1st lord which is a tan yoga or raj yoga, which can present a highly intelligent creative nativity, that aware of what the are best at and most readily shine, they also present ability for focus and consistency in what they are doing, and the creativity and the joy of what they do would be a strong element within their personality, you need to check if saturn (evil lord 11,12) ,which aspects both moon and jupiter ( 3rd drishty and 7th) has a higher inauspicious value (in the yoga judgment table) then either of them to see if this raj yoga is destroyed (i suspect that it doesn't ,but you need to check) but if not then success and wealth also would be present.

if those elements above are relevant in your friend personality then the position of the moon in the first house can be assumed, and to check  the reason for his/her "mental sensitivity" or disorder other elements in the chart need to be evaluated. 

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You are certainly right, I was just trying to pinpoint that Moon in the 1st house may contribute to his mental disorder, though I don't think like you do that it's the main reason.

His Jupiter auspicious value is very high at 17 points, so his raja yoga was active even if Saturn was a bit annoying him by 9 points. He was in his Jupiter period from 0 to 15, during that period his life was on top for a child, he was very wealthy, had everything one would hope at that age, except maybe girlfriends. But when that Saturn dasha came, his life slowly and surely started to go down. It took a long time but after around 7 years into that dasha his family life went down. I agree that it's not a mom annoyed that took him down, there is much more, but his mom was constantly nagging him, or embarrassing him in a manner everyone would be ashamed of. He had a very low self esteem, everyone nagged him for his appearance and inability to walk straight, he had a lot of physical weirdness, akin to a geek, and that lifestyle also. He had a hard time being interested in Artha matter, probably his exalted Jupiter with moon in pisces, I don't ever remember him working at all, but playing video games that was his main focus in life, still is. Maybe it wasn't the case during his Jupiter dasha but I didn't know him as much during that period and I was still young also.

He has the Sun conjunct Rahu in the 12th, and the moon is also not far from Rahu in the 1st, which doesn't help. Also that Rahu Sun also aspect his Venus, mercury Saturn conjunction in Capricorn as the first one is in Aquarius. His 4th lord Mercury is near Saturn, 3rd lord also. There is a yoga also that says the 3rd lord near a malefic can make someone mad. 4th lord that one is obvious, he was lying a lot, I can't say he was trustworthy but someone very kind during his Jupiter dasha, still is a bit but not as much.

Now that I'm thinking about it, it's the first time I see someone with Ketu in the 6th that doesn't like to work at all, or isn't worried about artha. But his Ketu lord Leo is in the 12th with Rahu. His Mars is well placed in the 10th in the last degree of Sag, so near exaltation in Cap. He had a lot of strength for someone born at 6 month but he never worked in his life, and with his mental disorder it's not going to happen very easily.

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all by itself the moon in the first  does not contribute to mental ill nativity,

 it does makes an emotionally centered personality though, and as such when ill elements appear in the chart and affect it ,in some way ,it may very well express itself as some sort of inability to react properly or healthily to the events one experience. it would be noticeable more readily as well ,due to that position .

here as you describe,  rahu and sun being conjunct and in the 12th from the moon, contribute to confusion and extremity of the personality with a tendency for escapism, especially when sun is starved here , and assumingely your time is right ,  also being the 6th lord in the 12th is just emphasizing the fact that frustration and depression can push him into an ill expression of the 12th house and can lead to escapism, indolence , isolation and addiction of some sort(like video games)

all that and being 12th from the moon, can not only prevent stability of the mind but  rather create confusion and "inappropriate " respond to the events he faces . 


there is, interestingly enough, quite a bit of other nice yogas here  which one must not ignore. that is if i captured the position of your planets right (moon 1st; jupiter 5th;ketu 6th;mars 10th; saturn,mercury,venus in the 11th; moon rahu in the 12th)

1.the interchange between the first and 5th(moon/jupiter) raj yoga, while auspicious mars 9th lord aspect both moon and jupiter (4th and 8th drishti to support the raj yoga) with as you said a bit of a stain of saturn the 11th evil lord.

2.the 9th lord mars in the 10th unobstructed ,raj yoga 

3. mutual yoga karakas between saturn and jupiter as well as venus and jupiter (all in good dignity)

4. vipreet raj yoga: saturn(11th) venus(3rd) mercury(7th) all evil for pieces lagna  conjunct in the 11th.

which might indicate that, as i said, assumingely the time is correct, that he is going through  a rough patch in parts of  saturn dasa.

if his lagna is pieces this chart as you described above has a lot of spiritual potential and that can be leading to a great spiritual awakening.

so maybe your moon in the first house as a source of greatness, might come to life after all, through this chart.

keep the hope 😉
