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Yoga Judgement - Acquarius Lagna

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Hello Ernst and all,

I just finished listening to Acquarius Lagna video in the Yoga Judgement course, and i am putting to practice what i have learned. I am looking at a chart Acquariius Lagna, with Sun, Moon(waning), Mercury and Venus in the 10th house Scorpio. I have Saturn in the 5th house Gemini with Rahu. I have Jupiter the evil 11th Lord exalted in Cancer the 6th house. In the Lagna i have Mars

Venus the 9th Lord in the 10th that gives a Rajayoga. Mercury the 5th Lord in the 10th gives yoga. Sun Mercury 7th Lord and 5th Lord gives yoga. But Moon is the 6th evil lord is with Sun, Mercury and Venus. Since Moon is the 6th Lord the 2nd strongest evil lord, it is going to hurt the Sun Mecury yoga, but Moon can't hurt the Venus yoga as Venus is the strongest trine Lord.

Jupiter is aspecting this yoga as the 11th Lord. Venus has +.3 and Jupiter is influencing it by -5.3. Sun starts out with +3.1 and Jupiter is influencing it by -4.3. Mercury starts out with +2.7 and Jupiter is influencing it by -5.5.

I have the following questions:

  • It appears to me that Jupiter destroyed the Venus, Sun Mercury yoga. Moon destroyed the Sun Mercury yoga, but Jupiter destroyed the Venus Rajayoga because of its strength as the 11th evil Lord is stronger than Venus' weaker strength as the 9th trine Lord. This Venus Sun Mercury yoga is completely thrashed by Jupiter which is too bad....?
  • Does it make any difference that Jupiter is exalted?
  • I believe i have a stainless Saturn yoga?
  • Usually when you have 4 planets in a house that house is destroyed except in 1st, 9th and 10th so this 10th house is not "destroyed"?
  • I have the Sankha yoga sp??? 5th and 6th lords (Mercury and Moon) in an angle here?


Is my analysis correct? Thanks much!




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Hi Tuyet,
hopefully I got your chart's my opinion:

Venus (L4,9) in 10th gives Raja Yoga.
Mercury (L5,8) in 10th gives Raja Yoga.
Ve (L4) with Me (L5) in 10th will also give Raja Yoga
Su/Me (L7 & L5) together in 10th gives Raja Yoga (though Ernst somewhere states, its not a real one)
Moon as second strongest of the TrikLords is competing with Sun, Me, Ve. Venus as the strongest TrineLord is stronger, so Venus as being the 9th in the 10th will win, but the Yoga between Venus and Mercury is lost.

"Jupiter, the moon and mars are evil, Venus and Saturn auspicious. Only Venus can give Raja-Yoga. Jupiter, Sun, Mars are killer. Mercury gives mediocre results" BPHS, Yogakarakas 41-42.

So Jupiter aspecting the 10th house and all the planets in there, destroys all the yogas, especially as his negative value is bigger than the positive values of the other planets.

Being exalted doesn't change this yoga-destruction in my opinion, but as an exalted natural benefic jupiter (he is also the ruler of the 11th!) may support the 10th house and also the planets in there, but not the yoga (if he has some other strength like being vargottama or in good dignity in the navamsa). So your 10th house as such is supported by jupiter. and yes, 4 planets in the 10th do not destroy the 10th. Ra/Sa on the other side are in the 8th from the 10th, that's a blemish. Jupiter is in the 9th, thats a blessing and so its always a mixed bag.

Saturns Yoga as lagna lord in the 5th is not blemished by the 3, 6 or 12th lord, but its with the Ra/Ke-Axis in 5/11th. this axis often is connected to financial gains. of course everything is depending on the avasthas of the planets and the right dasa to come.

Sankha "conch shell" yoga (from "Core Yogas"):
1. the 5th and the 6h lords in mutual angles and the lagna lord strong
2. the lagna lord with the 10th lord in a movable rasi and the 9th lord strong.

In your case, the first version would apply, if the lagna lord saturn is strong (beside of the yoga).




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@christiank Thank you so much for your time.  You came to pretty much the same conclusion as i did. This is really too bad because this chart has some very good yogas, but the 11th Lord is so strong that it destroys all the yogas. The 11th Lord is about group validation. This is a relative's chart who is a young man going to college. Since the 11th Lord is his problem, i will use it to guide him in his future as not to let group validation get in the way of his inspiration. 

I really enjoy this yoga judgement course. I do believe that if people know of "their problem planet" early on in life, they could work on that problem area and hopefully not let that get in the way of their inspiration.



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i have a follow up question. With the above facts we have Jupiter the evil 11th house Lord in the 6th house Cancer aspecting the 10th house destroying the Dharma yogas. My question is when i look at the planetary aspect Table in Kala, the aspect is not that strong (jupiter is aspecting Venus by 26 points, Jupiter is aspecting Mercury by 28 points, Jupiter is aspecting Moon 31 points and Sun 30 points), do we consider this an aspect that would destroy the Dharma yogas formed here, or do we ignore this planetary aspect of Jupiter to the planets in the 10th house because the aspect is not that strong?

The auspicious/inauspicious values that i gave in the original question came from the Ishta Kashta Dig Table. My question here has to do with the planetary aspect values of Jupiter from the Aspected Planets in Rasi Table....






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Hi Tuyet,

you have to take the (ishta/kastha-digdadadavalue x aspect value)/60 to get the impact on the planet. Kala does this in the yoga-judgement screen. Something like "ishta/kashta to planets). And if this is less than the auspicious value of the planet the yoga is alive. If it's bigger, the yoga is destroyed. 

So in my opinion it's not the strength of the aspect, but it's outcome. A small quantity of something really hard can be still destroying if it hits something weak already.

Best Christian


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@christiank  thanks!



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@tuyetv And by working with a chart this morning I realized, that of course one has to do this with each planet that's part of the yoga (for example the 9th and 10th lord together in the 5th house aspected both by the 11th)

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@christiank  yeah in this course i get to practice my math... Kala is great, it does most of the work for us
