Last seen: Feb 11, 2025
I have a Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Rahu conjunction in the 6th parivartana yoga with Mer in Sag in the 9th. I definitely identify with my ashamed Jupiter...
@tuannguyen Ersnts uses Dhruva galactic centre ayanamsa and he decides the winner of the war based on which planet is higher.
I also vote for such a course
According to Kala/Ernst, the conjunction is in Aquarius not Capricorn. Saturn wins the war not Jupiter. The nakshatra is Sravana not Uttarashadha.
@christiank I seem to remember that Ernst said that the Patyayini technique was not very accurate. He said the last technique with the D60 was accur...
Thanks Mona. When you say aspect I assume you are referring to aspects within orb table. If I remember correctly Ernst said he would explain later i...
In Trumps D1 Cara Scorpio is trashed but since it has no planets Mars becomes more important, Mars is GF and manifested by Jup, so I would say it come...
I have offline Kala 2018. Is that not the latest version?
Dec 27th 1979, 13h15, South Africa Both Jupiter and Mars are alone in the sign but Jup is not getting shamed but Mars is lajjitadi.JPG
I also notice that if a planet is not kopi in a varga then that value is not applied. How come the same rule is applied for shaming?