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Thoughts around vaccines?

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Has anyone look into covid vaccines yet? Wondering if it could be figured  out those with less side effects, or if there’s better ones coming. What would be your approach? Maybe prasna through the release date? I would like to read your thoughts ???? 

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I’ve been giving it a lot of thoughts. I know a lot of people who got it with no side effects (living in Boston, most of my friends/neighbors work in the healthcare industry and were prioritized, some of them got it as early as January if not sooner). In Massachusetts, over 3 millions people now got their first dose. And as far as I know, I haven’t heard anything negative re: side effects. I had no intention to get it because I’ve been boosting my immune system and am healthy but I want to be able to travel internationally and it’s almost becoming a social imperative (will I ever be invited to parties if I don’t get it? ????????). My husband is getting his on Thursday and I am pre-registered (I will become eligible after April 20th). Now, the reason I’m also going for it is because I have a homeopathic treatment from a lady I consulted last Fall for my son (flu vaccination was then mandatory for schooled kids). It was also a treatment to help with his asthma. It’s the first winter he hasn’t had a cough related to cold air (which used to trigger his asthma or overactive airways as they call it now). The homeopath believes that his asthma was caused by too many vaccines too soon so she had a detox phase followed by a remedy one. So am planning to use that detox treatment for my husband and I for this vaccine.

This lady is based in Switzerland and is working donation-based, happy to share her info if interested. 


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Amit Bhat
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Hi Mona

Thanks for sharing your experience. I think George Vithoulkas said 97% of healthy people recover on their own should they contact Covid and doesn't regard vaccine a healthy choice. Many celebrities in India are reporting to test covid positive after first dose. 

Is your homeopath giving one remedy at a time and then waiting a week or month to see its effects? Or giving many remedies to be taken everyday?

Thank you 




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@amit Hi Amit, for the post vaccination protocol, it was 3 different remedies (Aconite, Sillicea, Thuja), taken for 1, 2 and 2 days in a row respectively with specific dosage + a PBX heavy metal detox spray to take for a month minimum. Starting right after vaccination shot. 

That being said, for the asthma treatment, that was more complicated and she mentioned she would need to adjust based on his reaction. So we had check points. Since he reacted really well, she believes it was the right treatment (otherwise she would have adjusted). We spent over an hour on Zoom before she recommended the treatment, so it was a pretty thorough analysis of my kid (she also talked to him), including psychological/behavioral questions. 

This is her website (Michelle Ricaille is her name) if you want to see her background/philosophy:



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@mona interesting! thanks for sharing I know that eventually we all have to get vaccinated for practical reasons like you mention traveling etc (I want to travel too! ????) but it’s said that some of this covid vaccines change your dna or may have long term side effects, that new ones are coming so I guess we have to find which one is the least disruptive to the body, some astrologers predicted that current vaccines would not work and now we are seeing the new strands coming stronger and would like to know more from astrological perspective

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@veronica these are the main reasons I don’t want to get it in the first place: no perspective on long term side effects and efficacy challenged by new strands (I also read an article about how long the vaccine would protect us and the conclusion was between 2 months and 2 years, so between the line reading = they really have no clue!). When it comes to DNA, I had a quick chat with a friend of mine who was saying that, we’ve both had our kids, not planning to have more, so she was less concerned about it but we both agreed we wouldn’t want our own children to get it. My step daughter just gave birth to her daughter and she was telling me she would not get it as she is breastfeeding. To be honest, I have very little knowledge of what’s in those vaccines but I find those concerns legitimate and need to be addressed. The other issue I find is really problematic is that there is no conversation re: how to naturally boost one’s immune system. To me, the vaccine is a bandaid on a broken leg if you don’t address lifestyle issues in the first place. I actually think vaccine companies have a duty to educate the public on this (but my husband tells me am just weird to think that ????. What i find weird is people getting so excited about their appointment, congratulating each other’s for getting it and being so stressed out about not having an appointment). Anyways, it’s no easy topic! 

PS: sorry, no idea from an Astro perspective but happy to hear from anyone who’s given some thoughts. Prashna is actually probably a good approach or maybe using the date of emergency approval in the US or relevant country (I’ll play with it this week:p

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@mona yes thinking the same, people getting excited without exactly knowing what they are getting although valid because many see it as an opportunity to live longer

Amit Bhat
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Hi Mona

I study homeopathy a little bit and I think for each vaccine, they develop its kind of particular anti dote called nosode to get away from vaccine side effects. Not sure though if its done for Corona vaccine and in general looks like most homeopaths work like allopathic doctors. I am not sure about the profile you shared but I like the homeopaths who will just give one dose at a time for several days because the essence of homeopathy is remedy picture is in resonance with the disease picture of the person and that lifts the immune system up and the causative virus or bacteria unable to harm the person even though it's in contact, it becomes powerless. 

The best bet seems to be boosting our immune system through healthy diet, exercise and a good lifestyle and staying away from all this vaccine business.

Ernst once recommended a book called The Science of Homeopathy by George Vithoulkas and I liked it a lot as he defines health in a true essence of body, mind and spirit and discusses how each individual reacts differently to vaccines and all the mechanism of immune system in layman terms. I found its better to be equipped with knowledge from experts who understand health holistically and not just like allopaths who just want to develop antibodies somehow and ignoring all the aspects that can eventually create deeper disease in the individual.






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@amit thanks for the book reference! I know very little about homeopathy and would love to dig deeper at some point. And, you’re right, not sure how this protocol would work specifically for this vaccine. There’s still a lot of unknown.

Also, as you mentioned, nutrition is key. And, I heard gut health is very important as well. Sigh... So much to learn in one lifetime 🙂 

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Been chronically ill on and off for 20 years been to various homeopaths, never worked for me. What is its authority anyway, it's neither scientific nor traditional.

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Amit Bhat
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Search someone who is truly following George Vithoulkas. I see homeopaths clicking pics with him but not really following him. 

Also there is a concept called predisposition to disease. If a person is genetically weak in constitution, then homeopathy will also take time or be effective in limit only. Nothing so simple or miraculous!


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@radharamana Am sorry to hear about your health. I remember reading (I believe it was from Ryan Kurzarck) that homeopathy is particularly efficient for people who have a well-disposed Sun. My son has a strong Sun, which is one of the reasons I decided to give it a try. And the homeopath I consulted also mentioned that homeopathy was not helping in certain cases (she told me but unfortunately I don't remember...). She also has different approaches whether she believes the issue has a strong emotional root versus a more circumstantial one (like with my son, too many vaccines too soon). So, it may be you haven't found the right person or it may not be for you. I wish you to find the right healer or healing tool.

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I'm concerned about it. I have a Mars-Saturn conjunction. I don't recall any adverse reactions to vaccines in my life, though. I've been on the fence, but finally scheduled first of Pfizer for this Saturday. I believe Ernst says DO NOT get vaccinated if Mars and Saturn and Rahu are conjoined, but he still says weaker response for Mars-Saturn. 

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My daughter has MA/SA on lagna.

She reacted to the misles vaccine with a sudden eyesight decrease by 2 diopters on both eyes. Sun is lagna lord, Mars aspects the Moon. (Sun/Moon- eyes). Mars is dispositor of Rahu. Saturn is sixth lord.

Mars was transitting over her Rahu house. Mea culpa. It was before I got into the medical part of astrology. Knowing what I know today I would have rather emigrated to where vaccines are not obligatory.

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I am interested if any of you have Mars-Saturn conjunctions and have had issues with vaccines? 

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@everylightifound My brother has a Mars, Saturn, Ketu conjunction in Aries. No issues with vaccinations thus far for him. 

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