Last seen: Feb 24, 2025
@tuyetv With that said I do recommend the 90th video in the PAC course, which I watched just after having written my post. It´s about uccha bala, whic...
@tuyetv Both are wonderful choices! I´m deeply in love with COT as you may have noticed if you have read my comments on the forum, and especially the ...
Maybe needless to say, but I do it anyway: I encourage you to approach this theme carefully and make the necessary questions that will tell you whethe...
@suzanstars And, as we know, Mars is logic. I enjoy how logically you went about this. It absolutely makes sense, when you compare it to Ke/Mo.Staffan
@nkan My kid has Venus and Mercury conjunct too, so that makes up for this LA to a great extent in his case. Mercury combust but retrograde, so 95 % c...
To my understanding the outer planets don´t interfere with the practicalities of life on Earth. So as far as I know: no, it can not be because of Plut...
Still you managed to find the right man in your life, it seems. I guess your Jupiter is good?Staffan
Great, brave storytelling. I couldn´t help feeling it reflected in my own life experience to some degree. I have my Mercury starved by Moon by 41 varu...
Personally i started with the Cards of Truth, which lays a good foundation in a short time and takes away much of the stress of having to learn everyt...
We could need a new one, that´s for sure! Staffan
@curioussoul You know, when something is hard enough, it gets easy. When you don´t have a choice. It reminds quite a bit of a child´s birth I guess: o...
I have Rahu conjunct a DB Saturn, so I believe I speak out of experience. To me not resist the force of anxiety has been the key. Concretely lying...
@nkan I didn´t know that. Just a clarification; when you talk about 200 as a score, do you refer to percentage or varupas? Staffan