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Joined: Jan 27, 2022
Last seen: Aug 26, 2023
Topics: 8 / Replies: 19
RE: What should be let go to heal Saturn's bad avasthas?

@ernst Thank you Ernst, not just for the comment but also your teachings. Could you point me to the course where I can get the answer to my query. The...

3 years ago
RE: What should be let go to heal Saturn's bad avasthas?

@mitryendra80 Haha I have Sa in 10th house in D9, D10 and D4 I think. I'm not going to think about it and just be grateful for what I have ????

3 years ago
RE: What should be let go to heal Saturn's bad avasthas?

@francesca Yes, I saw them and hence the question. For example I have Mars starving Saturn (Saturn in Scorpio) and in the video its about Mars who is ...

3 years ago
RE: What should be let go to heal Saturn's bad avasthas?

Alright, this s*** is wild AF. When I felt I "understood" letting go I had an energetic experience as if a weight was lifted off my shoulder and my bo...

3 years ago
RE: Psychospiritual significance of the Sun

@amit 1 question, when we heal our LAs who is the I that heals? Say Saturn is starving Sun and we are in negative self talk of low self esteem, is the...

3 years ago
RE: Spiritualizing planets

@manisha From this link A planet in Kshobhita indicates that the individual invests his individuality into the Kshobhita planet in such a way that ...

3 years ago
RE: Saturn in Scorpio

@tuyetv Also, your notes are very spot on. I have had to do a lot of depth work just to be "okay" in life. The Sun in Scorpio gives me the strength/in...

3 years ago
RE: Saturn in Scorpio

@tuyetv Thanks! That really helped.. I'm a Ta lagna having, Su, Me (C) and Su (C) in Scorpio 7th house undergoing Sa mahadasha and been looking everyw...

3 years ago
RE: Saturn’s Function

These are my notes from Ernst's YouTube video on Habits Of Saturn.. hope it helps Parashara starts by describing the virtues of planets but for Satu...

3 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 762
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