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What should be let go to heal Saturn's bad avasthas?

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Do we have to let go of achieving/receiving the fruits of the houses Saturn rules in order to heal Saturn's bad avasthas or is it the house he sits in or both?

Say Saturn rules the 9th and 10th house and is combust in the 7th house are we supposed to not work towards fame, higher learning, parental reconciliation and happy relationships? i.e. have a "meh" attitude towards these things which frees up energy to pursue other Sun things?

We still of course have to work, learn and have relationships but we should not be too attached to its results but still trust that we will be better off overall without having the "best" of these things?

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Alright, this s*** is wild AF. When I felt I "understood" letting go I had an energetic experience as if a weight was lifted off my shoulder and my body feels lighter

In about an hour, out of the blue, I got some unexpected news that I have been waiting for, for a decade, related to Sa houses. Its along the lines of what I wanted to hear and was something I just let go off. I'm in tears and have no words

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Ernst Wilhelm
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@the_reckoner yes, its just like that, the moment we get clear on something 100%, everything changes.

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@ernst Thank you Ernst, not just for the comment but also your teachings. Could you point me to the course where I can get the answer to my query. There are so many!

Ernst Wilhelm
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@the_reckoner What exactly was your question?

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@ernst Hi Ernst.. my question is, since Saturn is the planet of not doing anything and letting go what should be our attitude towards the houses it rules?

Eg Sa rules the 9th house in my chart, so I should not go after gurus? If a guru comes then well and good and if not keep doing the Sun things and go your own way?

Ernst Wilhelm
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@the_reckoner Saturn has no power. Its where we have to let go in the sense of surrender. The forces there are beyond any control, we just have to allow things to take their course, whatever that course may be. In the end, what is always being completed, is the fruits of previous actions.

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@ernst Why do some astrologers say Saturn's placement is where we have more responsibility?

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I think I got the answer listening your Human Design Collective youtube interview.

Ernst Wilhelm
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@mitryendra80 Because as long as there is karma to burn there you are there and you are not leaving and that can feel like a heavy responsibility.

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@ernst Hi Ernst, thanks for the response. What you mentioned is my understanding as well.

However, in Character effects of the Grahas you have written the below. Is it still valid?

Developing the Bhava that Saturn is placed in as counted from
its Mulatrikona Rasi and developing the indications of the Bhava as
counted from Saturn’s position to its non-Mulatrikona Rasi,
overcomes the difficulties of Saturn and puts Saturn to best use.

Ernst Wilhelm
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@ernst Hi Ernst.. this creates a paradox for me. I am Ta lagna with Saturn in the 7th. 10th from Aquarius is the 7th, but Saturn is combust in the 7th in my D1 and so I ought to let it go

Does this mean I ought to focus on developing only the 3rd?

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@ernst Hi Ernst, in Vault Of The Heavens, the below is written. Are both of the techniques to overcome the difficulties of Saturn valid?

Developing those houses Saturn rules, as counted from Saturn’s
rasi placement, overcomes the difficulties of Saturn and puts Saturn
to best use. For instance, Saturn in Taurus must develop purpose and
meaning- 9th house, in their actions- 10th house, in order to overcome
the lack of self-worth indicated by Saturn in Taurus or the 2nd house.

Ernst Wilhelm
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@the_reckoner Yes, and as people heal their saturn they will also naturally adopt those behaviors.

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@ernst Thank you Ernst!!

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@ernst Thank you Ernst!!

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Sorry to ask something that has already been answered, but just in case someone can answer, which houses and signs are important in Angelina Jolie's chart according to this technique of Saturn?

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Have you had a chance to watch the videos relevant to your Saturn from the master's course?

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@francesca Yes, I saw them and hence the question. For example I have Mars starving Saturn (Saturn in Scorpio) and in the video its about Mars who is the doer. Mars basically becomes a part of other kindgom's team rather than ones own. In my chart I have Saturn owned houses empty, and Saturn is about not doing anything, so what happens to those house is what I am trying to gain clarity. Can you point me to the answer or the course where it is answered?

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Gotcha! I think I just didn't quite understand the context in which the questions were asked. I don't remember any specific point during that series that would answer this particular question. You're completely right about that. 

I suppose I just remember Ernst saying in previous courses that a planet concretely manifests and takes care of the houses it rules (like you mentioned) and also the house cusps it's with. I also have Mars and Saturn starving each other, but in Capricorn (just wrote a long description of some of my experiences in a different thread). Of course, my example is much "simpler" or "straight-forward" than yours because they both occupy the same house. In your case, I suppose I would look at the cusp each planet is with individually in addition to what signs it rules. So my understanding is that a starved Saturn will concretely influence your behavior and habits with respect to the house cusp it conjuncts (also the 7th for you, if I understand correctly).

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@francesca I didn't understand the part about house cusps, I'm still learning ???? 

However, you mentioned

a planet concretely manifests and takes care of the houses it rules

What I understand is that if the Sun, Mars, Mercury rule a house we have to actively work on the Karakas of the house to lead a fulfilling life because they are the planets of action. Since Sa is the planet of letting go, does it mean that we should not take directed action towards the houses Saturn rules? By directed I mean having goals about the Karakas of the house since we don't in our hearts of hearts truly care about them

As we heal Saturn's avasthas we allow him to better do whatever he has to do w.r.t the houses he rules by getting out of our own way. Something like surrendering to the Universe/letting God take care of it?

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Sometimes Saturn, in addition to ruling 2 houses, is placed in an angle that rashi-aspects all other angles, so in that case we have to pretty much let go of everything.

And in the d7 Sa's in the 7th, and in the d10 its in the 10th, etc.

Sometimes Ernst's teachings need to be received and metabolized at an energetic level beyond the mind.

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@mitryendra80 Haha I have Sa in 10th house in D9, D10 and D4 I think. I'm not going to think about it and just be grateful for what I have ????

Ernst Wilhelm
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Every planet does what it does in accordance with its way of being. All these questions are going against the grain of saturn. Every one of these questions is asking about what to DO with saturn. Can you see the irony in that? Lets say someone says, I am not talking to you!

Saturn is Dumb, he does not talk. So they are being saturn now. So what do you do? NOTHING. Eventually, they will talk to you. In TIME, they will talk to you. In time saturn does what he needs to do, opportunities to make the house happen will come in TIME. and when that time comes, its upto the other planets, not to saturn. The probelm is we try to do things when its not time for it, and that means we waste our time and our lives as saturn is the hour glass on our longevity. Do what the time allows NOW, instead of trying to do things that saturn is saying, its not the time right now. 

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@ernst Wow...!

I have a debilitated Saturn with Rahu, which obviously isn´t an asset, generally speaking. But what I´ve really come like with it is that it doesn´t give a damn about certain things. If Aries represents initiative, life force breaking through, Saturn there is a cool looker-on. He doesn´t go for anything; like in native American medicine that I´m into; I´ve never been looking for any ceremony or substance or tradition, it all comes to me. Sitting there in a ceremony I´ve been offered wonderful visions and I´ve heard myself, from deeply within saying "thank you, but no thank you, I don´t need anything". A healthy lack of curiosity, as I experience it.  A natural tendency for depression - sure! - but spiritual wise it spells out as detachment I think, and that´s not so bad.


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Just listening to Ernst speaking about the difference between detachments and denial; a starved Saturn representing the latter. Makes sense and I must admit I´ve suspected it´s that way; it´s like anorexia; not a healthy detachment, nothing to behappy about.


Amit Bhat
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A starving saturn sucks so badly to self and people around too.. 

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@amit Yep. I´ve had such a privileged life in so many ways, yet a hard time to appreciate it. Like a low degree of depression mostly. Sometimes not so low neither... For me my parenthood has been my first priority in life, yet is a hard to give the kids a faith in life that you don´t have yourself. My kids have been hurt by that, for sure. Two of them have a Ketu/Moon conjunction, the third has a Rahu/Moon. With that said my youngest son is celebrating his 13th birthday today with friends and seems to be really happy. My middle son we sent to Sweden at 15, where he lives with my parents, and he is doing well there becoming a glider pilot and cruising through life. My oldest child, a girl, has been really hurt though. I had to leave the country where we lived; that I´ve told about in another context. She doesn´t speak to me. 🙁 (Although the cards seem to indicate that she will be back soon, But in what shape? She has Ketu/Moon so it´s a delicate process.)

But even though my chart is really tough in many ways - Pluto in a close conjunction to the Moon and an ashamed Jupiter, except for Ra/Sa conjunct in the 11th house - I also have double vargottama; both the Moon and the ascendent. I guess that has saved me to a large degree, in today I´m in a situation where I believe things are starting to flow in a more joyful way. I´m working on my feminine side, little by little starting to trust life.

Astrology helps me not to blame myself for what has gone wrong. It couldn´t have played out much better, after all.

And I´m so thankful for my double vargottama. It really gives me the feeling of having someone up there liking me. I feel I always get a second chance. Something good I must have done in previous lives...


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@amit Perhaps you were referring to other adversities, though?


Amit Bhat
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I was saying in general where it results in chaotic attitude which can affect lot of things in our life. Most severe theme  is misdirected energy that I see resulting in depression and grief.

It is good though you have great courage to take it heads on!!

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@amit Yep. Like wading through a sewer trying to keep your valuable stuff dry.


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