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What should be let go to heal Saturn's bad avasthas?

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Amit Bhat
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Saturn mantra in graha sutra is amazing... I recommended to a person who got a db Saturn and Saturn Dasha running, they do it regularly... they are enjoying not doing anything and happily waiting for things to happen!! 

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@amit Thank you Amit! I´ve got Saturn/Saturn dasha running right now (and my Saturn is DB), so this is clearly something for me. (Interesting enough I´ve got 7 of Spades as my year card this year, in the Cards of Truth system; it´s like the most saturnial card of them all.) I try not to do too much this year.

So this is obviously something I want to pay attention to. Where do I find that mantra and how do I learn the right pronounciation?


Amit Bhat
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It's in graha sutras under japa section. I have attached the screenshot here. It needs 23k recitations.

You see the English version for learning. 


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@amit So.... 108 a day for 200 and something days?

Thank you Amit, very appreciated!


Amit Bhat
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I think choose any comfortable number based on time available to you that you can do with full concentration and devotion 

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@amit I found it on YT. In case someone else wants to learn it.



Amit Bhat
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He has connected the words bit differently... I attempted to speak them as mentioned in graha sutras in the attached file

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@amit I can´t wait to begin with my mantras for a debilitated Saturn! *dad joke for astrologers*

In the mayan calendar Cholq´ij that I follow, my energy is descripted as water and I´ve been encouraged to especially focus my prayer on water. So this mantra is certainly for me. I´m going to stay close to a river this summer, I´ll see if I can do all the 23 k mantras there. We´ll see.

Again TY Amit!


Amit Bhat
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@meyes all the best!

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Have you tried the other mantras in graha sutras like these from the Rig Veda? If so, what has been your experience? Seems like a great way to tune into the grahas in general on a deeper level. 

Amit Bhat
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Yes, I tried Mars a lot, I like them.. gives a good solid confidence... I like to do havan with these mantras whenever I can... key is to persistent long enough till they get deeply imprinted into the brain...

I am also these days looking for science to select rudraksha to directly work at chakra level... not finding much sources .. and experimenting with Australian bush essences which I find as amazing...

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First, I believe you're going to achieve/receive what you have to from the Saturn houses anyway... to whatever degree your chart indicates. 

Second, I don't think the "meh" attitude is actually truly letting go, or being detached as a true Saturn quality - which is a good attitude where needed.  This true detachment is acquired by experience and contemplation, I would say. You still need to do (or pay your dues) the things from the Saturn house and so on, but being present in these situations is to me, the first step, because it will give the clarity you need in the long run. Simplicity is key when it comes to Saturn and its activities. I would not overthink this and get too confused.

Being in Rahu/Saturn has taught me a few things about simplicity and the need to actually put things in order. Seeing where I was tripping and causing me trouble, using the Venus and Mercury approaches to help out Saturn (I don't have that helping out my Saturn originally, which is actually pretty starved by the Moon) - and being BRUTALLY honest with myself, will help out perspective. Taking the junk out is really necessary. Simplify!

I believe working with discipline and not wasting time with stupid things is a good way to improve whatever outcome you're going to get. Focus on what is important, discard the garbage - be focused and use your energy wisely. You cannot control the outcome per se, but you can control how you use your precious time and all other resources. Not counting emergencies of course - so understanding that what you can do is in your hands, and the other part is up to God, or fate, or whatever, is always a good mindset to have. Keep yourself in order as much as you can - have a schedule, keep your home clean, your body, and everything else - it has worked wonders for me, and amazing clarity specially for my Saturn houses! And rest!



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Oh, and acceptance. See the junk, take it out, accept things, move on. Be nice to yourself, take a nap. 

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