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Saturn’s Function

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These are my notes from Ernst's YouTube video on Habits Of Saturn.. hope it helps

Parashara starts by describing the virtues of planets but for Saturn alone starts with dull-minded, lazy, lame so its possible that these are virtues. A healthy Saturn has the habit of doing the right thing at the right occasion. Bad habits are about doing the same thing in all occasions. A good habit is adaptability ie. doing the right thing at the right time which means constantly doing different things which the situation demands. Saturn is about recuperating vital energy (Viriya) which is generated by Venus. Bad habit Saturn is about flogging a dead horse.

Saturn is about excretion ie. rejecting that which is no longer needed and has served its purpose. A good life is about having good energy in the body, if this energy is low then you will be depressed and could be wasting energy on some planet. Even if you met a loved one and you have low energy it would not be a good experience. Bad habit Saturn feels a sense of bleakness or that all hope is lost at the end of something but a good habit Saturn sees the opposite end that it is opening up to new possibilities. This can also be about taking a break.

One of the dieties of Saturn is Yama, the God of death.
Why is there a bad habit Saturn?
- Self Esteem issues because we have to keep proving ourselves. So, even in the face of defeat or when no progress can be made we don't stop ie a trauma. This is a loss or suffering we weren't prepared for and the loss has traumatized us.
- We haven't experienced enough joy i.e. Jupiter. It is our highest level of fulfillment and is where we're experiencing life the most fully, most good at and being our best self. Saturn is where there is no gain, no growth, no fulfillment so we have to stop it. Jupiter is us expressing ourselves as the most of what we are, Saturn is what is not us at all. So when it is time to let go of something Saturn is telling us this has to end because it is not us "now". This "now" could be five minutes, maybe an hour, maybe a day, maybe a lifetime. When the time comes to say its over. So, if we haven't felt the fulfillment of Jupiter we are not ready to let go

Sri Yukteshwar said that the purpose of life is for the soul to have a deep experience and once it is satisfied it is ready to leave the world i.e. after a Jupiter experience its ready to have a Saturn experience i.e. to die. But humans keep running around here and there and never have a deep experience, leading to being unfulfilled due to which we keep coming back. The little things that we are scared of ending are not as good as our Jupiter experience. Listening to our inner voice leads to best ROI on energy spent in terms of fulfillment.

Saturn rules our sadness in us ie its depressing to be ~separated~ from God. A good habit Saturn bears this sadness, he understand that there is an element of sadness to our lives, a bad habit Saturn blames sadness on this and that. Saturn is an important planet for a renunciate because a renunciate is a person who has decided to work out their sadness within themselves instead of chasing things and blaming other things for their sadness. They do things that cultivate joy. Good habit Saturn you own your sadness, bad habit Saturn you blame your sadness

Other deity of Saturn is Brahma. The nerves that leave your brain and descend into your senses are part of the nervous system ruled by Saturn. Now the nervous system is itself ruled by Mars. Its through the illusion created by senses that creation occurs.

Something ending is creative space. Your only goal is to create - joy, meaningful experiences, purposeful by following the creative spark of Jupiter. Saturn gives us the time to do that (hence has Digbala in 7th House by creating isolation from spouse and masses)

Saturn is Kronos, time and gives us the creative space to work on our next great masterpiece. You need time to create and thats the Saturn factor. It frees us of things which robs our time and tells us when to stop doing something so that we have the time to work on what is really important to us.

Saturn is alone because he is the last man standing, everyone else has died which is unlike Mars who is alone because he wants to be.

According to Jaimini Saturn has the ability to be senseless in a crowd of people i.e. Saturn has nothing to say when there is nothing to say. Saturn is a servant, sudra mentality is about doing the things that need to be done just because it has to be done Eg Bureaucracy like just doing what we have to do.
We are all living our Sun, finding our Jupiter

Saturn is wintergreen, a coolness on the skin, of withdrawing energy. Saturn is about letting things go and is therefor about healing.

As per Avasthas Saturn has more enemies than friends which is why he gets a bad rap. Other planets get in his way. Ju and Sat are a pair. Jup is what we are good at, Sat is what we are bad at. Jup is what we are here to do and Sat is what we are here not to do. They are both influenced by early environment factors. Ju-Sat conjunction creates healing during Jupiter mahadasha and all the Jupiter good things come during Saturn mahadasha
Saturn's goal is to rid you of things that don't bring us happiness

During transits, Saturn gives us things we ~want~ for fulfillment via the moon when it is 3,6 and 11 from the natal moon. In other places what Saturn gives us what we ~need~ to grow. This is because other then 3,6, 11 from the moon, Moon (Ego) doesn't support Saturn and goes "poor me". In hindsight the things you get in 3,6, 11 phase later on you see as +ve things and non 3,6,11 even thought might be good at the time seem like -ve things. When in 3,6,11 we have to develop the things we can cling to, especially 11th. When Saturn is over the Moon there is most number of complexes which are ripped out.

Insanity is when the moon is lovesick and has nothing to cling to

Saturn has to do with rest, rejuvenation, taking time off. It also has to do with our survival instinct - Sa doesn't really want to act unless its necessary otherwise he wants to be lazy and do nothing. He says "I'll act just enough to get done what I have to do to survive, and after that I'm done". i.e just enough to stay alive, not starve and have sex.

Afflicted planets in the sign of Saturn cause us to require more rest. Your ability to maintain yourself without getting sick is Sa. If Sa is beat up, you need to take more rest.

Sa rules servants/employees because they help you take rest.

Sa represents the hard rugged nature including animals. Sa is only enemy to Su.

If you look at the 9th house and 9th lord are in bad avasthas, the conditioning influence of this person was totally different than who they really are. The influence of the parents was totallly different from who they reall are and vice versa they follow parents, culture etc. If the house is worse than the lord, it makes a bigger impact than the lord the child has a huge process of self discovery to make.

Unfortunately we've traded pain from trauma. Trauma is not part of life, it happens when Saturn is bad Lajjitadi Avasthas because Sa is the planet that says alright, I can let go of this now. I don't have to be traumatized by this. I don't have to hold on to this. If Saturn is in bad shape you're dealing with more trauma which means more healing is necessary.

Saturn is particular the things that need to be dropped, left behind. They are not yours, or have outlived their usefulness in your life. So it always revolves around something you keep going back to to make work. Everything we do requires work. So try to work it, if it gets any better, its probably supposed to be in your life. If you work it, and it does not get better, or it seems to get better but after a little while it turns out not to be better, than its probably saturn mars and something to drop. The house that saturn rules are houses we are finishing up things with. Thats NORMAL. when mars is with saturn, a person does not know when to stop making something happen. its the beating the dead horse.

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"I almost wonder if Mars is more of a discipline planet than the common conception that Saturn is. ernst Is that true? "

"I also always was wonder why Saturn - discipline. For me it is true Mars. Sattvam, strength of character, to exert what in your consciousness and not to fall in a hole. And when your fail in that you need good Saturn - perseverance, letting go."

Discipline is about sticking to something despite temptations, which is more about willpower, the mental “muscle” that fatigues every time we use it. We simply can’t use our willpower all the time, just like we can’t use our adrenaline all the time, so discipline is definitely a martial quality. You’ll see this in the charts of people who really struggle with self-control or impulse control. 

But when we think about discipline we also tend to think of perseverance, which is that quality of a (strong) Saturn.  In the elemental cycle, air (Saturn) generates fire (Mars) so, being disciplined becomes all the more difficult if we can’t deal with difficulties. A person who struggles with being disciplined may have to keep drawing from that ability to persevere in order to make progress.

@codydeboer Isn't I Ching amazing? That card pull you did gave great insight into Saturn. 

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@brooke I-Ching is incredible!

Ernst Wilhelm
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Mars is disciplined EFFORT. Sun is the foundation of discipline in the sense of the discipline of consistency. Saturn helps to keep from being distracted by not involving itself in other things, so while its not discipline, it keeps a person from breaking discipline. 

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@ernst Okay yup, that makes perfect sense.

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