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Joined: Aug 19, 2022
Last seen: Jul 16, 2024
Topics: 27 / Replies: 62
RE: Bodily Weight retention and energetics

@ruchi I am speaking in general, please stop trying to ask me to go to one, as is the point of this forum. This said, if you can give me the hook u...

2 years ago
RE: Bodily Weight retention and energetics

@ruchi Alright, if jupiter transiting the 1st or 7th is a problem for this, what in theory might be a gem remedy for this problem? A mars or perhap...

2 years ago
RE: Bodily Weight retention and energetics

@suzanstars Where is it that he explains that one used sidereal for nakshatras and tropical for rashi? Vedic in tropical is a rather controversial poi...

2 years ago
RE: Bodily Weight retention and energetics

@suzanstars I an just curious, i see people often change ayanumsha or go from sidereal to tropical quite often. Ernst does it in is own old lessons, u...

2 years ago
RE: Bodily Weight retention and energetics

@suzanstars Ernst makes only a mention of it in a brief comment on it with respect to house strengths and energetic imbalances. Since you have studied...

2 years ago
RE: Bodily Weight retention and energetics

@ruchi Ernst specifically linked it into the planetary influences, and hence elvis ballooning around 1970, which I remember him specifically saying. T...

2 years ago
Replies: 16
Views: 1182
RE: Gems for Aries, Leo, Sagg

Use yellow for venus in leo. Calcite for instance. I was not aware magenta meant aries, then again I havent tried it. I am not sure about the violet s...

2 years ago
RE: More Strategies of Healing Rahu and Ketu

just according to the remedies, a grey pearl should help.

2 years ago
RE: What is the meaning of a mars lagna, with jupiter and ketu in the 9th house?

@ruchi you don't want to see chart anymore? Any recommendations on what to do with this?

2 years ago
RE: Black color - Pisces / Ketu clarification

@ernst Have you done so recently? I would be curious if other shadow planets by chance like rahu and ketu have a sort of color association with them, ...

2 years ago
RE: What is the meaning of a mars lagna, with jupiter and ketu in the 9th house?

Another particular point of interest is the rashi aspecting by degrees I have going on with this, and there are many, in particular my fatal moon and ...

2 years ago
RE: Planet/Sign associations

@quasar259 Where do you get this information at?

2 years ago
RE: Contemplation on Sagittarius

@kristina-lia-hansen Yes I spoke that too fast, speech to text is annoying at times. "Go to" should be "get a", and hence me trying to get that to ...

2 years ago
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