Coyote Karaka (And ...
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Coyote Karaka (And Troubling Omen)

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A couple of days ago, at dusk, a coyote attacked a neighbor's cat a few houses away from ours. The cat survived and is fine with just some manageable wounds. We found out it happened by reading the post on our neighborhood news feed soon after it happened, though we didn't hear the commotion.

We didn't know we had coyotes in the neighborhood. Though I did see an animal in the distance a few weeks ago sneaking just out of my sight furtively into the neighbor's woods as I was coming walking into view. I thought it may be a fox or smallish dog.

Though I know that Mercury is a cat karaka, I am not sure what represents coyotes. Dogs have been associated with Ketu as well as Rahu. Coyotes are wild outcast dogs that eat smaller animals. They are outsiders and predators.

I am thinking Rahu since Rahu is currently conjunct Mercury(cats) in the rashi that the Solar Eclipse is due to occur in in just over a week (Taurus, which was 4th from the 4th of the moment of attack). The lagna of the moment was Scorpio, with Ketu, and Rashi-aspecting the Sun in Aries (taking from/preying on the weak but in this case the cat was the prey, not rats.), and that Sun was graha-apected from Saturn by 57 pts. 

What is also interesting is that when this happened, the Moon (my AK) was passing right over the point (within a degree) of the last Solar eclipse in Sag., which is also my ascendent cusp!

While the attack didn't happen in our yard or to our cat, the fact that my AK was right on my asc. cusp when it did happen is a bit troubling since a coyote is thought to be a bad omen by Native Americans. Also the upcoming, locally visible, full lunar eclipse in May will be conjunct my natal Moon and only a couple degrees away. I always find all lunar eclipses whether partial, full, visible, or not, to already be somewhat incapacitating to say the least.

I have read that the fierce hindu goddess Chamundi has a pet coyote. 

We've realized that our own cat needs to just stay inside from now own and that is devastating to her to not be able to go out. She has been sad and unsocial all day.

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Interesting! I definitely agree about the Rahu/coyote connection, Rahu is a trickster and so is the coyote.

Many people think as you do that coyote is a bad omen, I agree. But it´s not the whole picture, there are also legends where the coyote plays a positive role. Like when Bigfoot got crazy and thought he was the most powerful creature in the wordld, and wanted to kill all the other animals. They didn´t know what to do and noone wanted to listen to Coyote, but since they were desperate they finally let him have a go. He went to Bigfoot and through his persuasive manners managed to invite him to a sweatlodge. There he entered the stones with the help of two mammut ribs that he had found, and made Bigfoot believe that he had killed the giant from whom they supposingly came. That, and the spirits in the sweatlodge of course, cured Bigfoot from his megalomania and he stopped killing all the other animals.

The coyotes were present in my teepee ceremony for my 52nd birthday a couple of years ago, in the very prayer with the sacred tobacco at the height of the ceremony, and I must say I really appriciated it. It was a family making a fuzz not far from the teepee; remember, they also represent the clan, the family, the team work, and of course humour. My Ketu is in the 5th house so I´m a trickster myself I guess - to me God is above all a joker...

(In this case, a psychic friend, told me afterwards that they were taking care about some sexual energy I didn´t handle well back then, and an omen of that was that my trousers broke right where I was sitting - during the very turning 52-ceremony! If that´s not a coyote moment, what is?? But the coyotes were actually helping me, she said, taking care of that energy. And yes, I´ve faced that problem later and adjusted it. The twelve-steps tradition is fantastic!)

I´ve also been in sweatlodges where the old man running it sings a special coyote song. As you probably know, in native American spirituality, it´s all about balance; we must never deny our dark or difficult side as christianity tends to teach us to do.


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@meyes Thanks for the story and perspective.

There were many themes and thoughts going on with me around the time this happened. One of them was dealing with mounting anger and darker impulses. Another was about getting started contacting and working with spiritual entities that are from a different, non-Hindu tradition, and whether I should trust such beings.

I am relieved by the fact that the cat was basically Ok and the owner was able to scare away the coyote.

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@mitryendra80 In that context maybe it´s worth thinking about the importance of balance in Native American spirituality. And duality. The demons are not as bad or extreme as in christianity - and in vedic tradition neither as I understand it. Like Rahu and Ketu - after all they are there for us to make progress. Personally I don´t think that we have to be afraid for any of them, not Coyote, nor Rahu/Ketu, but it´s wise to look at them from a certain distance, for sure.


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And in this story Coyote acts as a medicine man, introducing the sweat lodge to the people:


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I'll have to check it later as this computer and browser has trouble with those links.

