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I have lots of spider encounters. And they often happen when wrestling with tricky personal issues, desires, and predicaments.

They have increased within the past year or so. I seem to encounter them often during times of paranoia or procrastination.

Is there any significance and meaning to encountering them which has been found to be reliable and repeatable in a general sense with everyone? I know that we don't necessarily have to link omens with astrology, and that the meaning in someones life can be different from the general planetary karaka.

But what is the astrological indicator(s) of spiders?

I am thinking Saturn or Rahu because of the eight legs (8 is Rahu in the main system and Saturn in another one.). 

I have always been uncomfortable around them and end up yelling out-loud when dreaming about them.

I encounter many kinds and not all have webs.



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The Moon as a Karaka rules creeping forward animals, such as insects, spiders, and snakes.

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@kam Thanks.

Saturn also rules reptiles though? (And Kurma was a turtle.)


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@mitryendra80 I'm not 100% sure. However, I am familiar with the Rashi of Capricorn being connected to crocodiles/alligators, so you may be right. I also know that Mercury rules the animal kingdom in general as well.

EDIT: I looked it up in Ernst' Graha Sutras.

"Saturn or Mars influencing indicate a four-footed animal such as a horse, cow, cat or dog." 

So, it seems like Saturn as a Karaka is more like domesticated animals.

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My first thought was Rasis Cancer and Scorpio are said to be "insect" rasis and that would be closer to spider. Maybe explore what houses/planets might be activated in your chart/vargas right now through transits or dasa's. Or perhaps the varga related to what you are "wrestling" with. Also, I have heard that the fear of spiders is inherited, so maybe check the D12  and what you might be holding on to regarding the ancestor's.  

In this animal omen forum, recently someone posted a link with a list of meanings from human design perspective. There are also many links online regarding animal omens that may provide some answers for you, if you don't find your answers by exploring your chart and contemplation. 

Maybe someone else can shed more light. 

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@ltmoon Yep. I see it all there in the d12 as you said, entangled with the d1 and involving Cancer, Scorpio, and the Moon and Ra/Ke.



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Sorry about not replying to some newer posts that were here (which have apparently been recently deleted?). But I have been too overwhelmed with other stuff to keep up with the forum these past few weeks.

I think I might want to avoid publicly posting my birthday, lest someone from a conflicting or competing school of astrology use my personal info to locate some living aspect of my soul and thus put a tantric curse on me due to their misinterpreting, or feeling somehow threatened by, my unorthodox views on zodiacs and calendars. I know it sounds silly, and probably is. But I am already cursed and low-functioning in many ways and have been for decades and can't risk it getting any worse.

Sometimes, in a spider dream, I am in a conundrum or in the middle of a project and I'm working with, or being helped by, a human-like or animal companion that can communicate.

Eventually I realize that this companion who is supposed to be "helping" me is, in fact, a spider. And that is what they had been the whole time despite appearances. (Sometimes they just turn out to be too spider-like to feel comfortable around, even if it is cartoon-like or unrealistic creature) And I feel tricked, uneasy, and usually wake up struggling to get away from this creature. It is as if the human or mammal-like appearance had been a disguise or a screen-image used to trick me.

Also, Mattias, did you discuss or encounter anything elf-related in Iceland? I am curious about how they define and personally experience the presence of the "hidden people" there.

It seems that the Vikings took many Irish wives and laborers with them to Iceland when they first settled there, and that the old cautionary Irish tales about carefully coexisting with the fairy folk got blended in with the pre-existing Nordic and Germanic elf-lore.



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If we watch a spider at work spinning it’s web, we see it’s tenacity. It weaves a perfect web whatever it’s surroundings and that shows it’s creativeness. The spider swings on it’s own thread and that shows it’s faith in itself. The web withstands strong winds, because it is light and flexes with the environment. The web breaks and yet the spider continues to build it.

If you are seeing spiders when in times of need, it could mean that it is telling you to activate those qualities within yourself. A spider weaves it’s web to catch something that will sustain it. Perhaps, that is what it is telling you to do - plan things out before putting them into action.

Eventually, there is nothing out there. Everything is within us. So, any thoughts or fears out there also exist because of thoughts or fears of something within us. I would look more closely at information about spiders in general, and see which of it makes me feel uncomfortable and start slowly unravelling whatever it is about it that makes me uncomfortable. 

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