I was on a hike the other day by myself. I was walking back to the main trail and enjoying the view. I looked to the trail, looked away for 2-5 seconds and all of a sudden, a snake appeared right where I was supposed to step my right foot.
I veered away. I'm not that afraid of snakes so I spent a moment and vibe-checked her/him. S/he certainly seemed annoyed but s/he didn't bite me even though I was within biting range. Then I walked away and I'm sure the snake was relieved to watch me walk away.
I know snakes carry deep spiritual significance. I really don't encounter them often at all.
It was a small black grass snake. I really believe it was annoyed with me but declined to bite me.
What would this omen mean? What do the scriptures say about sudden yet merciful encounters with snakes?
I encountered snakes couple of times all of a sudden in early childhood in a very close range of biting. I did pranam to them. They did nothing to me. I was surprised why this happened those days as I was a kid. As years passed, I realised how Rahu bewildered me with his Dumbness. The meaning i can make out today is Rahu is a prominent part of my entire life and my attitude is you are welcome now in humility!
Rahu needs to be subdued like Lord Shiva has snakes subdued around his neck meaning victory over evil tendencies.
You win Rahu, you win the evolutionary goal of life!