Wild Turkey
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Wild Turkey

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Any general or established meaning to seeing a wild turkey walking around in the yard out the north window.

We don't see wild turkeys very often.

What I can find in general is that turkeys are considered a symbol of abundance(in the west), and in Vastu the north direction is influenced by the god of wealth, Kubera.



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Funny fact: more or less in the same minute as you were publishing this post, according to the register, I saw two wild turkeys crossing the street 50 meters in front of me. Direction: south of me, they walking towards west.

So for me your post is yet another omen; to pay attention to what I just saw.

According to this source a turkey is an omen about abundance and earth connection:


In central Mexico, at least on some places, the folklore says that witches are in the habit of turning into turkeys......


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Haha, in the Northeast (US), I see wild turkeys all the time. I actually never thought of looking up the symbolic because it’s so common. Occasionally, I see some on our front yard (facing North). The Northeast is an abundant part of the US for sure (and of the world). Maybe that’s indicated by the abundance of wild turkeys here? I like the idea of being witches, maybe they can tell me a few secrets ????????

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@mona  True... They were my first though. Visiting Wisconsin.



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Well yesterday when our turkey sightings happened, the Sun was just moving into Taurus where it joined Mercury, swastha Venus, and Uranus.

The Sun and Mercury represent the bird species, and Taurus is the heavy fixed earth sign associated with resources, food, nourishment, and fertility. As the natural 2nd house it could represent wealth and self-worth, especially when turkeys are involved? The 2 rajastic planets Venus and Mercury are probably happy together in Taurus, and Uranus expands and invents things like Brahma, the rajastic god of the trimurti.


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The ones I saw were crossing Balder Street, I checked that today. Abundance in older days? ????

Can´t really say I´m getting balder though, not that I´ve noted so far.....

