Crow omens and heal...
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Crow omens and health

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Hi Ernst,

Are crow omens related to Mercury or to Saturn? I've seen it connected to each planet, respectively by different Vedic Astrologers. My initial instinct was to associate it with Mercury, my ascendant lord. Yet at the same time, Saturn did just move in to Aquarius today with Jupiter (my 6th house).

The reason I ask is that I was taking a walk with my sister in the park, a few days ago when a single crow flew by, cawing loudly. I recently began experiencing health problems and we were discussing the next course of action I should be taking in trying to figure out how to relieve my symptoms.

Then, another crow or perhaps the same one (I'm not sure) flew by again, cawing loudly as I finished telling my sister that I felt very alone and without a support system with my illness, due to doctors tests and visits bearing no diagnosis or helpful counsel.

For context, my sister experienced her own health complications at almost the same age as I am now (same birth card). But her health problem was diagnosed immediately with successful treatment beginning in quick succession. 

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Hi @kam,

I know something about Saturn and crows (but not the omen), so I would like to share to you. @ernst, please give your input of what you think can be the result for kam.

Crows are for sure related to Saturn because Saturn rides the crow according to Vedic scripture. However, the crow omen is specific to you only, omens are said to be the results (deeds) of a person from many past lives. Now, the result is manifested for you, for the detail of what the result is, I do not know :(, you can wait for other experienced members to give you some insights.

For your health problem, you feed the crow to perform Saturn remedy, when Saturn is please, he can help you to improve your health. Karen White writes in detail about this remedy, you read it here:

Hope that helps.

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Hi Tuan,

Thank you for your help! and the link to Karen's article. It's very insightful! I definitely need to do some more reflection and studying of my own chart regarding past lives and what this could mean for me.

It's actually a funny thing. I take walks in that park everyday but I've never seen a crow before or since this omen took place. Seagulls are more common place here. 

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Posted by: @kam

It's actually a funny thing. I take walks in that park everyday but I've never seen a crow before or since this omen took place. Seagulls are more common place here. 

This confirms the omen for you. Omens are the encounters of rare things, creatures; things that you do not see usually.

You can learn more about animal omens from "Medicine Cards" book by Jamie Sams. Ernst mentioned the book in his interview with KRSChannel.

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@tuannguyen Yes, I've seen the interpretation from the Medicine Cards book, but it doesn't quite resonate. I'm going to continue my reflections on the crow symbology in the meantime as I continue my health journey. Thank you ????

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Posted by: @kam

Then, another crow or perhaps the same one (I'm not sure) flew by again, cawing loudly as I finished telling my sister that I felt very alone and without a support system with my illness

It is said that crows are messengers and bring messages from other realms. From the above sentence, it looks like the crow was trying to bring your attention to your state of mind. Why is it that you feel alone and that you do not have a support system? Are you expecting it from certain people who are unable to provide it? Is it possible to create a support system with the ones who are able to support you in your need, even if they are strangers?

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Posted by: @manisha


Posted by: @kam

Then, another crow or perhaps the same one (I'm not sure) flew by again, cawing loudly as I finished telling my sister that I felt very alone and without a support system with my illness

It is said that crows are messengers and bring messages from other realms. From the above sentence, it looks like the crow was trying to bring your attention to your state of mind. Why is it that you feel alone and that you do not have a support system? Are you expecting it from certain people who are unable to provide it? Is it possible to create a support system with the ones who are able to support you in your need, even if they are strangers?

Yes, I do feel quite alone with this. I believe it's a combination of feeling restricted and unsure of my next steps due to uncertainty from the outside world with the pandemic. I've also experienced some gas lighting from a few people in my personal life about my symptoms and emotions.

It's become quite draining and isolating in that regard. My doctor hasn't been very helpful as I've mentioned in my earlier post. However, I'm currently testing another new diet which I'm hoping will help to eliminate some of my symptoms as well as seeing a physiotherapist.

Creating new support systems for myself is definitely something I struggle with. My Ace of ❤️ Rahu card can attest to that. In my opinion, the feeling of isolation is a byproduct of having Rahu and Ketu in my 8th/2nd house axis. That's something I'm constantly working on in life, for sure.

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@kam  2nd house is self-worth, self-value and personal resources that include your family and friends. 8th house is finding the worth and value of strangers and using their resources.

The Ketu house falls apart so we can move towards Rahu. It looks like that is what you are being pushed into and failing health is an excuse for it. Unfortunately, Rahu is never easy.

Because of Ketu, within you exists a block that is keeping you from opening up to see the value of others. Due to this subconscious block, you believe that the resources of others are not valuable, and so you have been attracting towards you people who have proven themselves to be unhelpful. It is not until you accept that it is possible that there are strangers who can help you, but you haven’t come across them yet, can you slowly attract helpful people towards you.

The next thing to stay aware of is the possibility of sabotaging people who are actually helping.

To make it a blend of Ketu and Rahu, have you asked your friends and family whom you trust to help you connect to others who could form a support system for you? The trust in your friends and family might make it easier for you to extend that trust to those that they have chosen. That way it might not be completely disappointing. Friends were strangers once too.

Your path is that of Queen of Diamonds, so you are learning to manage and develop resources. To develop something, one needs to go beyond what one already has.

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@manisha Yes, that's something I've been doing recently and it has provided me with some hope and helped to temporarily ease my anxiety. However, I think my biggest issue in this situation is the "not knowing". I'm very much someone that needs to follow a plan. So, not having a concrete diagnosis or a vetted plan of action is literally killing me. This is likely a caveat of my Sun card (J♠️- fighting for survival and always trying to figure out what's wrong with oneself) and my Mercury card, which is my Ascendant, and X card (4♠️). I recall Ernst mentioning that the 4♠️ birth card in particular, can feel extremely threatened when there's something wrong with their health. This seemingly is the 'strategy" that I'm naturally using to deal with my health crisis right now. For better or for worse.

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@kam  Hahaha. With a Sun card of 10♠️, I completely understand. With a Mercury card of A♠️ with all my planets eventually falling there, the need to control my environment was strong and I used to have back-up plans for back-up plans ????  Thankfully, I don’t find the need to do that anymore.

Opening up to trust others when your health is on line must be extremely hard.

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@manisha Definitely! Not to mention my Pluto 3♠️, it's been painful. But thankfully, I was able to connect with a holistic nutritionist yesterday and I feel better already ????

It's a Christmas miracle!! Hahaha ????

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@kam  That Pluto card is the most painful card until we get used to it or understand that giving it up leads us to the next thing. 

I am happy for your Christmas miracle ????   Just curious - did something happen in the couple days before finding the nutritionist? Like a new thought, or a perspective, or a decision? Maybe you did your own research and decided to follow your intuition about this person? Or did you decide to follow someone else's recommendation but also did your own research? 

The reason for the questions is that I am trying to figure out how the placement of one of the cards worked for you. 

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@manisha My sister gave me the idea to contact a nutritionist during a conversation we were having where I told her that due to my own research, I believed I may have food intolerances and need to try a gluten-free or vegan diet. She brought it to my attention that it would be safer to work with a nutritionist or dietician rather than going at it alone or relying on the advice of an unhelpful doctor. 

I agreed that it was a good plan to think about, but first I did try the gluten-free diet for a few days with no improvement with my symptoms, followed by the vegan diet with the same results. Eventually while doing more research, I came across info online about MSG intolerance and how MSG occurs naturally in some foods and is an additive in basically every food and it just overwhelmed me. Because at that point, I wasn't able to keep any food down and I was losing a lot of weight and my sanity. So in desperation, I ended up going online and found a site which could connect me with nutritionists in my area. It's going to be a long journey figuring out what I can and can't eat but I'm trying to remain positive and work with my Pluto 3♠️ card, as well as all the Spades and Hearts in my spread.

Interestingly, this is a 8♠️ Saturn year for me, which is my natal Saturn card as well.

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