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predicting with rasi dasas.

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Hello Ernst and everyone, 

this is a chart of someone who wants to know why they are suddenly moving. They live in a city and now suddenly after the covid onslaught they have bought a house in the suburbs and are moving all in the period of a month or so. living the suburban life has never been an option for them before and so they feel life is suddenly taken a course of its own. 

this is the birth data. female born 29th april 1981 at 22.29 hrs. dibrugarh, assam, India.

I have looked at the caranavamsa dasa in the rais. it's tau- aqu and there is no indication of a move. the D 4 also shows no move. what could be the factor that is activating the move?

any help is appreciated. thank you 

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Amit Bhat
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Hi Rima,

I think they are moving/breaking away from current place because of 8th lord Sun in D1 as it has real estate agenda because it rules 4th from Mars.


Further 12th lord having loss connotation jupiter is indicating movement (3rd lord as well) from current place by rasi aspecting 4th lord mars but also manifesting it at another place.


Already Ve/Me manifesting on 4th lord Mars showing home.


So it will be interesting to see if the movement happens between 29 July and 5th Aug under Me/Ve/Ju/Su if the time is quite accurate.


Also looks like lot of focus on child?


Keep us posted





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@amit Mars is real estate, so what is the fourth from Mars?  ie. what does that mean to be four houses away from real estate?

Amit Bhat
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4th is a place of home/real estate in Rasi chart. As Mars is the karaka for real estate, so 4th from Mars is a key place for real estate as 4th place has that connotation.



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@amit ok yeah, I was curious if it meant something special apart from just real estate.  So they both mean real estate, fair enough.  

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thanks amit will keep you posted 

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where did you get ve/me/ju/su. 

I was looking at tau/aqu dasa and antar. 

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Amit Bhat
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Its the vimshottari dasa

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Hi Rima,

here is my analysis:

in caranavamsa dasa I right now get Aq-Sc-Cn. Aq in chaturthamsa holds the 8th cusp for unexpected changes - and taurus pada, which activates Mars,the natural karaka for movement. mars is in ashwini, which is swift. taurus is the 4th from aquarius. Aq is getting 2nd source of strength by Ju (though in GE) and its lord Sa (Ex).

sc holds venus as AK in the 8th from the lagna, upapada and cancer pada. and cancer itself is of course the natural 4th house and stands for "distant places". cancer activates virgo pada ("adapting to life circumstances") which holds neptun (dissolving, foggy) in mula (uprooting) and is in the 8th from aq. 

uranus (breaking the self free for higher reasons) is transitting taurus, which holds mars in the d4 and mars, venus (AK), mercury, sun in d1.

neptun, the dissolver, in transit is in capricorn which holds the 4th cusp in the d4 and the lagna of the D1.

I am using a different ayanamsa and get Sa/Ju/Ra from march 20th till August 8th this year.

Sa rules the 1st and 2nd in the D1 and 4th and 8th in D4. As Ketu is in Aq in the 2nd, the 2/8th-axis is acitivated. 2nd-house matters are the security-paradigm, while rahu seizes into the diretion of 8th. funningly in the d4 the same axis is activated! 

Jupiter in both vargas is the 12th and rules the moon (which as MK can be taken for 4th-house things as well).

So in my opinion there are a lot of 4th-factors (movement, house), unexpected (8th) which dissolve (neptun, 12th) home (4th cusp in d4) and interfere with ones own path (lagna in d1). because of uranus transitting AK Venus and rasi-aspecting lagna lord in libra in D1 this may happen for the sake of developing the persons self. by activating the 2/8th-ketu-rahu axis anxieties/feelings of loosing control may play a big role.

did they sign the contract between 19.06 and 12. July? (Sa-Ju-Ra-Ve; Venus is conjunct 9th cusp (law) in D1 & D4)

movement may be between 31.07 and 08.08. (Sa-Ju-Ra-Ma) though Su-Ju-Ra-Mo (19.-31.07) may be possible as well.



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