A bhava (cusp) bein...
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A bhava (cusp) being manifested - Jaimini

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Just want to clarify what exactly we mean by a house being manifested through Jaimini's strengths.
When there are separating factors affecting a bhava, e.g. Saturn/Rahu/12th lord, that doesn't mean we won't be seeing any of the negative manifestations of that house in the person's life, right? Especially if it's a bhava with many possible negative manifestations, such as the 6th, 8th or 12th. It's not like having separating factors on it will "separate" the person from having enemies/delays/losses/things breaking down?

Conversely, if we see Jupiter, Mercury, lord of the house aspecting the 12th house for example, that doesn't mean we get even more losses or expenses (running a deficit), but rather that the net outcome should be more positive, right?
What about if there are no manifesting or separating factors on a certain bhava - does it mean we will get very little of what that house represents in our lives (obviously all other factors being equal. Of course if the lord of the house is sitting in an angle for example, that will bring the themes more to the forefront).

Thank you in advance, hope I worded it clearly enough 😀 

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Very clearly worded, I´d say. I´m waiting for the answe equally eagerly as you.


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Just some of my thoughts...When you have Rahu or Saturn in a Bhava and especially if that Bhava is 6th, 8th or 12th that implies separation, losses, expenses etc... Now it depends on the aspect, dignity of the planets in that Bhava. Not all separation or expenses are bad. If you have positive aspect from Jupiter or Mercury to your 12th house, it means you are incurring good expenses. Sometime you have to spend money to make money or perhaps maybe you are giving money to charities. You are still spending money because it is the 12th so the spending and separation is there, but that spending will bring you more money due to the manifestation. If you have bad aspect to your 12th house it could mean separation, or bad expenses that you are making. 8th house is sudden changes. If you have let's say Venus in the 8th but exalted or in its own house or good aspect from Jupiter or Mercury, you will have sudden relationship changes in life but they will be better changes. Will it be stressful, yes because that is the nature of the Dusthana houses, but it will be for the better due to the positive manifestation...

If you get a bhava with no manifesting power, it means that it might not the most active Bhava in your life. Things will still be happening depending on its lord and its position in your chart, but it might not be the most active area... 



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@tuyetv understood, thank you for your input! It does make sense. And it is complex because well, people and life are complex 🙂

Ernst Wilhelm
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all houses are good, they all represent important things that we need. We want to manifest these good things. If we don't manifest them, we get into trouble. the 6th, 8th and 12th are the houses that cause the most suffering when we don't manifest them properly. Lets take the 8th house, its the house of insurance. Everything is prone to failure, do we have insurance that we can survive a failure? What insures that we survive a failure, that is the 8th house. It can be an insurance policy, extra money in the bank, a second home that can be sold if necessary, a person who supports us when in need, the govt that we have been paying taxes too. It can be anyting that insures we get through the crisis of when things go wrong. We want to be able to manifest that insurance when we need it. So look at the dusthanas like that.


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@ernst Thank you, Ernst.
No such thing as "bad" houses or signs, indeed.

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@ernst I'm curious about a planet like Jupiter who's the 12th lord and a natural manifestor. I assume it'll have both qualities of separating and manifesting? 

Thanks Ernst! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and weekend. 

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3398
Joined: 12 years ago

Yes, that Jupiter can both separate or manifest. It will seperate more than manifest if in bad dignity. 
