Worst planet in cha...
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Worst planet in chart

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(@Anonymous 35065)
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Hello! I started to study Ernst courses from the beginning, I am now at beginner level courses, about to start ”Mastering debilitation” course. I have some knowledge in western astrology that I am trying now to overwrite and that got me confused, so I am looking for a little help from you.

I thought my Moon was the worst planet as it is in Capricorn and square Pluto but as I learn more and if I look back at my life, especially at the post-partum depression and remission of cancer I wonder if the Moon wasn’t actually my biggest help all along. Looking at my chart now, I have Saturn and Mars retrograde in Scorpio Lagna, which I thought it was great with Mars is in OH, without considering Saturn. A second issue is Jupiter retrograde debilitated in Capricorn conjunct the Moon. The third is Venus and Mercury with the Sun in Taurus. Final 2 dispositors would be Venus and Mars, which are in opposition.

So, with the knowledge I have now, I see that every planet except the Moon is with a malefic or not in great dignity. Also, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are retrograde. Which planet do you think is in worst shape? Where would you begin to work on improving life in general?

Thank you!

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(edit to add: I'm still a beginner at astrology so please do take my intuitive advice with a grain of salt)

Yeah Mars with Saturn in the 1st can't be good for the health, nor DB Jupiter in Capricorn (which Rasi-aspects your 1st house - body) - I believe Capricorn is one of the signs that can cause cancer when troubled. Thankfully you do have some nice yogas helping you, and many planets in angles. Retrograde planets are actually a good thing - they are closer to Earth and we can manifest them more easily 🙂 If I had to pick just one thing to start with in terms of improving your life - I would start with Saturn, who is severely starved both by being with Mars and in an enemy sign. What things can you let go of in your life, that are not yours to pursue? What battles are you fighting that are not yours to fight? What do you keep putting energy, resources, will power and effort into, only to keep feeling depleted, frustrated, like you're not getting anywhere with it? Mars with Saturn routinely fights someone else's battles, or tries to solve problems which can't/shouldn't be solved. Think of it as minimalism - try to focus your energy and problem-solving skills on only those things that are truly your responsibility. You will see how the lighter burden will improve everything else in your life. 

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@nkan I completely agree with Nadya. We should study your trimsamsa varga (subchart) though. Also known as "the D-30". If Saturn and especially the lagna lord Mars are good there, it might be that it doesn´t take such a toll on your health after all.

Also Mercury and Venus are stressed by being with the Sun, so that´s another potential cause of health problems that we should check with your trimsamsa.

Do you know how to produce the trimsamsa, and then you could attach it for us to see? Or you could provide us with your birth dates.

I would recommend you to wear gemstones. Especially for Mars, being beaten up by Saturn and also being your Lagna lord and the lord of Saturn, for Saturn for being beaten up by Mars and the lord of Jupiter/Moon, and I would recommend you a gem for Venus for itself and as lord of Sun and Mercury. If you want some help for to find those gems, don´t hesitate to ask for it. But it would still be helpful to see the trimsama (D-30) first.

Since your Mars is in good dignity - even though the Mars sign Scorpio is beaten up - I would expect good results from gemstone therapy. The state of Mars decides how well we answer to that.

Have you had problems with your endocrine system? With both Jupiter and Venus afflicted, that´s quite a possibility. Unless the D-30 says differently.

And then, just as Nadya says: beware of carrying other people´s burdens. Codependence. You seem to be quite sensitive to stress.

It would also be good to see your shadbala table, telling us more about the strength of each planet.


(@Anonymous 35065)
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@staffan in D-30 Mars is in Pisces - GF and Saturn in Virgo - N. I am attaching a print screen with details. Actually in D-30 Mars and Saturn are the best, rest of planets are in E/GE signs 😕 

I took the gemstones class and I am wearing 24/7 pink pearls bc I had breast cancer, ametrine for tumors and brown topaz for Mars. I also wear a nephrite bracelet that I got for Jupiter in Libra in D30. Most difficult thing is finding a multicolored crystal for DB Jupiter in Capricorn, Erns confirmed it's a hard find. I haven't considered to get something for Saturn at the time I took the gems course but now I do.

Problems with my endocrine system were related to ovaries, it was super hard to get pregnant and super early menopause at 38 y but probably caused by the shocking news of cancer, no other problems...as these weren't enough 🙂 Actually I read that an underlying cause to breast cancer is related to thyroid (Sun in Taurus in the Rasi maybe?) and of course the heart chakra

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@shugara2002 You seem to have a saving grace, at least when it comes to Saturn and Mars. When the state of impairment, caused by sharing the house with a cruel planet, is not repeated in the D30, it doesn´t effect your health that much. To see the Lagna lord being afflicted is always the most worrying thing and may often lead to an early death, since the Lagna represents the body. But, as said: The "kopi" (impaired) state is not confirmed in the D-30, so it´s not that bad. Dignity wise Mars is good, so that shouldn´t cause any disease. Saturn is a little worse, but at least his not the lagna lord.

I´m sorry to hear about your cancer though.

The Jupiter problem you may easily solve by choosing a pink or purple (the fairer the better, since it´s Jupiter) kuntzite or lepodolite for his exaltation in Cancer.

I would definitely recommend you to choose a gem for Saturn too, both because he´s starved in the lagna himself, but also for being the lord of Capricorn and ruling Jupiter and the Moon. As Nadya says: Cap seems to be the main culprit for cancer. It could be something orange or brown in Scorpio, sure, but I´d rather choose a dark blue Kyanite for Sa in his MT sign Aqurius. I would have chosen green for Libra, but it´s the 12th from your Saturn, so it´s probably not ideal.

And then I would get your Venus something. Pearls are good of course - also for Mars - but I´d recommend you a clear Venus cristal for it´s exaltation sign or white for Taurus. The hormones...

And then an opal for the Moon, white for Taurus or pink/purple for Cancer.

Emotional roots for your cancer, not being able to express your emotions you mean; Mercury silenced by the Sun and low in Dig Bala? Also your femininity fried (agitated) by the Sun, maybe that´s the expression that doesn´t come out? I guess you had thyroid issues, since you mention it.

Sa/Ma is not a bondage yoga (I guess), but it creates something similar, a sensation of being locked in. With the complex Su/Me/Ve in the 7th; especially with the communication being frustrated due to an agitated Mercury in low Dig Bala; you bet, my guess is that your breast cancer was a result of that frustration.

I would you recommend you to work on that theme: The feeling of being stuck, acceptance thereof plus develop ways of communicate your needs, but in a humble, low-voice not frustrated way. A gemstone for Mercury in Virgo perhaps. Remember Saturn in Scorpio can be quite impatient, but being right and wanting all the world to listen doesn´t help us. It´s when mum lowers the voice that the kids start to listen...


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@shugara2002 Maybe you have gotten more good advice than you can handle now, especially by me...

I´d recommend you to listen to the Venus starved by Sun and Venus agitated by the Sun videos in the lajjitaadi avasthas course, or in the PAC course (where it´s labeled slightly different though). May take away some of the stress, especially in the relationship that I assum, from reading between the lines, that you are in.

... but don´t get stressed following every advice...


(@Anonymous 35065)
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@staffan I started from Beginner level because I was too excited about all topics and starting too many at the same time, then decided to follow the order from the Courses section, but I am familiar with PAC from psychology so I could do that, thank you!!!

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@shugara2002 Actually I would choose a green gem for Saturn. Turqoise or Andesine. Saturn in the 12th is not a bad thing, especially not in Libra.


(@Anonymous 35065)
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I have intuitively chosen as a present for my 40th birthday a ring with blue sapphires, in the tables blue sapphire is for Venus but in the text of |Mani Mala it says “The sapphire is bitter, warm and good in cold and biliousness, and alleviates the rage of Sani (Saturn) when worn.” & "A faultless sterling sapphire brings it’s wearer strength, fame and length of days." so it can't be bad

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@shugara2002 Wonderful!


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@shugara2002 And then one other thing, although I´m afraid I´m drowning you in advice and information:

Since your health problems seems to have emotional stress as it´s main root, and since you want to become a professional astrologer, and since you have a good Venus from what I can see: Have you made the aquintance of The Cards of Truth system that Ernst improved/created? It´s a fantastic astrological system, it works for psychology as well as for predictions, and it´s so much easier to master. You can learn it in 6-12 months and master it in 1-2 years, on a level on which you can start charging for reading. Thus avoiding all the stress the astrological studies may cause, since it´s just so immense and need so much of our time and effort, even to get to a fairly basic level.

Venus is an indication for a card reader, and it´s with your AK, so it´s a career planet for you.

Then every astrological course becomes complementary to a system that is already working.

Plus you are going to love the cards!


(@Anonymous 35065)
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@staffan I really appreciate all the advice I receive, so thank you! I'll study gems and pick carefully, I really love crystals and I also practice reiki so it blends perfectly. I have watched some videos on YouTube on the cards and loved what I saw, so I will do that for sure. I plan to do both, I am not a fast learner but I am very focused and make time for astrology every day. I hears Ernst saying that the results are the same so now I am really curious if I should switch 🙂

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@shugara2002 Actually it´s the career path that he recommends if we are in our middleage or older and have other obligations etc; an express lane in a way. But only if your Venus apports is, perhaps. Which your very much do, with several important cusps being activated, if not all of them.

Doesn´t mean that we give up astrology, we just put less pressure on us while studying and graduate earlier with a system that in a way is just as good.


(@Anonymous 35065)
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Yes, Capricorn might have caused cancer, while listening to @Ernst saying that it's the feeling of "wherever I go there's no escape" and "being tied in Knots" I have felt this a big part of my life, like I was helpless and I was unable to do what I want and only serving others (mother, grandmother, colleagues, partner etc. and at the same time waiting from them recognition & love that never came). Pluto was in Capricorn also in the last 20 years. After healing I intuitively let go what was not mine to solve or to pursue, as you said, and indeed it feels very good.

Amit Bhat
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Also Sun Saturn opposition can create a constant agitation because of low self esteem and body identification or complexes. Practice some meditation to let your consciousness or life force rise above body identification so you can get the awareness that you are a divine soul and not a body. Body is only a vehicle of the soul.

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(@Anonymous 35065)
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@amit yes, trouble with low self esteem is definitely there, causing me to go into burnout to prove my value at work and at home. I had a huge physical complex regarding my nose and even had a nose job that the doctor barely wanted to do as he only cut 2 mm of bone and lifted the tip of my nose and people didn't even notice the change (to prove that it was only in my head). Also I put myself in many situations at work where I went and took jobs that were super difficult, studied extra to become the best and after proving that I can do it left to the next challenge (I work in finance).

I am meditating for 1 year and a half and I am self enrolled in a spiritual development journey, stopped caring what others think and feel liberated. I also practice reiki and took my hobby for astrology to the next level and started studying every day.

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Venus and Mercury in the 7th with no benefic aspect (aspect by debilitated Jupiter and waning Moon), is a marriage deny yoga...Check D-7 and D-9 for confirmation. Moon Jupiter is a wealth yoga so look at D-2 and D-4. Look at D-16 to see how smooth is the ride of life journey...Saturn in Scorpio i see quite often. It is like they are wasting their energy on doing things, like beating a dead horse. Here it is your Lagna plus your life path is about self as Lagna lord Mars in the 1st house, so need to be careful with health as Nadya said. Mars also aspect the 6th house and the Lord of the 6th House which is the house of health too...



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(@Anonymous 35065)
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@tuyetv I am married, not the happiest marriage though, but I don't feel much support from my husband, it's only upon my request 🙂

I don't know how to read vargas yet but I am attaching the ones you have mentioned

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@shugara2002 One can spend hours analyzing vargas so i will just tell you briefly what i see:

D-2 The Hora, main planet is Moon and main Bhava is 2nd of course, 3rd because number three consisted of 1 + 2 =3. And the 4th because 2 square 2 is 4. The Hora is about resources and responsibilities. Do you have the resources to take care of yourself and the people close to you. It is more than just money although that is an important part of it. The Second Bhava has so much to do with how really satisfied we can be with anything. Does it feel like a burden or does it feel like worth doing. Your chart shows you have the Moon in the Sun Hora. You always want to examine the condition of the Moon in the Hora chart because the Moon represents our full capacity for feeling satisfied with anything, and the Moon needs closeness, affection and validation. It is very important in a woman's chart just as the Sun is important in a man's chart. Since your Moon is in the Sun Hora and not the Moon Hora, that implies to me the Moon is forced to adopt a greater sense of sacrifice and their needs are getting sacrificed for the needs of the greater. The Moon does not feel connected and validated for what it had to sacrifice

I see you have a wealth yoga in your Rasi. In D-2 your Moon is in its own home Cancer 9th cups rasi aspect the 10th and 7th with manifesting Mercury in the 7th, the spouse. Did the resources come from your father 9th cusp or spouse 7th cusp? The 2nd Bhava is not as great as it has Ketu rasi aspecting the 8th Bhava with Rahu. So ups and downs here. You have a 1/7 PV yoga which is good. Mars and Venus so lots of passion here about taking care of your responsibilities.

When i look at wealth i always look at D-4 too. The main planet there is Mercury. The Chaturthamsa is about getting your fair share out of life. The share you get in life, the portion you get in life, it has to do with your destiny, how much you are meant to have. It is your fortune. Your 4th Bhava Leo is rasi apsecting the 7th Bhava with manifesting Mercury. Again 7th Bhava indicating the spouse. It also aspects the Moon in the 9th Bhava just like what i see in your Hora. The 4th House Lord, the Sun is with Saturn rasi aspecting manifesting Jupiter. So overall, D-4 is not bad.

D-7 the main planet is Jupiter. The Saptamsa is about creating children/our dynasty. I also look at it for business relationship too where two people come together to form a business. Some people might have a fate to get married because of the Navamsa, but they may not create anything with their spouse because the Saptamsa is flawed. Or if the Saptamsa is good and they can create children with many people, but the Navamsa is really bad so no relationship lasts and they are not able to get married or have a stable relationship. I see you have Venus and Mercury in the 7th in D-1 and per Ernst's teaching that is a yoga of trouble relationship. That is why to confirm we need to look at your D-7 and D-9.

The main planet in D-7 is Jupiter and it is in an enemy sign with Mars, a malefic rasi aspecting its house with the waning Moon. Jupiter's lord is Mercury and it is rasi aspecting Rahu, Ketu and Saturn. In general i would say this is not a great D-7

D-9 the main planet is Venus in an enemy sign rasi aspect Mercury a manifestor so marriage is possible, but it also aspect Rahu which is a separator. The 9th Lord Mercury is rasi aspect Venus who is in an enemy sign but also Jupiter is a manifestor. You have a PV here 5/9 between Mars and Jupiter. that is a good interchange. I would say you have a better D-9 than the D-7...

I look at D-16 just to see how smooth of a ride you are getting through life. D-16 is the inner life, is it a bumpy road or a smooth road. I look the 4th House and Venus. I see Venus in an enemy sign rasi aspecting Mars, Saturn and the Sun. Just as a quick observation, D-16 seems a bit of an uncomfortable ride... 



(@Anonymous 35065)
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@tuyetv thank you for the in depth analysis, I have a lot of work to do starting with understanding it all

Regarding D-2 yes, I have had ups and downs even extreme ones, and D-4 - wealth coming from my father not really, but my husband is a big contributor to our family wealth.

Regarding D-7 I truly thought not being married as the main reason I couldn't get pregnant. Getting pregnant was very very difficult and was even declared sterile...then I got pregnant naturally (after the proposal :))) and linked with D-9, I think it was more of a choice to be in my marriage and to work for it because I never really felt 100% loved in any of previous relationships and I always left (also, I have Venus agitated by the Sun, just learned about it today)

D-16; if I judge only based on how late and difficult was to drive a car, yes, it was a bumpy ride. Life wasn't easy for me indeed but somehow I feel happy and grateful for the whole experience

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@shugara2002 May I say that i see some good YV yogas in the few vargas charts presented here. I see you have Jupiter Moon yoga and Ernst confirmed that it is a very nice combination to have in the D-1. I see good things in your charts. Life in general is never easy. It is a struggle everyday, but I also see the rewards or the satisfaction too.  Life is what we make of it. Vargas tells you your strength and weak areas in life. We want to focus our energy on our strength so we can make the weak areas stronger. We have to create our own inner happiness. No one can give that to us but us as i have realized that a long time ago. Is it easy? No it is not but it is doable...My father, a very wise man, used to tell me in my younger days that be happy and grateful for what you have in life. The person next to you may have more than you, but he could also have substantially less than you. That is inner happiness to a big degree....

I wish you well!



(@Anonymous 35065)
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@tuyetv beautifully said, very inspiring. Indeed, if we can appreciate what we have in our life we'll life the happiest life there is for us. And astrology is such a wonderful way of seeing all the perfect imperfections of life and make the best of it 🤩

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@tuyetv quick question if you don't mind - what is "YV yogas" short for?

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@nkan sorry spelling it is PV yogas....



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@tuyetv got it, thank you. I'm never sure whether to look at those or not in the vargas, as they require a very exact time of birth. In my D9 for example I have a PV, and it's either a 1st and 4th exchange, or a 3rd and 12th exchange - big difference right 😀 It's 1st and 4th if my birth time is exactly that which an astrologer rectified many years ago, but it's 3rd and 12th PV if the time is off by 1 or 2 minutes... Otherwise I LOVE using PV yogas, they are so impactful!

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@nkan My understanding D-60 is the most sensitive to time yeah one or two minutes will change the Bhavas...



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I think there is a rectification technique using D-60.... On your chart do you feel the 1/4 or 3/12 fits more to your situation or events in your life?

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@tuyetv @staffan Now that you mention it, I reckon I resonate more with the 3-12 exchange, sadly. I guess I never focused too much on it, number 1 because I plan to study the rectification techniques at some point, but also - I'm not quite sure what the difference would be between having these PV yogas in the Rasi and the Navamsa. Would it be more pertinent to long-term relationships/marriage? Or would it be once again more of "a general life theme"...

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@nkan It would be similar of course, but in some way more related to your lifepath, your obligations or what you have subscribed too.

I have 4-6 myself, a completely pessimistic combination that takes all joy away - in D9 - and I have been deeply ungrateful towards the creator, that has given me a rather fascinating lifetime this life and many things - also adventures - to feel vibrant about. There are other factors to blame, hard to say what´s a bad yoga and what´s caused by "bad" planets and/or avasthas - or by just haven´t been a spoiled brat. But I believe I can feel it.


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@staffan yeah, I think I get it (how it would be for D9), though as usual with my Pisces Mercury it's not something I can put into words, just intuitively sensing the concept.

Among other aspects of the 3rd-12th PV, one thing that really stands out for me is the mentioning of losing of skills, abilities. In my childhood and teens I had a bit of a super brain, everyone was praising me for it, and then lost some of my cognitive abilities (seemingly irreversibly) such as my super powerful memory for example - it happened when I was 20 and I think it was a combination of health issues and alcohol that caused it. If you've watched the movie "Maleficent" there was a scene where she woke up with her wings cut off. That's kind of what it felt like for me.

But I think this and many other failures and disappointments happened for a reason. I needed less ego, more God, and that was the path in my case. Either way - it is what it is 🙂 

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@nkan I haven´t seen that movie, but I see what you mean. Ouch.

But yes, being super intelligent tends to come to a cost. It´s far better to be intellectually limited but connected to God, of course. If we don´t think that, we´d better start praying...


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@nkan Don´t you feel which one of them it is? That would help you to rectify your chart of course.


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Thanks, Andra, for sharing your chart. It is an interesting case. Everyone has provided great takes on it. 

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