... and by that I mean the orant, the person praying.
Scott presented some interesting concepts about what planet represents what healing practic, and I suggested that Mars was the prayer.
I pray a lot, and I chant. I have Jupiter and Mars in the 5th, with Ketu, and I´m strong in my conviction that it´s Mars that is praying. He says it´s Jupiter (backed up by Mars and Ketu I suppose).
I have Kartikeya on my side of the argument...
Jokes apart; is there such an indication as "Mars is the prayer" or am I wrong? Does anyone know?
I think Jupiter is prayer because Jupiter is devotion and prayer is an outer form of that inner felt devotion. Prayer needs emotion behind it otherwise it can be just mechanical which is pure mars.
Mars is putting prayer in action, doing out of purpose which is again Jupiter.
Mars Jupiter in 5th is a good combination for prayer, mantras reciting, chanting etc because both delight each other but ketu can create over identification and thus some problems which need to be worked out through rahu's position
Good thing is that mantra chanting can burn his bad LAs faster
Yep. He´s in Rahu dasa now, which I believe is great, he´s 18 and it lasts until 27. Perfect age for Rahu dasa - do all the worldly stuff, project all his worldly dreams and get disappointed, then board the Jupiter dasa. With Saturn starved by Sun and Sara akriti yoga I predict the emptiness of his life will reach him by then. A good Jupiter in the 8th, ruling his 9th and 12th... A big turnaround, I bet. But it will be rough, the end of his Rahu dasa will coincide with his Mars maturation. Mars shamed by Saturn in the 5th. That will me a time for me to pray, if I´m still around. If he gets through that alive - and I believe he will, he has good protection - big things might happen.
His Moon has over 100 in Dig, that´s a saving grace too. Rohini nakshatra.
Jupiter is prayer as a general karaka. But the 5th house is a house of spiritual practice/expression/magic. So, having your Mars there would inevitably be apart of that energy dynamic for you.
What have you found in your son's sara yoga experience?