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What planet is the prayer?

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... and by that I mean the orant, the person praying.

Scott presented some interesting concepts about what planet represents what healing practic, and I suggested that Mars was the prayer.

I pray a lot, and I chant. I have Jupiter and Mars in the 5th, with Ketu, and I´m strong in my conviction that it´s Mars that is praying. He says it´s Jupiter (backed up by Mars and Ketu I suppose). 

I have Kartikeya on my side of the argument...

Jokes apart; is there such an indication as "Mars is the prayer" or am I wrong? Does anyone know?


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Amit Bhat
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I think Jupiter is prayer because Jupiter is devotion and prayer is an outer form of that inner felt devotion. Prayer needs emotion behind it otherwise it can be just mechanical which is pure mars.

Mars is putting prayer in action, doing out of purpose which is again Jupiter.

Mars Jupiter in 5th is a good combination for prayer, mantras reciting, chanting etc because both delight each other but ketu can create over identification and thus some problems which need to be worked out through rahu's position 

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@amit I suppose you are right, especially since Scott says the same thing basically. I was hoping for Mars also because my son has Mars in his 5th too - with Saturn though - and I thought that maybe he was like me in this regard. Probably not then. Life will show me.

And yeah, I recognize that the chanting has become my safe heaven during a period of evoultionary growth that I have gone through lately; nope, the spirits say, you can´t j u s t pray and chant, you must see people too, and let go of this, this and this... (Dismantling all my asperger excuses...) 5C´s 55th yearspred: 10H, 3S, KS, 10S, 2H (on Jupiter position), QH, 5H, Influece: 5S, ecliptic: AD

Thank you!


Amit Bhat
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As 5th house is mantras recitation or chanting itself, so it can give that. However Saturn mars in 5th is quite a difficult combination as both starve and shame each other Vs mars Jupiter  which both delight each other while Ketu adds shame. Even though both can result in prayer but Saturn mars could have lot of stress involved while mars Jupiter could be more enjoyable.

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@amit Yeah, it´s a tough house and a tough chart in general, my son´s that is. He has a Sara akriti yoga as a foundation to begin with, and only that one, no good one besides. And several other tough things. I predict both hard times and plenty of growth for him; I will have use for my prayers when it come to him, that is for sure. A very sweet boy, my Emil; he was born in Chile, grew up in Mexico since 7 years old, moved to Sweden and my parents at 15 and is now finishing the equivivalent to high school there; plan to go to Chile for a year next year and then back to Sweden to study. He has a 3/4 PV yoga in the rasi chart, who could guess such a thing? 😀 

A good thing, I believe, is that he´s an 8C. They are very adaptable and a lot tougher than they seem to be!


Amit Bhat
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Good thing is that mantra chanting can burn his bad LAs faster 

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Yep. He´s in Rahu dasa now, which I believe is great, he´s 18 and it lasts until 27. Perfect age for Rahu dasa - do all the worldly stuff, project all his worldly dreams and get disappointed, then board the Jupiter dasa. With Saturn starved by Sun and Sara akriti yoga I predict the emptiness of his life will reach him by then. A good Jupiter in the 8th, ruling his 9th and 12th... A big turnaround, I bet. But it will be rough, the end of his Rahu dasa will coincide with his Mars maturation. Mars shamed by Saturn in the 5th. That will me a time for me to pray, if I´m still around. If he gets through that alive - and I believe he will, he has good protection - big things might happen.

His Moon has over 100 in Dig, that´s a saving grace too. Rohini nakshatra.


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Jupiter is prayer as a general karaka. But the 5th house is a house of spiritual practice/expression/magic. So, having your Mars there would inevitably be apart of that energy dynamic for you. 

What have you found in your son's sara yoga experience?

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@scott-m-19 His and mine... I have Sara too. But I also have Chakra yoga that makes me quite energetic (as you may have noticed).

It blends with other factors of course and it´s hard to say what causes what. I also have a bad Jupiter; in E sign and shamed. It´s bad and most vargas too, including D9. Partly bailed out by a good aspecting lord, Venus, in GF dignity in the 9th, ruling 5th and 12th. I recently listened to the PAC video about shamed Jupiter, and I can´t deny that I have been quite intolerant. But again: Venus helps it a lot. Ah, and I have a 4/6 PV yoga in D9 that also creates a sensation of emptiness and lack of meaning. My D10 is good though, making up for many things. But to conclude: I have had very little interest in life, I have been asking for permission to leave more than once. Before I met my dear Lupita three years ago my plan B was to start from the bottom, basically living as a homeless and see what could happen from there.

As for my son he´s eagerly searching for meaning, especially in music. He has Rahu in the 12th and in Pisces, so there is a great resistance towards spirituality and letting go. His true nature is quite spiritual though, having Jupiter in good shape in the 8th, ruling the 9th and 10th. Sun is starving Saturn, so he´s trying to build a kingdom on what he´s not. But as said above: running Rahu dasa between 10 and 28 seems perfect to me; he will indulge the world and what it has to offer, and then hopefully, when entering the Jupiter dasa, be motivated to open up for Jupiter. His Moon is in Rohini, so creativity is a big thing to him; again: music. He´s reaching a semi professional level and hopefully he will find true joy and fulfillment in that. Relationships may be hard for him, with Venus starved and agitated by the Sun, Venus ruling his 7th house.


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Maybe Sara yoga can be a foundation for spirituality, in a similar way that a shamed planet may. You feel the emptiness and have to struggle to overcome it. But I have to say: Without my very spiritual wife I would not have been able to rise, I believe. I would have been stuck in victimization and spiritual lazyness.

