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Analysis of Planetary Lords of Saptamsas Varga

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Hi Ernst,

i am trying to make sense of how to analyze the planetary Lords of Saptamsas and read the descriptions in the Saptamsa Handouts. I followed the Yavanta Jataka's technique but since you said that is not a really good technique, you came up with something a little different. I am trying to follow the technique you suggested. Since there are no example videos, could you tell me if I am on the right track?

Mars in the Rasi 21:33 Capricorn even Rasi so we go to Cancer and start there. So Cancer 7, Leo 6, Virgo 5, Libra 4, Scorpio 3 and Sagitarius 2nd. Mars falls in the 2nd Saptamsa of D-7. The 2nd Saptamsa of even sign the Lord is Venus. To find where Venus is in the chart we start in the Rasi at 1st Cancer is Moon, 2nd Leo Sun, 3rd Virgo Mercury and 4th Libra Venus. So Venus is the 4th Saptamsa of Libra. Then we go to the HO on page 6 and read 55.4 verse which gives the descriptions of the 4th Saptamsa of Libra

Am i doing it right per your technique you suggested? Thx!




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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

no, you are making it more complicated than it is. Its jsut as its says in teh results, the results say, planet in 7th saptamsa of Capricorn. So mars is in capricorn, in the 7th saptamsa. Thats all. 
