Birth Time and Varg...
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Birth Time and Vargas

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@benjamin-whipple There is another thread on what does EXACT even mean in respect to birth time.  There are a few different moments to choose from, I'm not a medical technician but my understanding is that modern method for determining birth time in hospitals is when the entire body of the baby is outside the mother.  Aggregating the comments about birth time on this forum and what Ernst has commented on, the first breath is the key moment to use.  There is another interesting post from @Scott-M-19 quoting and article from Shyamasundura das:

"In Satya Jatakam, Satyacharya writes that there are three moments which can be taken as birth time:

1) Adhana lagna the moment of conception

2) Siro darshana lagna when the head becomes visible

3) Bhu patana lagna when the body touches the earth"

I mention this because in rectifying charts using Varshaphala and the technique of using sahams in connection to the yearly D60 and D45 to predict saham effects and events down to the day with Mudda dasa, I have often seen that advancing the birth time by 1-1.5 minutes (which will move a saham 1 rasi in the Varshaphal D60 or D45) makes for more accurate results in the Varshaphal and in the Natal D60.  Could this discrepancy be somewhat accounted for by the 3rd option above of placing the feet on the ground?  I consider this because so often I will look at the day a person was married through the lens of sahams and mudda in the appropriate Varshaphal year and more often than not a minute extra on the birth time lines things up.  

If you haven't yet, I would take the Varshapala courses, they're amazing, and then experiment with the mudda dasa technique in the context of the biggest events of your life and the day they happened with the corresponding sahams.  Then look back at how your higher vargas change in the natal chart and if that links up with Vimshottari dasa effects down to 5 levels.

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@quasar259 is Varshaphala course suitable for a beginner?

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(@Anonymous 29753)
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Thank You Quasar. I have not studied any of the Vargas in depth other than the Rasis, but I am considering experimenting with changing my birth time by a minute as you said especially because my parents told me I wasn't breathing for about a minute when I came out. 

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@benjamin-whipple yes, it's very likely your birth time is later if you didn't breath for a minute.  That will change things in the Vargas, especially higher ones.

Ernst Wilhelm
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Yes, the varshaphala is very suitable for beginners. 

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