How does vargottama...
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How does vargottama work

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Like how good dows it nake a planwt? Overcoming all the negatives?


If a moon is in scorpio in both d1 and d9 does a planet being vagottama while debilitated basically overcome the debilitattion? Or atleast not lwt it get that bad if it would be otherwise? Of course exalted vargottama will be better tho, or will they be the same?? 


And let's say if a moon is debilitated in d1 and with jupiter in pices in d9, does that make it better? Like being conjunct jupiter?




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Hi, Ernst says the chart as a whole becomes better when the Moon is Vargottama.

It doesn't overcome all negative things, Kemadruma yogas will still be in effect, for example. It doesn't make up for debilitation either.

It's a good thing to have, I see it as giving the person a few lucky points in the face of troubles, also more room to adapt and evolve in the face of difficulties. Since the Moon is the self identity, I think the self gets supported in all areas. 


Hope it helps

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@silvia you're that cards of truth girl right?, didn't think I'd even get to talk to you lol i used to see ur videos at first when i got interested in astrology..



I think it might have a say for other planets too , regardless it's given heavy due from Indian astrologers anyways.


By seeing a planet debilitated in both vargas one might think that you're done in that part of life but astrology indicates otherwise I don't know..


Side question - do you give special importance to kemadruma yoga and it's dangers? I know it's scary cause i have it but seems like it's on top of the list of bad things even after your lot of knowledge 

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@wanderer I am not the cards of truth girl… 😄 wonder who you’re confusing me with haha

I’m taking it as a sign, cause Ive been postponing starting Cards of truth for years and I recently decided Im starting in the next few months. 

Jaimini kemadruma is tough, yes, but it’s at the top of my mind cause I’ve been really focusing on yogas and Jaimini recently. 

Ernst Wilhelm
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I think vargottama is something that has been misused. Vargottama means, best or most highest varga. Its not mentioned in BPHS, or Jamaini and not in many other classical texts. Its mentioned in Satya Jatakam which has many navamsa techniques in it and it has a 10 fold assessment of Subha and Asubha yogas which means, auspicious and inauspicious yoga. This is a technique for examining how auspicious a planet is and one of those assessments is Vargottama. This is programmed into Kala under the Subha/Asubha pop up. I also used this in the Core Yogas book. As I discovered and learned to use other tools, namely the 5 Avasthas, istha and kashta, the subha/asubha of BPHS, I used those more and the Subha/Asubha of Satya Jatakam less. 

In my opinion the most definitive thing about vargottama is in the muhurta books where it is stated in the chapter of factors that remove the negative effects of muhurta blemishes, that if the moon or lagna is in vargottama blemishes are overcome. This is the only way I use vargottama anymore and I see it that if moon or asc is vargottama it strengthens the chart foundation, thats all it does, and that is VERY wonderful and important to know. I just have not found it working to consider a planet to act like exalted because its in the same rasi and navamsa. None of the parashara techniques that use vargas consider vargottama. A planet gets so much strength for being in some dignity in rasi, navamsa and other vargas and if its DB in rasi and navamsa, it gets 0 points and no statements are made that this all changes cause a planet is in vargottama. 

Its an easy thing to test, look for planets that are not in good shape and see if they are in vargottama and if that dramatically changes things for the better or not?


Ernst Wilhelm
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With that said, the subha/asubha yogas of Satya Jatakam are a good tool. As a researcher I needed to focus on understanding the confused Parashara techniques that had been neglected. You can get a decent idea of what planets are working better or worse for a person by looking at these yogas and find some surprises. In this technique vargottama gives a point, a malefic navamsa takes half a point, a benefics navamsa adds a half point. So if a person has an planet in aries rasi and navamsa, its the sign of a malefic so it gets 2 x half a bad point. Then its in vargottama it gets a full good point, so its at 0 now, its not a great planet. If, it has bad dignity in rasi and bad dignity in navamsa it gets a full bad point in both vargas, so its at -2, if its in vargottama, it gets one good point, so its still a bad planet, so you will see that vargottama is rarely the thing that turns the planet around as its only a fraction of the equation.

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@ernst tho vargottama might be irrelevant in some cases does it apply to rahu and ketu?. And vargottama is different than a planet debilitated in d1 but exalted in 9th varga right?



It all came to mind from jk rowlings debilitated in d1 venus but exalted in d9 which u said added her to being a successful person..


So doesn't that in a way mena planwts dignity in d9 is of way more importance than in d1? I know that d1 is path and d9 is it's satisfaction with it but still...

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@ernst Hello Ernst, Varaha Mihira mentions Vargottama but he also quotes Satyacarya often if I am not mistaken, I am just writing this from my memory. Do you think Varaha Mihira mentions Vargottama in his books because he got that idea from Satyacarya? Hope you are well. Kind regards.

Ernst Wilhelm
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@narottama I don't know if he got Vargottama from Satyachara. I also don't think that the book he refered to when he talked about Satyacarya is what the book we have that is attributed to him. Satyachara. The Satyacarya that Varaha Mihiri mentioned was someone who had studied astrology vastly, but still he was not satisfied, he did a lot of spiriutal work and please Brahma who granted him the boon of knowing the results of all planetary permutations that could ever happen. The book we have by Satyacarya does not really have that flavor at all.

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@ernst Thank you for your reply. I undersand that you dont know whether Varaha Mihira got Vargottama from Satyacharya or not. Its interesting to read that you doubt that the book Satyajatakam was written by the same Satyacharya that Varaha Mihira mentions. That can be. I dont know. Though an interesting observation. Kind regards.

Ernst Wilhelm
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I do not apply vargottama to nodes as being very significant. How well they do in the sign is based on the wellbeing of the lord of the sign and planets in that sign. 

Planet DB but exalted in navamsa is not vargottama, its something that helps to restore the damage to a DB planet. 

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@ernst does a planet with jupiter in d-9 increses it's benevolence as well?I think u didn't consider conjunctions in vargas but correct me if I'm wrong


Does vargottama also considered from other vargas or just d9? Like d60 maybe?

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