Planets in placemen...
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Planets in placements from other planets

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In the 13th video in the Vimshottari course, Ernst speaks about the agenda of the planets, and elaborates the idea of a planet indicating something in relation to another planet, depending on it´s placement in relation to this other planet.

For example: Any planet in the 5th from Jupiter will have a saying concerning children.

Is there a course in which he teaches this technique more profoundly?

Also he mentions the Chara Karakas. Except for the AK, MK and DK, the one´s that we use most, is there a course in which we can learn more about all the seven chara karakas?


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You may want to check out Character Effects of the Grahas course...It is an audio course, an older course but a great course, in my humble opinion. Ernst would explain why Jupiter is exalted in Cancer and debilitated in Capricorn and the position of the planets and what they might represent in a chart....



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@tuyetv Thank you! I wonder though, I read my notes from that course the other day and he speaks about the planet being in a certain distance re their MT and OH, but I don´t think he explains what it means that a planet is in a 3rd or 8th or whatever from another. It´s kind of obvious though, I agree, but it would still be nice to hear something more elaborate on the theme.

I´m going to take that course again though, sometimes my video player doesn´t work well and then I go to the audio section...


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As i remembered the examples Ernst used were pretty good in that course. That is where he gets into if this planet is in this house it means something...



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To learn about the Cara Karakas, look into the Jaimini courses. 

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Especially the audio Jaimini course on the Svamsa. 
