this is definitely a good strategy. I tried it and it works. Thank you. ????
i am just the opposite. i find North Indian chart very confusing. I have always used South Indian chart. The one good thing about North Indian chart is the angle houses are easily identifiable. For South Indian chart i start with Aries moveable, Taurus fix and Gemini Dual. So the 4 corners Gemini, Virgo, Sagi and Pisces are dual signs. I find South Indian chart is easier to work with using Jaimini rasi technique. I just memorize the moveable and fix signs...I just known 1, 4, 7 and 10 are angles. Trines are 1,5 and 9. I have a sheet of paper that spelled out the houses and eventually you will remember them if you use them enough. Like Dusthana 6, 8 and 12. Artha houses 2, 6 and 10. Karma houses 3, 7 and 11 and so on...
I think Ernst said it is good to be comfortable with both because certain techniques work better with North Indian chart style and certain other techniques work better with South Indian chart...
@tuyetv, Thank you so much, I need to try out. Can you share the sheets?
I know the trines very well but just that when it comes to South Indian chart, how do u see the moving house lords?
Yesterday, by evening of working whole day with both type of charts, I got so mixed up, that even in North Indian I was making mistake. I think Ernst mentioned if you are used to one type for long time, then the other type becomes a bit difficult to comprehend at first. Like, the brain is used to one type and unable to see the other way than the new person who just started.
I keep getting the message "can't upload the file". If you give me your email i will be happy to email it to you....