Are Five of Clubs p...
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Are Five of Clubs prone to be autistic?

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My wife and two children are autistic = 3 of Diamonds, 3 of Spades and 6 of Diamonds. My dad is autistic too = Ace of Hearts. 

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@rhiannon Interesting... Have you looked on their cards and tried to see if you can spot the reason for their autism in them? If it is in some way related to certain diamonds for example. 3D is a high energy, very sensitive card that I would clearly relate to autism,  3 of Spades and 6 of Diamonds have Diamonds on their Mars card, which is a high energy position, maybe that would indicate something?

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Recently figured out at age 44 I have Level 1 ASD + ADHD. I’m a JD with a 4D agitated Moon. Tight Me/Ma + Ve stellium in Aries 10th house / 2S Mars (secure/starved).

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@dflow Sorry for late reply, I don´t visit the forum often. What can I say.. Welcome to the club... It´s obviously different for each and one of us, but to me it has been really helpful to realize that I´m autistic. I kind of come to understand it when I saw the Temple Grandin movie several years ago, a highly recommendable movie by the way in case you haven´t seen it. But the problem was that I didn´t got any clear results from the test I made online, which I later come to understand is due to overcompensation strategies that you develop during the years. Those tests are made for children. It wasn´t until I met a woman, now my wife, that has autism in my family that I got complete confirmation. When my met my mother-in-law for the first time I went to the bathroom after having sat down for maybe a minute. She then turned to her daughter, asking her: "He´s an asperger, right?"

To me having a diagnosis (even if it´s informal) has above all helped me to sort out my true emotions in situations in which I´ve always been overcompensation. With my Sun and Mercury in the 7th house and several planets in Libra I´m extremely social, but the bonding with people come at a very high price. I´m now learning to avoid group activities and get almost shocked when I look back. A few years ago I was supporting a spiritual activity and found myself - an adult man - crying like a baby in front of a male friend the third night of the event. "Noone is mean to me, everyone is just fine, and still I just can´t cope with the situation!" Now I thrive in solitude, and as I said: I don´t even participate much in this forum where I earlier used to be perhaps the most active member.

Also I realize that my very clear and rational way to communicate doesn´t work in a situation in which most people wear masks. I go very well along with kids and what´s in Latin America - I live in Mexico - is called "humble" people. Homeless people etc. But with middle class people, speaking in general terms, I clash. Most of them are taught not to show their real feelings or thoughts, and tend to look at what for me is falsehood as a good thing, good behavior. So we clash. If you say "Maybe I´ll show up tomorrow" without any intention of actually doing it, to me you are lying. For most people it´s implied that they are not going to come, it´s just a supposingly diplomatic way of saying it. I hate it, but as I say: having understood this it´s much easier to just avoid those situations.

Of course it makes it hard to work as an astrologer, not being able to adapt to the established social codes. But luckily I don´t depend on it for my living and as soon as I come out on the countryside, meeting the "humble" people I have much less problems. Which to me confirms my concept that it´s the middle class people that are anormal and screwed up, not me... My wife, an almost saintly woman, says that it isn´t a merit to be able to get well along with those peoples since they are highly developed spiritually and that I must learn to tolerate the modern people hiding behind a mask, and to that I say: little by little, babysteps... I´m still learning about my true way of functioning, now that I know that I am an aspie.

A spirit that regularly visit us says they had to make me an asperger to protect me from blending in too much with normal people...

Some food for thoughts perhaps. I guess that you know that oversharing is another commun trait of autism... That tends to make people nervous too, and less respectful. In the modern, urban world we are supposed to keep our cards tight to our chest...

As for JD and autism I believe that there is a relationship between at least some diamonds and aspergers. A higher sensibility could for example be mirrored by 3D, and JD has of course a nuance of that energy. Also AD is all about things that glitters and shines, I believe. Sensible to light perhaps?

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