Hi all,
Just a few practical question to help me get started:
1. The cards of truth website mentions a little book (of 52 pages), and the second beginners course also seems to be centered around this book. I assume one needs to buy it? I can't see a link... Am I missing something?
2. Do I understand correctly that I basically need two subscriptions, in parallel? One for this forum (on Astrology-Videos.com), to be able to ask questions, and another one for the Cards of Truth site?
3. Would I need to buy the Cards software straight away?
4. How much knowledge of Vedic astrology do I need in order to be able to study the cards? I am a Western astrologer, I've also spend some time exploring the beginner courses on this site, so I am familiar with some of the terminology and philosophy of vedic astrology, but that's as far it goes. Does that suffice to become really good at the cards, or would I, at some point, have to study vedic astrology to be good at the cards?
many thanks!
1. Ernst haș that available in PDF and can be downloaded for free when you’re signed up for the course. He makes the links available when you get to that specific video where you start needing to reference to the PDF. At least, it was like that 7-8 yrs ago when I signed up. I wouldn’t think it changed much, but maybe someone else can answer that for you.
2. Forum has free access, you just pay for the subscription to learn Cards of Truth. If I’m not mistaken, you can have 1 single sign on, so with the same ID you have access to learning and the forum. Maybe someone can clarify more, as well.
3. No, you don’t need to buy it right away. If you have Kala software for astrology, cards module is already included . But you can also buy Cards of Truth Kala only. The software gives you a break down for yearly, weekly, hourly transits and it’s really cool to have 6 screens in 1 to read. Plus it gives you access to compatibility tools using Cards of Truth for when you’re ready to explore those options. But you can use Ernst free Cards of Truth spread calculator online for the entire course. I used to hand draw the cards and their positions when taking notes and it helped me integrate more, being hands on - but I have Mercury in an earth sign. Definitely not necessary though. I personally know great card readers that took Ernst’s course to the end and never got the software. If you’ll want to read for clients and do predictions at some point, the software is a must, I think.
4. You may start learning Cards of Truth without having any sort of Astrology knowledge. Ernst teaches absolutely everything you need in that course. I too have started taking astrology courses from him and it was a lot to absorb, and I was going at it fast. I have gotten into the cards a few months after and fell in love with their lightness and I used them to read charts and make predictions way before being able to do so with astrology. If you have some background knowledge on Western, that will be useful, but absolutely not necessary to learn Cards of Truth and use it practically successfully.
Hope that helps!
Enjoy your journey ☺️ you’re starting it when Rahu is conjuncting Neptune in Pisces which is pretty amazing and exciting and the knowledge will stay with you forever and grow!
That sure helps. Thanks so much!
"The little book" refers to the card deck. As simple as that.