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Hello....huppy to study the cards....nice to meet u..Can anybody help with a card position?.i have queen of Cups in Saturns card i lose all that the card indicates?

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Queen of Cups, you mean Queen of Hearts?

Kind of, yes. I wouldn´t say that you loose it, but there is a struggle. But remember that we should rather see Saturn as a liberator, it´s the most beautiful planet in the sky, that should tell us something, don´t you think? It takes things away from us, sure, but it´s for a good cause. It´s an indication of something that we are supposed to waste energy on in this lifetime. Meaning: for your personal evolution (the  7th, 8th and 9th position is all about our evolution), you should let go of that thing. If it´s Queen of Hearts, it´s like: "Don´t waste too much energy taking care of everyone, trust life, it´s gonna do it for you." For me the Saturn card is 9 of Clubs, the idealistic card. The spread is telling me not to try to save the world or even dream of a better world, as a Five of Clubs I must deal with my own stuff. Five of Clubs that don´t do that tend to run into a brick wall; I have a Five of Clubs friend who is a famous world savior and she suffers from severe anorexia; I´m convinced that there is a relation. Of course with that horrible illness she doesn´t take my advice, and for sure: her Jupiter is with Rahu.


Well, that is my understanding at least.

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@staffan thank you very new with astrology and cards...i followed this path cause i wanna know how to deal with all the struggles in my life..if you could tell me your opinion about my path card ...that is king of spades......i learned from the lessons that is the card of death and destruction...and that kind of scares me a little ...and about the queen of hearts ...i had three misscarieges in my life so i wonder if thats the message of this card in that position...thank you very much for your reply...

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@dimitra I´m sorry to hear about that Dimitra. I can have a look at your cards for sure, but for that I would have to know your birth dates.

To me the Jack of Diamonds is one of the toughest card that there is, not so much because of it´s tough in itself but because of your emotional setup. You tend to insist making a deal with life in every situation, to charm it, to try to get away with a smile. But with Ecliptic card, the toughest of them all, there will always be situations when life says "sorry dude, not this time". Which wouldn´t be that terrible if you, I say it again, weren´t so driven by the conviction that life should be one happy game to play. Healthy breakdowns, surrendering, are important to Jack of Diamonds, but there tends to be a huge inner resistance. The reason that it´s so tough it´s because it´s not just a game or a morality, "you should do so and so", it´s life down to the naked bone. It really hurts. But of course it´s all set up for immense growth.

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@staffan thank u again for your reply...i was born on 10 April 1980  greece,larissa.

i ve been strugling my all life ... something seems to be very the point i wonder if this life has meaning... am in depression so many years..and the last three years were the worst of all my life...i wish life not to be a game but alittle more easier..maybe im overreacting cause of my depression...maybe i cant see clear...i really dont know ...yesterday before i go to bed i was thinking all this...i must do something with depresion...i dont want sorrow to kill me...i must kill the sorrow.. ..i play music instrument ...i like playing games on pc...its my escape door...but its like life telling not to do so...wird sircumstanses..that i reallyy again dont know if all this its cause of my depression...maybe the key to king of spades is this...that i must kill the deep sorrow...




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@dimitra Yes, "kill the deep sorrow" as you say or rather, I´d say, dare to embrace it and that way see how dark turns into light. Are you willing to share your birth dates? I´d like to see if there is something in your chart that might help you.


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@staffan 22:45 can uu share your email?

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@dimitra Sure, it´

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@staffan well said.  Very well stated (as another 5c i hear you!).

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@Dimitra Last year I had the Queen of Hearts on the Saturn card: it was an interesting, tough time. I had to let go a whole circle of female friends I once felt very connected. Sounds terrible and it was, but afterwards until now I feel so relieved and liberated. It was a necessary step in my evolution.

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I also had the Queen of Hearts on my Saturn card last year. There was a theme of the end of unconditional love during that period. Some situations came up where people came into my life expecting to be nurtured in a way that wasn't reciprocal so I needed to distance myself from them. I also got into a huge fight with my sister during that time over the same type of issues.  

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I’m also JD, so have QH as my Saturn card. My mother is QH birth card so to me it reminds me of my struggles with her… the way she loves feels heavy and intrusive to me, and was rarely attuned to my needs. I also feel a bit guilty sometimes for pushing her away, but it is to protect my peace.

I am in my 44th year now, and I have to say the last 2 years have been the hardest of my life. So maybe some of this midlife crisis is in the cards? Astrologically it is near the time of the Uranus opposition transit (which for me also is conjunct my sun).

Now that I think of it, I have had a number of female teachers that I had to let go of. Most recently (5 years ago) I was a star pupil of a teacher who has a "smothering mother" archetype... she pretended to love me but really wanted me around to make herself look good, and was very controlling with her students -- complimenting them but never letting them surpass her own self-grandeur as the "master" (like the martial artist teacher who breaks the students legs when they get too skilled 🤢). When I finally saw the deeper situation I was disgusted and angry, and had to leave. But I learned many valuable lessons!

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(Oops I had a brain fart 🤪 — actually my mom is QD not QH. But what I said all still applies.)

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@dflow To my experience there is a strong connetion between the cards of the same value and same colour. So it´s not completely wrong to say that your mother indeed is a QH, I´d say. She kind of represent that energy too, I´d say. I guess familiarity is the right word for to describe it. Now I´m just me, I´m not Ernst: Take it for what it is. Basically a suggestion.
