Last seen: Mar 10, 2025
My param guru ( said to be enlightened to the point that his horoscope no longer really functioned. His wife repeatedly stated ...
@sonnenschein111 Thank you for sharing your details. (It always takes me a while to reply- typical 5 of clubs, too much to do right now.) I keep thin...
Ernst, this is exactly how it feels @ age 50 & 1/2, as if the energy is running out and getting ready to shift.
@staffan I am sorry to hear that. Internet interactions can be complicated. I will send you prayers for drawing the right kinds of people into your ...
@ernst that is awesome to hear. Thank you for teaching it all. I just love the cards of truth. how do you feel your 1st card is resonating now? Are...
@staffan I think that the issue of KH on the ecliptic impacts this for both what you have described and what I have described as well. And wonder if ...
@staffan well said. Very well stated (as another 5c i hear you!).
@lorris wonder what makes him less social? The Sa opp sun? Sorry your dad is a narcissist that is a hard thing to grow up with.
@staffan as a 5C with an afflicted sun, I did not need to develop humility as much as self-love. I really think the planets make a tremendous diiffer...
@ernst thanks for pointing that out. As a 5 of clubs with a heavily loaded 7 of diamonds, I can attest, I am far from autistic, and far from having fi...
Yep. Planet placement changes it all so much. Especially the moon, jupiter & venus as far as childbearing I would assume. I had to get into ven...
Hello fellow CoT lovers, I would like to share my experience over those years, as 5C with now pushing 50. If you want to look carefully at my sprea...
I think it is a very good omen that I clicked into this thread today. Just yesterday, I was hanging out with my family, watching football with them. ...
@meyes Yes, it is so true. I once walked off a job I was given in my 20's because it just felt wrong, my feet could no longer stay in the building. ...