Hello. I would like to hear from folks in the forum who have either moved into their 52nd year and experienced the change(s) that ensued OR have already been there for a while. Asking because I find that I grow more and more excited about this upcoming event, at age 50 & 1/2. I would like to hear from people who can remark on how they could see or experience changes as their cycle of life became dominated by their moon card. Thank you in advance.
I went from 5 of diamonds to queen of spades. Fives are super busy, for 52 years i was cranking out material, Diamonds. Now I am hardly teaching since 52 due to internal developments that are taking most of my time, queen of spades. queens also have a 5 quality, so now I am more busy with m yself, spades, then things, teaching astrology, and other things. Life has become much more about myself and the need to work on myself instead of things, including astrology research. But dont worry, out of this queen of spades is coming some new stuff that you all will love when the queen of spades gives me a break so that I can find time to teach it.
@ ashtangi:
Hi, I would like to share my experience, too: I went from 6D to 4S some years ago and it was a big big shift: at the age of 52 years (I was a single parent, had a very busy life, job, additional trainings, trying to fulfill everything I could ...), at the age of 52 I quit the job after 6 years, used the time of unemployment for gaining more skills / 6D, which ensured me a new job, left it and had another one … but 2,5 years later I had to quit again for many reasons … so, yes, sun period was extremely important for me as a foundation to go on, all skills learnt at that time are still at my disposal, (yes, like swimming you don´t loose skills in general), sun is in the moon card :), but then 4S-period forced me to come down, forced me to relax …
Rahu dasha has started shortly before (rahu is with the sun in the moon card ...) and there was sade sati at its peak, ...
As a conclusion: from my experience and as far as I contemplated and understood some other charts the change from 51 to 52 years will be felt and expressed in such different ways, how you feel about it and what the themes are, depends a lot on moon card itself (my mo starved together with sa starved in ju-card, ju starved, too), the planets, on the avasthas, the focus cards / foundation of your chart (mine as an 8C BC is especially the 8S) and the all-over-attitude to life and challenge … Spade moon card signifies for me now: don´t avoid the shadow themes, dive deeper, go for it and enjoy life every second … I think we are here to experience highest peace and love in ourselves regardless of the surrounding ...
It´s good to be prepared, thank you Ernst, thank you so much for the Cards of Truth, Lajjitaadi Avashtas, Healing Rahu & Ketu, … helped me to understand myself, life in a more profound way and to take it easier.
Thank you everyone here at the forum who participated in an active way and / or still does, it´s so helpful and interesting to read different opinions and experiences – thank you ALL of you!
And: I love the cards, too 🙂
Yes, the 5 of diamonds is always there. In fact, the Sun card is always a huge part of our foundation.
Hi Ernst, how does it work if the Moon card has Ketu in it? I am just shy of 52, but I seem to be moving more towards the Saturn card that has Rahu in it. It seems that both the 5 of Clubs and the 5 of Spades are working in tandem for me, but the 9 of Spades is keeping it in balance. It actually feels like I am slowing down from my previous hectic lifestyle. At this point in time, I would rather cut out everything from my life that is not essential and just sit there day after day painting mandalas!!! Perhaps it’s just a phase as I haven’t crossed the threshold yet?