Tropical/Sidereal z...
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Tropical/Sidereal zodiak

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Hi Ernst and all,

If I understand correctly, you mix both tropical and sidereal zodiac in astrology. The tropical zodiac applies to the lord and the planets, the shadbala and the planets dignity, but what about nakchatran, dashas, ashtakvargas? I have thought about these question before but they came up again when I was watching videos about Lajjitaadi Avastas and when you Ernst, talked about Shadbala.

Thanks for a great course (sorry if i chose the wrong topic)



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Ernst Wilhelm
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I do not use sidereal zodiac at all. I use tropical calculations for all matters dealing with the zodiac. I currently use sidereal calculations for nakshatras, however, even that may not be correct, more research needs to be done on that. 

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@ernst ok, tropical straight through, thank you for your answer.

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@ernst not sure if this post was started just for the cards but here is a general Tropical vs Sidereal question . As I understand you use tropical calculations but all other theory is based on general Vedic knowledge (yogas, the meaning of each varga, graha combinations, nakshatras etc) and that makes sense to me - but I also believe that in a way all systems should work when used correctly? (yes/no?)

However, when we time dasas for instance- there is a difference on the results given by tropical vs sidereal calculations - would there also be a difference  on the results of birth time rectification using tropical vs sidereal?

Ernst Wilhelm
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In my opinion sidereal zodiac signs are a complete mistake, a manufacturing that resulted from lack of astronomical knowledge. And while yes, several cultures studied the stars themselves, these are not the zodiac signs. So yes, there is a huge difference if you use tropical or sidereal rectification. THe difference in my opinion being that the one done in sidereal wont be correct. 

Dasas are another matter, they are based on the nakshatras, just how to calculate nakshatras is a more complex problem due to the numerous ayanamsas that have been developed over the centuries. 

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@ernst  I would honestly say that this has been true. When I started this, I thought I was really a libra, but that was sidereal reading, until I met a friend who helped me identify more accurately that I was a Scorpio, I was fortunate enough that he helped me throughout understanding these slowly. And of course, a lifetime of studies no matter what. When I found out I was a Scorpio it brought to light real heavily especially with my stellium on my 3rd house, though, I really do not have concrete and supportive knowledge for neptune and uranus there, 4 planets + 2 outer planets is really hard. He encourage me though, telling me that I choose that to be closer to God. It makes sense, it's just hard together with Saturn Sun, despite it gives Surya Yoga, Brahma Yoga and Gaja Kesari, (Maybe Parvata Yoga?) those probably the top 3 that kept me alive. And maybe 2 kahala Yoga that all despite pain and sadness, I just laugh it off, somewhat a bit distorted. Lol!

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Ernst, do you still feel the Dhruva Galactic Center, Middle of Mula ayanamsa is the most accurate or reliable?

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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I have had good results with it and people all the time are telling me they are having great predictive results with it. 

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