Compability Audio 1
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Compability Audio 1

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(@Anonymous 24687)
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It was mentioned that when a woman does not feel good emotionally, she is not supposed to do anything. She should just wait it out. Is this for more tangible achievements like getting a degree?  Does eating a good piece of cake, jogging, movies or reading a good book count to feel better count as doing nothing? 

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@stefanie3004 I haven´t listened to that class for a while, but to my understanding she´s recommended to take care of herself. Not searching for fulfillment in her masculine side, like self realization in the external work. So feelgood things, yes.

Which of course doesn´t mean that she should not do the masculine things too - but as you say, not as a way to overcome depression or not feeling good about herself. Maybe stop doing that for a while and take it up later.


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(@Anonymous 24687)
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Posts: 92

@meyes Yeah. I think so too. Thank you.

Ernst Wilhelm
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Doing nothing means doing nothing about the out there, but doing A lot about one's own self and for one's self. 

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The way I see it, there are two aspects to it. One is a person being independent, and one is when a person is in a relationship. Being single means everything that you need, you are capable of providing for yourself, whether it be a man or a woman.

To look at it as an independent person -

There are many examples of women holding important higher positions and working shoulder to shoulder with men for centuries. Even if a woman does not go out to work to earn money, she can still do things to help sustain her physical body. Gardening, gathering, bartering, needlework, etc were ways that women have kept themselves and helped keep their families alive for many centuries. This is using their masculine side. 

Asking a woman to not use her masculine side makes her weak and dependent and depressed, and in turn it makes the family, the children and the society weak and dependent and depressive. I personally feel good about myself when I have taken some action. I guess it is one of the reasons many women go to the gym or running - to get those endorphins going. Endorphins have got nothing to do with testosterones.

To look at it as a person in a relationship -

Two people come together because it is time for them to move up to the next level and find other weaknesses within themselves and overcome them. Where one is strong, the other is weak, and vice versa.

A woman connects from within. But if she has connected to something that is not making her emotionally fulfilled, then that means that she has connected to the wrong thing. Taking any action on the outside to change her circumstances is not going to get her any fruits. But if she takes actions to make the shift from within, things begin to shift for her without taking action in the outside world and she begins to attract that which will make her emotionally fulfilled. 

As Ernst has mentioned, all a woman has to do is say ‘yes’ to things that make her happy and ‘no’ to things that make her unhappy. It is as simple as that. No reasons, no excuses needed. It is putting down the boundaries of Saturn which becomes the hardest for her as an emotional entity. Someone who connects to everything from within now has to learn to become ruthless to cut and keep certain parts of the universe out. Kind of like weeding the bad things out so that good things can flourish in the universe. It is not an easy task.

Women are on a journey of finding their real nature and experiencing the power of Nature Herself that flows through them. Unfortunately, it makes insecure men feel more insecure.

Recently, a man said something to me that I found was a profound way of expressing the reality of Nature - “A man might think he is the one doing things, but a man can do nothing unless a woman gives him permission to do it.” A man acknowledging his primordial weakness is a rarity, and I honour him for that insight. He is someone I will bow down to.

Posts: 92
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(@Anonymous 24687)
Joined: 3 years ago

When I am emotionally down, I found that having a job to do helps instead of constantly thinking of my emotional pain but after a day of hard work, I am again reminded of my pain. 

I find talking to a therapist or even sharing my problems with female friends helps. 

I am not a meditator but I like to listen to spiritual talks/discussions. It helps too. Work on that Jupiter. 

It is said that a man cannot live without a wife and a woman cannot live without her friends. 


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