Compability Audio 1
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Compability Audio 1

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(@Anonymous 24687)
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What if you are not destined to be with someone whom you have very high Kuta points and stri drigha  but to be with some with high Kuta points but no stri drigha? I know a couple that have no stri drigha and average Kuta points but together for many years. So ultimately, it is all predestined. 

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@stefanie3004 I agree... Our Kuta report gives low points to my relationship with my newly-found fiancé, but in the CoT system it all seems fated... And above all, according to the other traditions we attend (native American), "abuelo tabaco", dreams and visions etc, it´s all fated and meant to be, no escape from this even if we would want to. (And yes, I did want to get away in the beginning.)

Luckily she´s a very nice person so I have good hope about this working out, despite the low Kuta points. But it´s very much about sharing a path as healers. And also about being older = experienced; I´m 53 and she´s 44. I wouldn´t stand a chance being with a Ra/Mo, Ra/lagna woman 10 or 15 years ago.

My ex and I also had a low Kuta score but we had Mahendra, and it stil keeps us together I´d say. Not as a couple, but we are really tight as parents to our kids. And very good friends. This morning she sent me a heart smiley to share with my fiancé; they really love and respect each other, we think they might be a mother and a daughter from an earlier life... So at the end of the day, to my experience: it´s not all about the Kuta. I would above all be worried about negative Vedha and Rajju, the rest I think is negotiable. Depending, of course, on the couple´s maturity (= age, whether their planets are mature or not), and on what they share. Do you share a path, a prayer or do you have children together? Then the relation can burn through a lot of hardships.

I remember Ernst telling how Yogananda was deliberately looking for the days with the worst predictions for to initiate something, showing that with willpower and faith you can overcome all odds.


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(@Anonymous 24687)
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In the 5/9 combo, if a man's moon is 5 signs away from the woman, who plays the student and who is the teacher? 

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@stefanie3004 I think there can be a mutual teaching and learning, because the 5th is 9th from the 9th and the 9th is 5th from the 5th.


Ernst Wilhelm
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Yes, in the end, all you can use the compatiblity for is to guide people in strategies to make their relationship work better. Yogananda pointed out three couples that he said had divine love between them. A friend of mine had the charts of one of these couples and they did not have Stri Dirgha. Will htey have issues with stri dirgha, yes, will it matter, no, because when people become capable of divine love their buttons don't get pushed by these types of things that push the buttons of people struggling with their wounds. 

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@ernst It also reminds you about what you say in the CoT´s compatibility course (I think) about the impossibility of finding the right person actively searching for it, because then we are acting out of lack and frustration, so we can impossibly attract something lining up with our dharma. Only doing our dharma we can attract that thing/person.

Same thing with compatibility astrology, I guess: If we give too much importance to it, we give room for doubts and fear, thus ruining the process.

So it tends to become a catch 22.

And I guess this applies even more for women than for men, since women connect more through their allknowing Moon. Using their analytical (masculine) side betrays their feminine side. To a degree; balance above all!


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PS. It´s like: "If you go to the astrologer your are screwed. Not because you go to the astrologer, but because you have the need for it."

God is such a joker!


(@Anonymous 24687)
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How to heal your wounds?

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@stefanie3004 Take the Lajjitaadi Avasthas - The Heart of Parashara and Lajjitaadi Avasthas Master courses, and go from there. 


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@stefanie3004 @astroalex What Alex says, but also: the twelve steps tradition offers a very kind and effective healing path. Perhaps you have an addiction of some kind that would motivate such a participation; if not drugs, sex or alcoholic perhaps relationships, shopping or codependence...?


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(@Anonymous 24687)
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Wounds don’t heal that way. Wounds don’t heal by doing something. Sometimes, wounds heal from doing nothing at all. I have studied the avastha course. 



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@stefanie3004 I don´t understand why you say that. Of course you can heal a lot in a twelve step-program. Maybe you don´t realize that you are working on your nodes and lajjitaadi avsthas, but you do.

And yes, some avasthas heal best just by time, but then I don´t understand why you ask from the beginning?


(@Anonymous 24687)
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@meyes It's complicated ????

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Cargo cult Pilpul.

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