Compability Audio 1
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Compability Audio 1

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@stefanie It´s all as individual (at least almost) as any astrology chart and depends on where the planets and cusps work together, based on the placements at that moment. But generally speaking - though the placements may change it quite a lot - 4 of Clubs has a loner tendency, or rather "I don´t want to depend on anyone", indicated by Jack of Spades on the Moon card. Jack of Spades = the orphant, the Moon card = how we adapt to the world, so indeed, there is a natural tendency to embrace independence as a natural thing.

On the other hand the Venus card is 10 of Hearts, the "happy happy" card, which is a strong indication of wanting to be in a relationship, and possibly having a family too. And the overlying card of 4 of Clubs, indicating the natural goal, what we are naturally gravitating towards, is 6 of Hearts, which is another card that indicates "perfect love life" (in a cosy, loving way). Finally: 5 of Hearts on the Neptune card. That position is an indication of a longterm longing, something that we really want to bring to reality in this world (Ernst compares to a pregnancy). 5 of Hearts: "Improving emotional connections."

Finally you have the 8 of Spades on Rahu, the challenge card (what we are here to develop and bring to a high level): to find your own rythm, you own pace. You are generally not good at that until after 42 (rather the tendency is to feel stuck in the areas of life that are afflicted by Rahu), but after that you can bring to a high level and become very independent in that sense. But it´s alvays a theme of yours, something that you work on all the time, for sure.

So the duality being alone/having a partner is most certainly a theme for 4 of Clubs, perhaps the strongest theme of yours. One of my closest female friends is a 4 of Clubs, and she spent several years as a bachelorette, really wanting to find the right man, or perhaps: wanting the right man to find her. And when he finally arrived - well, they have been married for 30 years now and have three daughters.


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(@Anonymous 24687)
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????Wow! How did you figure all that with just knowing I am a 4 of clubs?

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@stefanie3004 I attach a chart. This is a chart for someone born on October 18 2022, but all 4 of Clubs have the same basic chart, that is the same cards. Then they behave differently (to some degree) depending on how the planets and cusps fall in the individual chart. So it´s more a picture of your potential, or a rough sketch over you, than a truly personal chart, important to bear in mind.


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@stefanie 3004 (And your other big theme is about the relationship to the material world, as indicated by the diamonds in the spread. NEW things and WORKING things (also values, skills, skilfull people, fame etc) tend to be important themes in a four of Clubs person´s life. For example this, an awesome new astrological system, is something that a four of Clubs person would typically stumble upon. (Ace of Diamonds on the Ecliptica; "on the road of finding new promising things" indicates that.) 😉


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@meyes one of these days (maybe be next year) i will get into COT. Mattias could you tell me about Queen of Spade? Thanks in advance!



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@tuyetv Their main theme is independence, but in a different ways than Jack of Spades that I just wrote about. Jack of Spades represents the capacity for survival and independence when we don´t have a choice. Like being an orphant and having to find your own way. But Queen of Spades is about true independence. Maturity, sanity, health. Nothing threatens it.

Glad you asked, because Queen of Spades is a very rare card that I haven´t encountered, I mean as a Birth Card. It shows up only once a year, on January 2, so if your BC is QS you are one out of 365 persons.

It´s late at night where I am, I´ll write more about it tomorrow.


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@meyes yes i am Queen of Spade... that is why i would like to know



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@meyes No rush at all... At your convenience. I am just curious



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@tuyetv I KNOW you are curious, you have Jack of Clubs as your Sun card! (It´s the curiosity card.) 😉

If you now have a look in the Cards of Truth-section...


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@meyes thanks yes i have always been a curious creature. Learning makes me very happy even when i am tired and stressed out. It is the curiosity that lead me to astrology... Kala software shows that i have the Queen of Spades for birth card, the Sun Jack of Club; Moon 9 of Diamond, Mars 7 of Spades, Mercury 2 of Club, Jupiter King of Club, Venus Jack of Diamond and Saturn 4 of Heart. What ever that means. I will find out when i have a chance to take COT...


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@tuyetv I wrote about it in the Cards section of the forum, didn´t you get a call, I wrote your name?



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@meyes went to COT section and found it....Appreciate your time Mattias!



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(@Anonymous 24687)
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I am almost about to complete audio clip 8 for compatibility. I usually listen to these audios as I prepare financial statements. So today at work, I paused and thought to myself that with all these factors to study compatibility: stri drigha, vasya, Rahu, bha Kuta, yoni, etc; it is going to be nearly impossible for a couple to have good compatibility. There is going to be at least one factor that they may not be compatible on. From what I have understood, I consider stri drigha to be important for a woman and also the placement of the 2,12, 6,8 and 5 9. I was thinking with my moon in leo, I should choose a man with moon in Aries and quickly learn that is a bad choice. Having moon in a rakshasha nakshatra, there are very few men to have stri drigha with and also be a rakshasha nakshtra. My best bet from the nakshatra table is a man with Aquarius moon in rakshasha nakshatra. That  is like one in a million ????  


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@stefanie3004 I really recommened the Cards of Truth-course for this. You don´t have to read cards for to really enjoy, and completely understand, the first 20 or so videos in that course, where Ernst speaks extensively about the difference of Moon persons and Sun persons needs, expectations and behaviour when it comes to relationships. Also what it means for a woman to have a certain planet with her Moon, on her lagna and on her 4th cusp, and for a man to have it with his Sun, in the lagna and on his 10th cusp.

You find it on Highly recommendable!


(@Anonymous 24687)
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@meyes I did study it briefly but then decided not to continue. I am trying to get my basics right first.

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@stefanie3004 Yeah, I meant specifically the compatibility course, as a part of the Cards of Truth let´s call it program. There are several hours of introduction that are not at all cards specific, it´s all about the masculine and feminine principles and bonding.


(@Anonymous 24687)
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@meyes I may have taken notes on that previously. Need to go and hunt for my notebooks.

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@stefanie3004 Hi! Moon in Krittika here. 🙂 I don't know if that is a good match for your Moon, but it is a Rakshasa nakshatra, if I remember correctly. 😀


(@Anonymous 24687)
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@astroalex it wouldn’t work if it is Aries moon. That would be in the 5th, 9th combo.

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@stefanie3004 Actually, mine is in Gemini. But if yours is in Magha nakshatra, it's not the best compatability. Only 19 points and there is a Watery Nadi too. 😀


(@Anonymous 24687)
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@astroalex The nakshatra table I am referring to is from the compatibility manual and it seems to be sidereal. I have moon in Leo, Ashlesha, tropically but in the table it says Cancer rashi. ????

(@Anonymous 24687)
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@astroalex Yes, it is a watery nadi. 


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@stefanie3004 Oh, but with Ashlesha the points are 23 and there is Mahendra, which helps with blemishes like Watery Nadi. So a guy with a Moon in Krittika nakshatra can be a good match for you.


(@Anonymous 24687)
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@astroalex How are you calculating the points of 23 so fast ? Is it from kala software or there is a table?

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@stefanie3004 Haha, yes, I have the Kala software. 🙂


(@Anonymous 24687)
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@astroalex I have Kala software too but you need to input birth details to calculate the kuta points. How are you doing it based on nakshatra alone??

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@stefanie3004 Right. So I took a chart that has a Moon in Magha nakshatra and changed the birth time to move it to Ashlesha. Then I pulled up the Compatability screen to see how it matches with my Moon.


(@Anonymous 24687)
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@astroalex I see. Thank you.

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(@Anonymous 24687)
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I think women with moon in rakshasha nakshatra are here to accomplish something in this world against all odds. So it is ok if men think you are a fire ???? blowing dragon. 

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(@Anonymous 24687)
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About the Varna dosha, my brother and I were named after consulting an astrologer. So based on our chart, we both have names with St sound. Steeve and Stefanie. No one does that nowadays, except for the Hindu community. Being Indian, my family also consulted an astrologer before naming us. 

Choosing a name is very important for your destiny.  

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