Rakshasha nakshatra
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Rakshasha nakshatra

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What I remember is that someone with a Moon in Rakshasa could also partner with a partner who has moon in Nri?

Would that open up more options for the woman? Or is there a principle that would make this difficult?

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(@Anonymous 24687)
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Posts: 92

@cathy Ideally, it would be better for the female with a Rakshaha nakshatra to partner up with a male also with a Rakshaha nakshatra as he would just get her and why she reacts a certain way. Nri is ok but not with a Deva. A male with a Deva nakshatra would not understand why a female with a Rakshaha nakshatra reacts a certain way. As a female with a Rakshaha nakshatra, I felt most understood by males with a Rakshaha nakshatra and had the most painful experience with those with a Deva nakshatra. They think I should not express myself in a certain way but in a way that they feel comfortable with. It is very suffocating for a female when she is not able to express herself wholesomely but instead have to hold her feelings in order not to rock someone's else boat.

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Hello, Ernst
The program KALA shows Nakshatras in Mother Teresa's chart in a very strange way - in the chart the Moon is in Bharani, and in the table - the Moon is in Krittika

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I have seen this error in several other charts. How to work with it? What is correct - what is in the table or what is in the chart? And another question: with your ayanamsha, will the padas of nakshatras be different from those with Lahiri ayanamsha? For now, I am looking at the pada lords through Navamsha. Is this correct?

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Please email me about the kala error, that has been fixed and then I can send you a download link. kala@vedic-astrology.net

Ayanamsa will not impact how padas are related to navamsa. WHat will is if you ones dhruva or equatorial options for nakshatras or if one uses tropical rasis with sidereal nakshatras. 


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