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(@Anonymous 25164)
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Namaskaram Ernst,

Everyone is welcome to share their views on the subject as well.

I’ve noticed that people with rahu in the 9th house of the navamsha self identify as having ADHD often. I have this position too, and I can see how it would make sense and it seems impossible to make commitments sometimes. What is the solution to this? Should the client just live their life and burn out the karma of the ketu in the 3rd which I suppose would look something like constant experimentation and dabbling in many things. Because this position is so prominent (affecting main house of navamsha), I’ve noticed it is very difficult to deal with personally and socially for people. 


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I have Rahu in 9th of D1 and bad attention deficiency comorbid with other stuff. Been diagnosed since almost 3 decades. My 9th lord is also in very low digbala.

As Ernst says though, something like ADHD is not based on just one or two astrological factors you can point to.

I also have debilitated Mercury, and it, along with Saturn, is starving mars, which affects coordination, logic, and management.

There has been a notion in pop-vedic astrology, over the past few decades, that it is afflictions to the Moon that are the main indicators of ADHD.

With regard to vargas, I believe it might make more sense to look at the D30, D10, and D27 to look for details into something like ADHD rather than D9, but hopefully Ernst can clarify/correct.




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@mitryendra80 do you have sun starved by saturn, if so how badly?

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@cvkang0 Yes I do.

It is an opposition, with Sun giving Saturn a 47 virupa aspect. And that Sun is near zero digbala.

But I have other difficult things adding to the symptoms like debilitated Mercury in the 4th being thirsted by Moon, Saturn-Mars conjunction, Mars starved by Mercury, both by opposite aspect and by being rashi-lorded(same with Jupiter), and Kemadrum Moon with only a little lift from Venus in an opposite sign.

With low digbala Pisces Sun in 4th opposed by Saturn, Mercury in 4th, and Mars starved by Saturn, I developed one of the most vivid imaginations and ability to fantasize that I still often laugh out loud at the random things my vast, chaotic inner kingdom presents to the mind's eye, often during times of great tedium.

Always at odds with the world, especially with bad timing and disorganization.

Amit Bhat
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I have couple of clients with ADHD problem and both have mercury in enemy dignity and involved in dainya yoga consisting of 6th factors..

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@amit do they have sun starved by saturn? if so, how badly?

Amit Bhat
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Ra in 9th in d9 means person finds lack of meaning and purpose in life as they don't have much awareness about that...

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I have a haphazard and not yet tested theory that one of the contributing factors in ADHD and ADD is a troubled Mars. In my chart, Mercury is the weakest planet in terms of LAs and yet I have the ability to do tasks with lazer-sharp focus. I don't get distracted, if anything, I focus on my tasks to the point of blending anything else out (even my own physical and emotional needs). My Mars is exalted (though with Saturn). I've observed that a lot of people I've seen that have ADHD/ADD symptoms have a Mars that is troubled in some ways. I see them not being able to stay on task because they see other possibilities and follow those (often Mars starved by Mercury). As I said, this is something that I still need to test and I think it is only one factor of many.

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Amit Bhat
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I think it's not just weak mercury but weak mercury stuck in bad yogas too...

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I know and I was agreeing with you by providing an example of a "troubled" Mercury that does not give the effect of ADHD ;).

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