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Maybe it's a bit out of the question, but I remember from studying at the University how a lecturer, a former member of a very high organisation, confirmed the interesting fact that researchers and investigators in the special service were chosen at least in the past (probably even now) with very high vitality and strong psychological preconditions.

This is because a low-energy researcher or investigator does not have to achieve much if a criminal or, for some reason, a person of interest has a stronger energy and vitality than the researcher.

A very high-energy and vital researcher, supplemented by special training, has a rather frightening effect on the average person, already entering the room.

As some criminals have a very high level of energy, which also explains their success in being authoritative and successful among criminals, they are quite difficult to break.

I have the impression that the natal charts of many alleged witches and very successful researchers or investigators are quite often quite similar. 

They even seem to behave similarly in some ways, and are mostly skilled users of psychology as well. They can also intimidate people and read people's behavior, small details, are attentive. They like tricks, are quite obsessive about their authoritarianism, and tend to play obscure games.

It is also not uncommon for a reputable researcher or investigator to move to the "dark" side, and perhaps only a long time later his "hobbies" will be discovered. 

People have their own weaknesses, and when they think they are out of danger, they tend to exploit them. Some people's weakness is a sense of power and a desire to secure their position with very sensitive information that is dangerous to others.

True, there is always someone somewhere who has an even stronger vitality, a stronger, more capable, and subjective safe state can come up with a brutal solution.

Maybe it would be better not to do very important things if the condition is rather weak. Of course, this is not always possible, but example in the case of a good muhurta, one could also look at one's personal condition. If you are in very poor condition, a good muhurta may not be very effective.


I have also been involved in real estate consulting for a while, and while some people have complained that they have not been lucky in their transactions, I have delicately researched their condition during such periods. In most cases, they had some health problems, recent psychotraumas, or were otherwise below average. 

The opponent, ie the seller or the professional broker-dealer, has usually been a person of high vitality and condition, who was able to hide significant negative circumstances and incline the weaker person to an unfavorable transaction.

One could see a certain parallel from the archaic times, when the warriors tried to fast when possible, used certain herbs, potions and tried to raise themselves energetically.

Even in top sports, sometimes hear that someone are trying to beat opponent before the competition by trying to scare or otherwise disturb senses. It is also a disturbance of the energy level.



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@ayan This is interesting, as I remember several years ago a certain tropical Vedic astrologer sharing a story about how after sharing some online presentations of research and evidence for, and accuracy of, the tropical zodiac, a sidereal vedic astrologer who was offended contacted him claiming he had placed a tantric curse on him using the power of Saturn.

He got better.

And if there is a similarity between the charts of witches and powerful researchers and investigators, I would guess the 8th house would be involved as it deals with the occult as well as deep research.

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* warning, content about death, killings, etc *

Hello guys, I was looking in the forum for information regarding curses, because it is something I'm trying to figure out myself what's going on with my family... What I can share is that I heard that Pluto is also responsible for curses, especially in 4th house.. It is what I have in my chart, and when I talked with my parents, they actually admitted that my great great grandfather cursed his daughter because she married cruel guy who basically stole everything from them.. Also, there was another curse in my family, related to a heartbreak, the girl who was rejected by my grandfather cursed him not to have children.. Most of the boys in our family don't survive.. Once I came to visit my mom - that night I had a dream of a baby boy. I told this to my mom, she said she also had a dream of an older boy - maybe 3 years old, so we both had a dream the same night of two little boys. She admitted, that she was pregnant with two boys - one before me and one after me and they both didn't survive... I also barely survived while my mom was giving birth to me. Not to mention, there's death that was surrounding my family, my grandmother tried to kill herself while pregnant with my mom. When my mom was pregnant with me, my dad scared her by holding a gun pointing to her. My mom was so traumatized and I grew up being terrified to even talk to boys up until I was 18 and didn't even have any relationship until I was 24. I grew up with my mom, my aunt and my grandparents from mom's side. My dad left us when I was a baby, later he was killed. After my grandmother passed away, I was living with my mom and my aunt was living with my grandfather, her dad. They would always fight and suck each others energy, always live in tension. My aunt got into horrible car accident (not to mention she was always ill and sick since the day she was born), it was a miracle that she survived, because the car was completely destroyed.. Shortly after that, my grandpa decided to kill himself. 


When I was little girl, maybe 3-4 years old, I would constantly dream the same dream over and over again, where I would be flying in a dark void (I wouldn't have body, I would be like an energy myself) along with something similar to DNA, blue and red lines going forward. I would be rushing with them with such a terrifying feeling and tension to hurry up, to escape.. And then, suddenly everything would slow down like in a slow-motion and I would be forced against my will to turn back... As if some heavy heavy energy took me and turned me back.. And then I would see in that dark void like a ripped off colorful illustration from a cartoon poster - little house (reminds of my aunts house) and a bench on which man is sitting, head down, leaned on his arm... The feeling was so horrible and terrifying.. I remember that dream so vividly even after 26 years. 


Pretty recently my all life fell apart and I was forced to come back to my homecountry and to my mom... Both my mom and my aunt were so traumatized and they've been trying to hold onto me by manipulating me since childhood, guilt shaming, blaming etc, I fely like I was the parent. My mom especially sucks all the energy out of me.. I noticed that I have saturn rahu conjunction with my mom (my aunt and my grandpa also had it), and I noticed that I feel exactly like in that dream... No matter what I do, I'm always forced to come back and that dream becomes alive, everytime I need to come back I feel like I will die.. I understand that there is something deeply karmic about it and there's a reason why I'm forced to come back. I'm trying not to escape this darkness in my family what I was trying to do before, but instead, to understand this astrologically as well and heal, to swallow it up and not to project all these traumas on my children hopefully, so I could hopefully create a healthy environment for them as much as I can..  So, regarding astrology and curses - what I see in my own chart - I have active 6th house (Sun 26'18, Mars 21'05, Venus 26'13, Uranus 22'30, Neptune 21'03 in Capricorn), Pluto and Jupiter (8th house lord) in 4th house of ancestors, moon in 8th.. Also, I'm trying to figure out D12 as well.. So, that's my experience regarding curses and astrology so far...

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@kannessa-chan Thank you for your honest post.

I think this area needs more research and help, though there are various remedies and theories online, sometimes contradicting each other. And it seems that all contemporary vedic astrologers that deal with these deep-seated curses and doshas use the sidereal zodiac only. And the outer planets like pluto are not part of traditional Jyotish. But we do know now that Pluto can cause some of the most difficult problems.

It also seems that much of the more powerful upayas used as a blanket technique for the most diffcult curses are aimed at attaining mosksha, if your into that sort of thing.

I suffer from Pitru Dosha and a few other curses myself, which makes it hard to simply work on Rahu and Ketu and Lajittadi Avashthas and then move on with life. But you will often find Ra/Ke involved with these curses, especially ancestral ones, so that may be a key.

You may find some interesting information by using Jaimini for finding the "family deity" by judging the D9 and D12. But you will need to use your own intuition about what energies are represented and the myths behind them. As well as the spritual practice and attitude they represent.

And it never hurts to start feeding crows and fish!

And learn about shraddha and tarpanam, if you are able to.

It may also help to study the charts of close family members in addition to your own, to see if there are confluent patterns. For example, there is a theme in my family, both sides, of Leo being afflicted some how, and Saturn being conjunct one of its enemies.

Take care,



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@mitryendra80 Thank you for response. Could you please explain more on ''more powerful upayas used as a blanket technique for the most diffcult curses are aimed at attaining mosksha''?

Unfortunately, I don't have exact birth times of my family members except my aunts... However, what I noticed is for example my grandma had Ketu-Lilith-Saturn conjunction in Sagittarius, especially Ketu-Lilith is exact both in 3 degrees, Saturn 13 degrees. Her husband (my grandpa) would have Saturn-Moon conjunction in Sagittarius, one of their  daughter's (my aunt) would have Rahu-Lilith conjunction in Sagittarius, and other daughter (my mom), would have Moon-Lilith conjunction in Aquarius and Saturn-Venus conjunction again in Sagittarius. My north node would conjunct my mom's Saturn-Venus in Sagittarius and my mom's mars would conjunct my lilith (my lilith is in the 9th house). My dad had Saturn-Venus conjunction in Aquarius and his ketu was right on top of my 5 planets in Capricorn, especially on my Sun, Venus exact degree.. Also my aunt's ketu was conjunct her mom's (my grandmas) mars, and her rahu most probbaly was conjunct my grandmas moon. My aunt wanted to take care of her mom a lot, probably because of that Mars-Ketu connection from the past lives. So I noticed Sagittarius theme repeating here.. Also, my aunt has Ketu-Mars conjunction, also Saturn opposing sun. She would act as a general very often, forcing people to listen to her because ''she knows better'' with an iron fist. She admitted herself that she feels as if she was a general previous lifetime. It's nice however that she has this beautiful Nabhasa ''umbrella'' yoga, so she's a nice person, really cares about others and is a very well-known doctor, so she helps people in this lifetime, otherwise, I would say she would have been a brutal person probably, because she has these tendencies, probably coming from pas lives. Myself, I also feel that I was probably a soldier, I've been always attracted to guns, especially swords. Sometimes I would dream that I was slaying chinese warriors lined up... However, in this lifetime I try to avoid these things even though I'm attacted to it and I'm not an agressive person.. However the dynamics with my mom... Everytime I'm with her, we just trigger each other so much so I would have to walk out from the house as it seems we provoke each other so much... However, Im forced to stay with her at the moment and its probably because I had to come back into this pain so I would figure out whats going on and heal this.. Maybe then I'll be released from it I hope...

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@kannessa-chan So sorry for the late reply. I'll get to it shortly

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@kannessa-chan that all sounds pretty intense! I’m sorry that you’ve been dealing with all of this. Ultimately, it’s for your own development and evolution. If you’ve got the skills and talent (or can develop these), you may be able to use your life experience to help others that may be going through similar things/crisis (8th house). That would be a positive way to manifest these energies. 

I also have Pluto, Jupiter in the 4th with exalted Saturn (8th lord). That’s a combination for deep transformations and being able to help others go through the same. Shamans are such that they’re able to deal with the deepest parts of the psyche and help people transform/heal from traumas. This 8th house and 4th house combination can be able to guide people out of their problems because they’ve also had to walk that path. So we all have medicine to share with others and having this combination is a clue to the medicine that you can provide by healing your trauma that is deeply rooted in the DNA. 

look into the Jaimini techniques because that can be helpful. Also, there are many different healing modalities that you can choose from to help you move through this maze. But, it can be done…you can heal and in so doing, help your family (lineage) heal as well as others. The only way out is through meaning going through your own pain and arriving at the other side as a stronger, and more capable than before. Just as the caterpillar transforms and becomes the butterfly. 🙏🏻

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@suzanstars Thank you for your response and your compassion. It's nice to hear, that you overcame the difficulties and are helping others now, thats really powerful! 🙂 I also believe that we are given to experience things so we could transform and help others.. My aunt is a doctor in this lifetime and she helps others and I feel that I definitely want to help others as well.. I also have Saturn in Aquarius in 7th house conjunct my darakaraka Mercury, I also have been attracting partners who were requiring healing as much as I did. So I do see this as a deeply transformational process.. I also have Saturn going over my moon in 8th house at the moment, so I guess its just about the right time to heal this.. It's interesting I read some interesting facts about Ashlesha nakshatra in which my ascendant happens to fall, they say - swallowing the poison and transforming into the medicine in order to heal and heal others. 🙂

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