Eating disorder pla...
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Eating disorder planetary combo

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UPDATE: interestingly enough, I just got the answer to my own question as I was listening to Character effects of the Grahas (video 5, at approximately 1 hr and 17 minutes). For those interested:

Anorexia / Deny themselves food is a combo of emotional emptiness and food

1. emotional emptiness: Saturn in Cancer, in the 4th house or influencing the Moon AND

2. Saturn influencing the 2nd house or 2nd house lord. 

(also, Moon always rules food). 

Can lead to fluctuations between anorexia and bulimia


Hello Ernst and everyone,

I remember Ernst mentioning in a video that a specific combo indicates potential eating disorder. What I remember is Mars/Venus linked to the 2nd house could lead to anorexia type of issue but my memory might fail me and I can't find any notes on this specific topic. If anyone has that info, that would be great!

Thank you!


PS: the only notes I have are about the Sun in Cancer which can indicate eating disorders (12th position from its Moolatrikona potentially indicating self-denial and its own house is in the 2nd house from Cancer, so self-denial through food, but I believe there are other indications of issue with food)
