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Integrating a Rasi

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Joined: 5 years ago

Hi Ernst, 

You talk about integrating or healing a Rasi. Could you expand more upon it? Or have you covered it in one of your courses? 

Is it only in terms of where Rahu is, or is it also applicable to where Ketu and the other planets are? 

2 Replies
Posts: 588
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Joined: 5 years ago

Hi Ernst,

I am also curious about this post responding to my question about growing out of the habit of dwelling from within our Moon sign vs evolving into, and living from, our Sun sign:

"We don't need to spend more time in our sun energy, we need to make the growth that allows us to spend more time in our sun energy. Those are two very different things, one is real, the other is hypocrisy. I will make a youtube video explaining all this more soon and also add it to the rahu and ketu course as its connected with the nodes. - Ernst " 



Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

The rasis have to be used healthily. Any troubled lajjitaadi planet will cause us to use a rasi in an unhealthy way. Rahu and ketu rasis are used with extremes, to much ketu at the expense of two little rahu and so there is imbalance in life that ends up causing a lot of chaos. 

the best thing to focus on is the jaimini results of the rasi, this is how the rasi is meant to be used. 
