Overcoming a diffic...
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Overcoming a difficult chart

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I wonder about the thoughts about and experience of everyone when it comes to overcome a difficult chart.

A person close to me has a severely afflicted Moon, and is therefore struggling hard to find a way to let the consiousness shining through as indicated by her nakshatras. Low Shadbala, bad influence by Saturn and the Moon in the 8th makes it really hard.

Personally I have a chart with several difficult indications, but not only do I have both Moon and the Lagna in vargottama, but I do also have an impecable Moon, which now explains to me why I´ve managed to find a fulfilling spot in life, after many years of hard struggle.

What do you think about hardships as a motivation to overcome one´s chart and shine despite the odds? What do you think about praying, shamanic kind of experiences and other spiritual and healing practices to put bad predictions at shame? Ernst teaches us that bad lajjitaadhi avasthas indeed are possible to overcome, since they are related to the Wind element. But what about a bad Moon and troublesome nakshatra indications?

Basically: Do we have the capacity to go beyond astrology? Would that mean that we become illuminated or / a / God? Luc Besson´s movie Lucy with Scarlet Johansson from some ten years ago would illustrate that, in an extreme way of course...


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@staffan I think being aware of what's going on in your chart already helps a lot. Hang onto good things that your chart indicates : ) As Ernst says, some souls come to purge that ''bad karma'' more intensely than other ones in this lifetime, so it's a good thing 🙂 Myself, I have moon in 8th house in Pisces, aspected by rahu. My relationship with mom was so painful, so extremely unstable. Not to mention all the other horror stories in my family.. I just accepted that there is a reason why things are like that. I think acceptance and understanding is relieving and liberating, it doesn't mean that you should give up, however, all these experiences do purify the soul and the key is just to hang onto good things, even though it might not be easy sometimes : ) 

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Thank you. My Moon is actually excellent, alone in the 4th house, vargottama and with good Shadbala, which to me explains why it has been possible to me to come down on my feet in a really nice fashion due to an otherwise tough chart. My Moon is in Uttarphalguna, so it wasn´t until I met the woman with whom I really share my life´s vision with though, even if parenting two boys with my previous woman worked really well too - that part of life we shared.

It´s my daughter I´m worried about. She has her Moon in her 8th house like you and your story reminds me about her. Her Moon nakshatra is the listening Sravana, so even if her Moon has very low ShadBala I pray for her hearing my prayers and chants...

I thank you for your answer but it wasn´t exactly what I was asking about. Burning karma - of course. The question was and remains another - whether it´s possible or not to go beyond that. I take your answer as a vote for the "no" option, and I guess most people would agree with you.  And maybe you are right. What I´m wandering is whether someone has any experience of healing beyond that.


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@staffan I haven't gone beyond that myself yet, so I can't confirm that, however, I believe that it is possible and there are people who have done that , I hope you'll get your answer : ) P.s. I believe that moon in 8th house can also be powerful if you learn how to handle it, it can turn into a great gift : )

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@kannessa-chan That is my hope. And to a degree, also what I believe is going to happen. But she´s been on the verge of despair, that I know. On the other hand: Perhaps it´s only there where you can find true strength to raise and go above.

Thank you

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@staffan hi, sorry about your daughter’s despair. If her moon is in Shravana, perhaps use things that she can listen to such as things with subliminal positive messages. Has she tried hypnosis? Is her moon conjunct any planet? Has she tried Bach flower remedies or essential oils? What has she tried to work with this moon? 

I don’t believe that it’s just our fate to live out what’s in the chart because I just don’t see a real point to that. We have MANY different healing modalities available to use at our disposal…probably too many for one lifetime. We also focus a lot of counseling based on Lajjitaadi Avasthas because we can change our reaction to our experiences and our habits. That takes awareness and training ourselves. If a person is enlightened, they go beyond the chart because they tested out of the class and graduated to being the co-creator of their life. 

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@suzanstars Unfortunately I was separated from my daughter 12 years ago and our contact is very limited. So I can´t recommend her any healing. What I can do - and I do it - is to pray and chay for her, and heal at a distance. It helps, that I know. I´m an intense period healing her right now, and I know it gets to her. Also I got the message that her cousin of the same age is in a similar situation and that they are meant to heal together. So I pray for both of them and feel that them being together brings comfort and security to her too.

I very much like the point you are making that what would the meaning be of everything, were we just doomed.

That we are cocreative. Some things are fixed, other are negotiable, even if only the lajjitaadi avasthas are relatively easily fixed.

At the end of the day that is what gives human life dignity, isn´t it? That we are allowed to cocreate.

Thank you!


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@staffan that’s good. I also believe that if you also heal whatever you need to heal within yourself, that helps her heal. It helps the lineage whenever we heal ourselves.

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@suzanstars Absolutely, your are right and it´s good that you point that out. Also the other way round: After having to leave the country where we lived I had several tough years building a new life with my other kids and second wife in a third country, in which none of us where born. That defnitely cast a shadow over my daughter too, even though we weren´t in touch in the physical world. We are very connected. Once, when she was around 10 years old, I got a very detailed vision in a moment when I was doing something with her, and started sharing it to her. It turned out that she had seen the same thing in the same moment and confirmed it down to the least details. A bizarre vision that you can hardly just make up.

So yes, my healing is crucial for her. I´m now married to a healer woman and most of my life is focused on that.


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@staffan that’s wonderful to hear! 😊
