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Overlaying vargas

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I´m following Vic Dicaras short videos about the planets in signs right now. I think that your teaching and his are wonderfully complementary, it´s similar to the privilege of having two eyes - it gives depth to the information.

Anyway... He speaks about the importance of bearing in mind how not only the aspects but also the vargas alter the interpretation of a placement. I guess that´s a very fundamental technique and that you agree on that?

Now to my concrete question: I imagine it´s is like in photoshop; the vargas are like multiple layers letting information shining through. So let´s say I have my Venus in Aquarius, which happens to be the case, and that it´s in Scorpio in the Navamsa. How much would you roughly said that my Venus has Aquarius traits, and how much does the Scorpio influence from the Navamsa shine through? My guess: 70 % from the Rasi chart and 30 % from the Navamsa. Is that a reasonable way of reasoning, and do you agree about the degree of influence from each Varga?

Maybe you speak about this in some of your courses, but I haven´t stumbled upon it yet.

PS. I see that you are back being active in the LA course. I expect new insights!

Best regards


4 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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Thats not a valid question because it does not work that way. Asking how much rasi is and how much navamsa is is not a valid question because that's not the entire picture. One answer is the navamsa is 1/8 and the rasi is 1/4, and then the hora, drekkana, trimsamsa, dwadasamsa and saptamasa are 1/8 as well. Thats a valid answer when using the subha Phala strength. What I am trying to show you is that what you are asking is a complex question that also requires the context. 

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Yep, that was nagging me; "how do we then valuate the other vargas?" So looking just at the Rasi chart, and even the Rasi and Navamsa together, is fairly simplistic then. But OK, at least the Rasi it´s the only place where we get information about the planetary relations, so that makes it really important.

Thank you!


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Hi Mattias,

maybe you want to check out

* Vimshopaka (which Ernst here has under "predicting with avasthas" if I recall that right)
* Vaiseshikamsa


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You are right Christian, I remember that course and Vimshopaka. Wonderful tool, but yes, I kind of forgot it. Will refresh that! (And yes, now that you say it - it really tells us what Vargas are the most important, I remember that now! Hadn´t connected those dots.)

Vaiseshikamsa - is that also in that course?

Thank you!

