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Hi Ernst and everyone,

How are accidents indicated in the birth chart? Someone I know had an accident where they fell down a staircase, got a concussion and broke their arm. I have their chart and am trying to see why this happened astrologically.

Since she fell, my first thought was to look for anything related to Sagittarius (fall from heights). However, in this person's Rasi, nothing is currently aspecting Sag.

I looked at the other Vargas and saw that of the other Vargas, Sa is in Sag with 8th and 2nd cusp in the d30 (R/30), aspected by Ma in Virgo. They were running Sag/Virgo when this happened.

It seemed to me that Mars and the 8th could indicate sudden accidents. Is that right?

How do I find when and why this accident happened on March 26th? Or is this going to be beyond my skill level at this point?

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(@Anonymous 21669)
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Funny that you are asking this question, it has been a strange week for me. But this morning, I was outside when I heard a loud and ODD crackling - soon as I realized what it was - I tried to clear the area with my dog.  Well I was just missed but grazed by the fall of an oak tree! Some portion of it took me to the ground, and surrounded my dog, who jumped past what I call the "Kill spot". If either of us had been maybe another foot from where we were it would have been lights out, or minimum permanent damage.  

My first thought was Jupiter, seems wood is somehow related.  BUT I think trees would be, Saturns dominion and since Venus, Saturn and Mars are conjoined in my 8th house at the current moment, let's say 8th house!  Probably doesn't help that my AK is combust now too. (BTW - is in Sagittarius in D9)

Hopefully someone will give you a better response, but I am curious what her Swamsa is. Is her AK in Sagittarius in D9?


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@ltmoon Thanks for sharing! Were you able to narrow it down further?

I suspected her Svamsa would be Sagittarius at first, too. But that wasn't it, unfortunately.

(@Anonymous 21669)
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@francesca Well fortunately for me it was just a "near miss" LOL!  And I luckily don't have a Ma/Sa starved connection. Mercury is my AK and showing up in all dasa right now. Running Sa/Me/Sa in Vimshottori.  Checked Yogini per Ernst hint and see Sa/Me/Ve, which connects.

The event happened with Ve/Sa/Ma all transiting my 8th. Ve is in Virgo my 3rd in the D1 and Sa in the 9th. I don't have a "great" Mars but it's not heavily afflicted, at least not in the D1 so I guess the broken bone was not in my chart! 

As far as Sag goes, connections in D1 Ke there, in D9 Me there and in D30 Mo (lagna lord) there. I'm not "accident prone" in the clumsy sort of way - but have definitely taken a few falls, and watched a few too.  And apparently it wasn't my day to die, just scare me into thinking about it! 

Ernst Wilhelm
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Accidents are indciated by mars, the 6th and 8th house. 8th house accidents are accidents that are unexpected and usually leave a permanant mark, such as a broken bone. Breaks are ruled by the 8th, bruises by the 6th. Sag is the sign that causes accidents. 

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Ok, cool, so I was about halfway there and had Mars, the 8th (there were broken bones), and Sag right.

How do I look for activation? Do you use both Vimshottari and Jaimini Cara Dasa for this? Do I also look at transits?

And, if it's not shown in the Rasi and I see the accident causing combination in the d30, is it ok to look at other Vargas?

This is what I'm confused about:

This person is running Sag/Virgo/Leo. There's nothing in Sag in the Rasi. There, Sag is actually nicely manifested and Rasi aspected by both Ju and Me from Gemini and Me from Virgo. Mars is starved, but mostly by Mercury.

The Varga with the most malefics in Sag, Virgo, and Leo is th d30.

The d30 also seems pertinent because it's health related and they did suffer a concussion and broke their arm, i. e. there was real concrete damage to their body and their health suffered.

In the d30, Sag has: 2nd and 8th cusp + Sa, Rasi aspected by Ma in Virgo

Leo has: Ve/Ju/Ke/Ra

The exact day they had the accident, they either ran Sg/Vi/Leo/Cn or Sg/Vi/Leo/Ge.

I think it's more likely that Gemini was the 4th level dasa. But I can't figure out what exactly caused it then because no planet was exactly aspecting Ma, their 8th cups, or Sag in either the Rasi or the d30.



Ernst Wilhelm
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Posts: 3502

@francesca yes, use the D30 for accidents and use vimshottari and niryana and yogarda dasas.

Ernst Wilhelm
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@francesca also yogini dasa works for accidents

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@ernst Thanks, Ernst!

Ernst Wilhelm
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also, mars starving saturn makes people accident prone as well especially if in the 8th, 3rd or 9th. 3rd and 9th as those are houses of motion and accidetns happen usually while moving. 

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@ernst Same question as always... Houses or cusps? The cusp for concrete things, and an accident is concrete, so the cusp I guess... But I´ve got my Mars in the 5th house conjunct the 6th cusp and despite an active life with biking, skiing, hiking etc I have very seldom had any accidents. Not once have I had to go to the hospital, so far.


Ernst Wilhelm
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@meyes either, but mars does not afflict the 6th, only a bad mars afflicts the 6th, otherwise mars in 6th actually protects the body.

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@ernst Obviously, how stupid of me! Thanks Ernst! And how true it is; fell from a BMX-bicycle in rather high speed a few months ago; only bruises when I could easily have broken everything.


(@Anonymous 21669)
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Posts: 93

@ernst Using the info you've provided I did some chart studies. WOW - so many charts with mars starving saturn that had/have accidents!!! Also, did a quick look at some celebs including Buddy Holly, Stevie Ray Vaughn and Christopher Reeve.  Again ALL confirmed in astrology using the above factors.  

Do you recall where you might have used Christopher Reeve chart as a lesson?

I'd be interested in looking into the discussion of that case study, extremely interesting chart for this subject.  On the day of his accident he was running Sa/Ju/Ju in Yogini - In his D1 Jupiter pada is Pisces his 8th house also there is Upa Pada!  Vimshottari - running Mo/Mo/Me/Sa also interesting, as Mo is joined Mars in Sag (accidents) and Sa, Ve, Su and Me all in Libra his 3rd house.  

Thank you for all the information!

Ernst Wilhelm
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Posts: 3502

@ltmoon I used reeves chart somewhere, but i dont remember where. I also talked about this in the longevity course on short life charts that ended in mars maturation. If you see saturn mars you have to bewar eof mars and saturn maturations.

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Yikes! But I know,

In the vehicle varga(my d16) I have Mars and Saturn in Sagittarius, the 7th house of the varga. And that Saturn is in an 8th house misery yoga exchange with a debilitated Jupiter (my d1 lagna lord). And have a Mars-Saturn conjunction in the d1 as well, conjunct Jupiter.

I am also a Sag. ascendant and I'm naturally drawn and attracted to people with Mars in Sag. near my asc. cusp for some reason.

