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planetary dignities

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moon is debilitated in the whole sign of Scorpio? i know it has its highest point.

And  mercury, is it debilitated in the whole sign of Pisces? Or is it only in one point?

These two planets are a bit confusing


thank you 

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Debilitation: 0-3 degree Scorpio

Deep Debilitation: 3 degree Scorpio



Debilitation: 0-15 degree Pisces

Deep Debilitation: 15 degree Pisces

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@rajan so what happens to moon in 3-30 degree scropio?

And mercury in 15-30 degree Pisces?

how do we decide the dignities?


thank you 🙂

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Moon's dignity in Scorpio 3-30 degrees:  Scorpio's Lord Mars is naturally Neutral towards the Moon, so if :

- Mars in the Chart is in temporary friend position : Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Libra, Virgo, Leo - then dignity of the Moon is F=Friendly

- Mars in the chart is in a temporary enemy position: Scorpio, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo - then Moon's dignity is E = Enemy


Mercury's dignity in Pisces 15-30 degrees: Pisces's Lord Jupiter is naturally Neutral towards Mercury, so if:

- Jupiter in the Chart is in a temporary friend position: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius - then Mercury's dignity is F=Friendly

- Jupiter in the chart is in a temporary enemy position: Pisces, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio - then Mercury's dignity is E=Enemy 

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@mirela i am confused now 🙁

lets just talk about the debilitation of moon and mercury

are they debilitated in the whole sign of scorpio and pisces ?

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@khan No, it's not. Unless you decide it is. There are 2 options in Kala and I believe Ernst recommends to use Moon 0-3 Scorpio and Mercury 0-15 Pisces. Beyond that, combined friendship rules apply, like Mirela described above.

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@mona thank you 🙂

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@khan Dr. Rajan and Mona are right as far as I know.

I was just trying to answer your additional question as to what were de dignities beyond 0-3 Scorpio for Moon and 0-15 Pisces for Mercury.

Ernst's manual GRAHA SUTRAS has the "Dignities" chapter at page 307, and he presents dignities table on page 309.

Kala has 2 calculation options: the one recommended by Ernst per Parashara, and another option for the astrologers that prefer to use the whole sign of Scorpio and Pisces for DB of Moon, and Mercury, respectively.

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@mirela thank you 🙂

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To clarify what Mirela and Dr. Rajan is saying, lets do an example. Let's say we have Moon in Scorpio at 16:50, this is an Acquarius Ascendant with Mars in it. Since Moon is not within 3 degrees in Scorpio, it is not in debilitation. Now lets figure out its combined dignity. Moon is neutral in Mars natural relationship and friend in temporal relationship (Mars is 3 houses from Moon in Acquarius). So i would say this Moon has a friend dignity in Scorpio



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@tuyetv so basically with any other planets when its not in the debilitation degree, we can use the combined dignity to get its dignity?


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It goes back to your original confusion regarding Moon and Mercury.

Just note the following points for easier retention:

1. Exaltation and Debilitation range and deep points always mirror each other. Hence whatever is the range of exaltation for a graha, same will be the range of debilitation, in exactly opposite sign

2. Other than Moon and Mercury, the remaining 5 grahas are exalted and debilitated in their entire 30 degrees of respective signs. For example, Mars is exalted in entire Capricorn and debilitated in entire Cancer. Additionally they have deep Exaltation and Debilitation points, but to begin with, just consider entire sign as the exaltation and debilitation.

Hence for them, you do not need to bother about friendship for finding dignity in those signs.

3. Moon and Mercury have unique points, so you need to remember that as explained above by everyone.

Like Moon is exalted only in 0-3 degree Taurus, hence its debilitated only in 0-3 degree Scorpio. Beyond that, just treat is as being in the sign of Mars (Natural neutral to Moon).

For Mercury, exaltation is 0-15 degree Virgo, so debilitation is 0-15 degree Pisces. Beyond 15 degree in Pisces, consider it being in the sign of Jupiter (Natural to Mercury)


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@rajan thank you for this, Now I understand it fully 🙂 and I feel exalted too 🙂

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@rajan here is one more thing I am uncertain about.

PLanetary dignities in the divisional charts.

can you help ?


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There are 2 methods by which one can deduced dignity in divisional charts:

1. Consider the temporary friendship based on relative position of the lord of the house in the divisional chart. Eg. Sun in Scorpio and Mars in Aquarius in that varga- then Sun is in Great Friend's Rasi (Natural Friend + Temporary Friend)
2. The other way is to consider the temporary friendship based on relative position of the grahas in the Rasi chart (D-1). For same example as above, check the relation between Sun and Mars in D-1, so lets say if Sun is in Libra and Mars is in Aries in D-1, then the dignity of Sun is Neutral (Natural Friend + Temporary Enemy)

  • Ernst prefers to follow the 2nd method (as Rasi chart position is the actual spatial position in the space)
  • Exaltations and Debilitations follow the standard rules.


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@rajan is mooltrikona also applicable in the divisional charts?

thank you for your kindness 🙂

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Yes, all the dignities are applicable in divisional charts as well.

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@rajan using the second method.

Basically whatever the dignity the planet is in the D1 chart, its the same dignity in the divisional chart?

For example if sun is in a great friend sign in the D 1 chart, then if its in that same sign in a divisional chart, its automatically in a great friend's sign?


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Your example statement is correct but not the main statement. Approach it this way: To find the Temporal Relationship

1. Find the lord of the rasi where Sun is placed in the Varga chart.

2. Locate that graha in the Rasi chart

3. Check it's relative position from Sun in the rasi chart and based on that determine the temporal relationship

4. Then combine that relationship with Natural relationship to determine the final dignity.

In the attached example, in D-7, Saturn is in the sign of Mars. We then check their relative positions in D-1 --> Mars is Temporal Enemy to Saturn in D-1 (being in 1-7 relation in D-1)

Hence dignity of Saturn in D-7: Natural Enemy + Temporal Enemy = Great Enemy

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@rajan thank you so much 🙂

blessings to you always

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@khan Using the second method, if I understand correctly:

- you use the natural friendship for each varga

- you use the temporary friendship from the D1. 

I checked Kala and it seems to be programmed this way. For example, in my D12:

- I have Moon in Virgo ruled by Mercury, therefore natural friend. 

- Mercury in Pisces, 7 signs away, so technically, Moon's dignity would be neutral (natural friend + temporary enemy = neutral)

- But, Kala shows my Moon to be in a great friend dignity, this is because in my D1, Mercury is 3 signs away from the Moon. Natural friend + temporary friend = great friend). 

Thanks for asking the question, I had never noticed 😉



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@mona blessings to you always 🙂

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You memorize the exaltation, moolatrikona and debilitation of each planet and the rest you use the general combined relationship of the planet rules to determine the dignity. That is how i do it


